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  • When you go to your favorite restaurant after a hard long days of work and you take that first bite into your favorite meal

  • you feel great. When you get an amazing grade after studying for that exam that you pulled

  • two all nighters for you feel amazing. And when you get that promotion that you've been

  • eyeing at for a couple of years already, you feel phenomenal. But even when you open up

  • your laptop and you go on some raunchy website, and you masturbate to porn, you feel good

  • too. These are all rewards. But the thing about the act of PMO (watching porn, masturbating,

  • and eventually reaching orgasm) that separates itself from the rest of the crowd , is the

  • fact that you don't really have to work for it. It is virtually effortless to obtain.

  • Let's put things into perspective. In order to get that satisfying feeling that comes

  • with getting a good grade, you have to go to class. You have to take semi-decent notes.

  • And eventually you have to study. This requires a significant amount of time and effort. Watching

  • porn on the other hand is easy. You open up your laptop and you click your mouse a couple

  • of times until you find a video that you like. And instantaneously you can reward yourself

  • with pleasure. On top of that, porn and masturbation triggers one of the most powerful and pleasureful

  • rewards your body can naturally give itself, the orgasm. It's a reward that is normally

  • only achievable by meeting a potential mate, coming off as an attractive mate, and eventually

  • growing the balls to make a move and having sex. Nowadays it's available at the click

  • of a button. If you could get an A on any test by just clicking a button would you ever

  • put in the time to study? If you could lose weight or gain muscle with the click of a

  • button, would you ever go to the gym? Would you ever adjust your diet? If you could get

  • any girl or guy with the click of a button, would you go out and socialize? Would you

  • try to make yourself more attractive? Would you even approach members of the opposite

  • sex? See people who masturbate and watch porn a lot often report lower levels of motivation

  • and energy. This is because one of the most pleasurable things in nature is already in

  • arms reach, at the CLICK OF A BUTTON. There's been a movement in the past couple of years

  • that's gathered a lot of momentum going on called the NoFap movement. It's members try

  • to resist the temptations of porn and masturbation , that is literally plastered all over the

  • place in modern society. The majority of it's members who stop PMO for over 30 days have

  • reported some of the following benefits. Increased levels of motivation. Increased energy levels.

  • And increased confidence in social interactions. See when you tell your body that, "No, you're

  • only ever going to get this tasty, beautiful, pleasureful reward if you actually go out

  • there and earn it," your body will start to adjust so that it becomes possible. It's going

  • to give you the energy and the motivation that you need for that journey. So stop rewarding

  • yourself today for doing absolutely nothing and you will see a change. And it's not just

  • watching porn that can have this effect. There's other rewards out there that can have a similar

  • detrimental effect to your lifestyle. Things like sugary foods, video games, drugs, and

  • even alcohol. These things are all forms of instant gratification. They're to easy to

  • obtain and they provide short bursts of pleasure. And the reason people who do NoFap find themselves

  • on the path of success or on a path of upward growth, is not just because they don't watch

  • porn or masturbate. It's actually because they've retaught themselves how to put in

  • TIME and EFFORT before reaping REWARDS. To put in work in order to succeed. To exercise

  • in order to feel healthy. To study in order to feel smarter. To meditate in order to feel

  • happier and many other examples. What members of NoFap are actually doing, is they're forcing

  • themselves TO SUCCEED in order to FEEL PLEASURE. When you reward yourself for doing nothing

  • all of the time, you'll find that your mentality will be just like that of a dog who is given

  • too many treats. Lazy and Unmotivated.

  • Ask yourself this:


When you go to your favorite restaurant after a hard long days of work and you take that first bite into your favorite meal


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

NoFapの人が成功者になる理由 (Why The People Of NoFap Become Successful)

  • 37 3
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日