字幕表 動画を再生する
Right, roasted vegetables.
Roasted vegetables are fantastic. Absolutely amazing. The theory is pretty simple.
Parboil your veg, salt and pepper, yes, little bit of olive oil, bit of herbage, and then vinegar or acid is really important, I think, in roasting veg.
野菜を湯通しして、塩、コショウ、オイルとハーブをさっとからめる あとはビネガー。すっぱさはかなり重要だ。
No one does it, I think it makes it, makes it, makes it.
What I'm gonna do is, in the bowl, I flick in my salt and pepper, rip up some whole sage leaves, maybe tear up and muller up.
まずボウルに 塩とコショウをチャッといれる セージをちぎって...ぶちこんで
We've got the nice white wine vinegar, a good old lashing of that.
We've got some olive oil, just enough to coat the carrots, and then we've got our lovely carrots, and then we've got mister garlic.
オリーブオイルもかけよう。人参にからまるくらいね。かわいい人参ちゃんの登場だ ニンニク君も入れちゃう。
So look in there, right, we've got everything going.
Start tossing it up.
I've got me (my) roasting tray here.
さて 暖めておいたトレーに こっちにも、もう少しオリーブオイルをいれておこう あとは並べていくだけだ。
I'll put a bit of olive oil just to get them all going in there, and you just lay them, like that, and there you go: there's that carrot story.
こんな感じかな こんなんでいいだろ。人参はこれでOKだ。
We start again.
So we go, salt and pepper, orange this time, and then we got thyme, and then you got your purple carrots.
塩、コショウ、今度はオレンジ ハーブはタイムだ。今度はパープルキャロットね。
Olive oil.
We can put these here, and they shouldn't affect each other too much with the old flavor.
You know the juices might sort of go here and there, but that's not the end of the world.
ジュースも入れよう 混ざっちゃうけど まぁ、別に気にしないだろ。
Salt and pepper, marjoram, oregano, let's go the lighter beetroots, red wine vinegar
塩、コショウ、マジョラム、オレガノ、次は、小さめのビートルートだ 赤ワインビネガー。
Olive oil.
Let's have the rest of that garlic; make my life easier and just cut the whole fella up.
The garlic, herb vinegar, salt, pepper, marjoram: That's gonna be joy, an absolute joy to eat.
So we take that... and put that there.
Finish with the purple beets.
Salt and pepper, rosemary - take off whole leaves - balsamic vinegar, tiny bit of olive oil, and mix that up in your hand.
ローズマリー 葉っぱ全部いれちゃおう。バルサミコ酢 オリーブオイルを少し 素手で混ぜていく。
And I'm just going to put that at the end here - that is exciting.
All I have to do now is pop it in a roasting hot oven about two hundred and twenty for about twenty minutes/ half an hour, or, until lovely, golden, and sizzling.
後は 熱いオーブンにいれるだけだ大体 220 度くらいかな 20 分か 30 分、こんがりジュージューなるくらいね
So just keep your eye on them.
Look at that.
That is roast veg.
So if you have gone to the trouble of growing your own beets, carrots, veggies, you know this is a lovely way to sort of send them off in a good way.
You know, bit of respect. Bravery. Simplicity.
Look at that.
Full of life, and that's what cooking should be about isn't it, being full of life.