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You want your business emails to appear professional and use the right language.
It's especially important when applying for jobs online, as you want to make a good first impression.
Here are some simple tips to help you with both formal and informal messages.
Before you begin writing your email, consider whether you know the reader or not.
e メールでメッセージを書き始める前に、読み手となる相手の人物を知っているかどうかを考えましょう。
When you don't know the reader well or you want to be polite, it's best to be formal.
For example, business emails, job applications, and emails to big companies.
If you know the reader well and it's not a business context, you can use informal language.
You would probably be informal if you were sending a birthday message to a friend, for example.
Of course, the formality of the situation may depend on the country or culture you're in.
It's a good idea to get familiar with that culture before deciding how formal or informal you want to be.
A formal email in the UK will usually begin with a formal starting phrase, such as "Dear Mr. Piper," or "Dear Sir or Madam," if you don't know the name of the reader.
イギリスでフォーマルなメールを書く場合、通常、正式な書式で書き始めます。例えば、”Dear Mr. Piper”、または受け取り手の名前が分からない場合は”Dear Sir or Madam”などです。
You should also use an appropriate formal ending phrase, such as "Yours sincerely," when you know the reader, or "Yours faithfully," when you don't.
また、正式な書式で締めくくらなければなりません。例えば、相手を知っている場合は”Yours sincerely”、知らない場合は”Yours faithfully”となります。
You can use more casual phrases in an informal email.
If you're sending a message to a friend or family member, you might begin with a simple "Hi," or "Hello," and finish with "Thanks," "See you soon," or "Cheers,".
友人や家族にメッセージを送るなら、簡単に”Hi”とか、”Hello”で書き始めて大丈夫ですよ。そして”Thanks”や、”See you soon”、または”Cheers”で締めくくることが可能です。
It is conventional to use a comma and start a new line after any opening and closing phrases.
This is true whether you are being formal or informal.
You should also be careful using slang phrases or emojis, as these are very informal.
For example, you should never use a smiley face in a job application, even if you want to show that you are a very friendly person.
You should also avoid typing in all capitals, as it looks like you're shouting.
YOU WOULDN'T TALK LIKE THIS IN AN OFFICE, so why do it in an email?
「オフィスでこんなふうには話しませんよね!!!???」 ですから、メールの文をすべて大文字で書くのはやめておきましょう。
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