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What's up guys, it's Sussan Mourad with Clevver News, and Katy Perry's lead single "Daisies" off of KP5 has finally dropped.
Clevver News の Sussan Mourad です。ケイティ・ペリーのKP5からのリード曲 "Daisies "がついにリリースされました。
But after much debate, she's setting the record straight on Taylor's part in the single.
The daisy sweater, the cryptic tweets, everything just seemed to perfectly add up to the idea that Taylor Swift would be collaborating with Katy Perry on her new single "Daisies."
デイジーのセーターに謎のツイート、テイラー・スウィフトがケイティ・ペリーと新しいシングル "Daisies "で コラボするということが囁かれていました。
But after days of speculation and what felt like hint after hint that Katy would be featuring Taylor on the song, she's officially set the record straight.
Leading up to the song's release, fans freaked out when Katy shared the news that "Daisies" would be her next single, and within hours, Taylor shared this photo of herself wearing a daisy sweater.
曲のリリースに先駆けて、ケイティが "Daisies" が彼女の次のシングルになるというニュースを共有したとき、ファンはパニックに陥り、数時間以内にテイラーはデイジーのセーターを着ている彼女自身のこの写真を投稿しました。
It was hardly a coincidence and a cryptic move that Taylor would definitely pull, and after many other clues hidden throughout the week, fans were convinced.
The official American Idol account tweeted that they'd be listening to "Daisies" a total of 1,989 times.
アメリカン・アイドルの公式アカウントは、"Daisies" が合計1,989回聴かれていると投稿しました。
And she even teased that we'd have to wait and see if the rumors were true come the American Idol finale.
Well, you are just gonna have to tune in American Idol next week to see all rumors true or false.
The Easter eggs were basically handed to us on a silver platter, so naturally, fans took the idea and ran with it.
Fast forward to today when "Daisies" officially debuted and fans were disappointed to see zero mention of Taylor in any of Katy's announcements.
But, many Swifties and Katy Cats, who had already listened to the song on repeat throughout the entire morning swore they could hear a second set of vocals in the chorus of the song.
しかし、多くのSwiftiesやKaty Catsは、すでに朝からずっと "Daisies" をリピートして聴いていたので、この曲のコーラス中 2 人のボーカルの声がすると確信していました。
When you listen very closely, there does seem to be a second set of vocals.
But it seems fans wanted this to come to fruition so bad, that they convinced themselves Taylor is definitely singing with Katy on the track.
One user took to Twitter to write, "I swear I hear Taylors voice in that chorus, I'm not cray it's like blended with Katy's voice."
あるユーザーはTwitterに "テイラーの声がコーラスで聞こえてくるんだけど、ケイティの声と混ざってるような気がしてならない。"と書き込みました。
Another fan wrote, "I heard Taylor's voice here."
別のファンは "ここでテイラーの声が聞こえた "と書いていました。
Katy is on chorus.
I hope I'm not mistaken. But I really do.
Listen very well. I knew it's taylor.
Until today, the only mention of the writing process Katy shared was on her Instagram post.
Writing: "I wrote this song a couple months ago as a call to remain true to the course you've set for yourself, regardless of what others may think."
She went on to say: "Recently, it has taken a new meaning for me, in light of what the whole world is experiencing."
彼女は続けて 「最近、世界中が経験していることが、私にとっての新しい意味になっています。」
But during a new interview with Hits Radio Breakfast released this morning, Katy confirmed fans' biggest fear in that Taylor is not at all featured on the track.
しかし、今朝発表された Hits Radio Breakfast とのインタビューの中で、ケイティは、「恐れているのはテイラーはこの曲に全く関わっていないことよ」とファンに伝えました。
Taylor Swift appears on this new song, Katy?
Oh Matt you cheeky devil—no, it's not correct.
But the fans are definitely excited for something like that to happen in the future.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's just not happening this time.
But when one of the hosts asked whether Taylor could be featured on another song on the album, Katy simply laughed and replied by saying,"no, not as yet!”
She did credit the fans for being so "fun" and digging for clues since she first announced the single.
Adding: "They do search far and wide for Easter eggs."
And we do put them in our visuals and in lyric videos and music videos and content that we created.
But Katy was quick to note that, "Not everything is an Easter egg."
「イースターエッグが全てではない "と ケイティは指摘していました。
Some things are just flowers.
Call me crazy, but for some reason I'm still just not fully convinced…
Thankfully I'm not the only one, because fans have already chimed in on Katy's interview, writing comments like, "Why do I feel like she's lying?"
ありがたいことにこれは私だけではありません。ファンはすでにケイティのインタビューにこのようなコメントを書き込んでいます。 「なぜ彼女がまだ嘘をついていると感じるのか?」
And "A remix could still happen."
But while we wait for some sort of magic to happen, let's show Katy some love and stream her new single "Daisies," out everywhere now!
Be sure to let me know all of your thoughts on "Daisies" in the comment section below and if you think Katy and Taylor will collab in the future.
ケイティとテイラーが将来的にコラボすると思うなら、下のコメント欄で "Daisies" についての感想を聞かせてください。
For more on Taylor Swift news, click right over here to see what Scooter Braun has to say recently about the feud.
I'm your host Sussan Mourad, I'll catch you later, bye guys!
司会の Sussan Mourad でした。また今度会いましょう、さようなら!