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  • Youve been accused of a crime you did not commit.


  • It’s impossible to prove your innocence.


  • If you insist that youre innocent anyway, youll likely be found guilty and executed.


  • But if you confess, apologize, and implicate others for good measure, youll go free.


  • Do you give a false confession, or risk a public hanging?


  • This was the choice facing those accused of witchcraft, in the village of Salem, Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693.

    これは、1692 年 2 月から 1693 年 5 月の間にマサチューセッツ州のセイラム村で魔女の罪で告発された人々が直面した選択でした。

  • They were the victims of paranoia about the supernatural, misdirected religious fervor, and a justice system that valued repentance over truth.


  • Salem was settled in 1626 by Puritans, a group of English protestants.

    セイラムには 1626 年にイギリスのプロテスタントの集団であるピューリタンが定住しました。

  • Life was strict and isolated for the people of Salem.


  • Battles with their Native American neighbors and groups of French settlers were commonplace.


  • People feared starvation and disease, and relations between villagers were strained.


  • To make matters worse, 1692 brought one of the coldest winters on record.

    さらに悪いことに、1692 年には記録的な寒さの冬を迎えました。

  • That winter, two cousins, 9-year-old Betty Parris and 11-year-old Abigail Williams, started behaving very strangely.

    その冬、いとこ同士の2 人、9 歳のベティ・パリスと 11 歳のアビゲイル・ウィリアムズは、非常に奇妙な行動をとり始めました。

  • A physician found nothing physically wrong, but diagnosed the girls as underan evil hand.”


  • Puritans believed that the Devil wreaked havoc in the world through human agents, or witches, who blighted nature, conjured fiendish apparitions, and tormented children.


  • As news swept through the village, the symptoms appeared to spread.


  • Accounts describe 12 so-called "afflicted" girls contorting their bodies, having fits, and complaining of prickling skin.

    記録によると、12 人のいわゆる「苦しんでいる」少女たちが体をねじらせて発作を起こし、皮膚がチクチクすると訴えていたと言います。

  • Four of the girls soon accused three local women of tormenting them.

    そのうちの 4 人の少女はすぐに、地元の女性達 3 人が彼女達を苦しめていると告発しました。

  • All three of the accused were considered outsiders in some way.


  • On February 29, the authorities arrested Sarah Good, a poor pregnant mother of a young daughter, Sarah Osbourne, who had long been absent from church and was suing the family of one of her accusers, and Tituba, an enslaved woman in Betty Parris’s home, known by her first name only.

    2 月29 日、当局は、幼い娘を持つ貧しい妊娠中の母親であるサラ・グッド、長年教会を休んでおり、告発者の 1 人の家族を訴えていたサラ・オズボーン、そしてベティ・パリスの家で使用人をしていたティテュバ (名字は不明) を逮捕しました。

  • Tituba denied harming the girls at first.


  • But then she confessed to practicing witchcraft on the Devil's orders, and charged Good and Osbourne with having forced her.


  • Osbourne and Good both maintained their innocence.


  • Osbourne died in prison, while Good's husband turned against her in court, testifying that she "was a witch or would be one very quickly".


  • Good's 4-year-old daughter was imprisoned and eventually gave testimony against her mother.

    グッドの 4 歳の娘は投獄され、最終的には母親に不利な証言をしました。

  • Meanwhile, Good gave birth in jail.


  • Her baby died, and she was convicted and hanged shortly thereafter.


  • Tituba was held in custody until May, and then released.

    ティテュバは 5 月まで拘留され、その後釈放されました。

  • These three victims were just the beginning.

    この 3 人の被害者は 始まりに過ぎませんでした。

  • As accusations multiplied, others, like Tituba, made false confession to save themselves.


  • The authorities even reportedly told one accused witch that she would be hanged if she did not confess, and freed if she did.


  • They were not particularly interested in thoroughly investigating the charges.


  • In keeping with their church's teachings, they preferred that the accused confessed, asked for forgiveness, and promised not to engage in more witchcraft.


  • The court accepted all kinds of dubious evidence, including so-called "spectral evidence", in which the girls began raving when supposedly touched by invisible ghosts.


  • Complicating matters further, many of the jurors in the trials were relatives of the accusers, compromising their objectivity.


  • Those who dared to speak out, such as Judge Nathaniel Saltonstall, came under suspicion.


  • By the spring of 1693, over a hundred people had been imprisoned, and 14 women and 6 men had been executed.

    1693 年の春までに 100 人以上が投獄され、14人の女性と6人の男性が処刑されました。

  • By this time, accusations were starting to spread beyond Salem to neighboring communities, and even the most powerful figures were targets.


  • When his own wife was accused, the governor of Massachusetts colony suspended the trials.


  • Sentences were amended, prisoners released, and arrests stopped.


  • Some have speculated that the girls were suffering from hallucinations caused by fungus, or a condition that caused swelling of the brain.


  • But ultimately, the reason for their behavior is unknown.


  • What we do know is that adults accepted wild accusations by children as hard evidence.


  • Today, the Salem Witch Trials remain a cautionary tale of the dangers of groupthink and scapegoating and the power of fear to manipulate human perception.


  • Weaponized accusations of witchcraft were around for millennia before reaching the village of Salem.

  • Travel to the ancient city of Alexandria and follow the tragic story of Hypatia, a renowned scholar and political advisor brought down by a charge of witchcraft

Youve been accused of a crime you did not commit.



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