字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi guys,
Hi guys, みなさん、こんにちは!
I'm Tony and welcome to “Just Speak!”
I’m Tony and welcome to “Just Speak!” トニーです。"Just Speak!" にようこそ!
This is part 2 of a series of videos I'm making
This is part 2 of a series of videos I’m making 今回は英語の学習、特に英会話ができる
to help you learn English and to help you speak English
to help you learn English and to help you speak English 動画のシリーズの第2回目です
Each of these episodes is designed
Each of these episodes is designed この動画のシリーズはそれぞれ
to give you actual speaking practice
to give you actual speaking practice スピーキング力を上げるための
and you can watch these episodes
and you can watch these episodes もので、いつでも、どこでも、
whenever and wherever you like
whenever and wherever you like 何回でも観られます!
it works like this
it works like this この動画の学習方法を説明します
I'm going to teach you some simple grammar, okay?
I’m going to teach you some simple grammar, okay? 先ず英語の基本的な文法を教えます
and then I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions
and then I’m going to ask you a bunch of questions そしてその文法を使って
using that grammar
using that grammar たくさんの質問をします
you're going to have five seconds to respond
you’re going to have five seconds to respond 5秒内で答えて下さい
and then I'll ask you another question
and then I’ll ask you another question その後また質問をします!
simple シンプルです!
If you haven't seen Part 1 yet
If you haven’t seen Part 1 yet 第1回の動画をご覧になっていない方は、
I highly recommend you go back
I highly recommend you go back 第1回を先に観ることをオススメします
and you watch Part 1, okay “Habit”
and you watch Part 1, okay “Habit” 第1回は『習慣』です
you need Part 1
you need Part 1 第1回を先に観れば
to be able to complete Part 2 properly
to be able to complete Part 2 properly 第2回がもっとよくわかります
so click here and watch that video
so click here and watch that video 第1回を観るにはここをクリックして
or check the links in the descriptions below
or check the links in the descriptions below または下のリンクをクリックして
to see Part 1
to see Part 1 下さい
This system is designed around just
This system is designed around just この動画は英語の4つのポイントを
4 main areas in English
4 main areas in English 学べるように作られています
Part 1 was “Habit”
Part 1 was “Habit” 第1回目は “Habit”『習慣』でした
Part 2, is this episode, that's “now”
Part 2, is this episode, that’s “now” 今回は ”Now”『今』です
things we are doing now
things we are doing now 『今』していることです
Part 3 is “future”
Part 3 is “future” 第3回目は ”Future”『未来』です
and Part 4 is “past”
and Part 4 is “past” 第4回目は”Past”『過去』、すでにした事
with just these 4 areas
with just these 4 areas この4つのさえ理解できれば
you can speak English!
you can speak English! 英語が話せます!
so today we are looking at “Now”
so today we are looking at “Now” 今回は”Now”『今』です
things you are doing now
things you are doing now 今している事の話です
like before with “Habit”,
like before with “Habit”, 1回目の『習慣』のように、
“Now” has a keyword IN the questions
“Now” has a keyword IN the questions ”Now”の中にもキーワードがあります
listen for the word think “ah!! Now”
listen for the word think “ah!! Now” キーワードを聞き取るのを頑張って
and respond using the “Now” grammar
and respond using the “Now” grammar "Now"の時制を使って答えて下さい
The keyword is “BE + verb + ING” okay
The keyword is “BE + verb + ING” okay キーワードは『BE』+『動詞』+『ING』です
for example
for example 例えば、
What ARE you doING?
What ARE you doING? 今、何していますか?
what IS he cookING?
what IS he cookING? 彼は、何を料理していますか?
what ARE they drinkING?
what ARE they drinkING? 彼らは何を飲んでいますか?
all of that is “Now”
all of that is “Now” 全て『今』進行していることなので、
because you have “be + verb+ ING“
because you have “be + verb+ ING“ 『BE』+『動詞』+『ING』の文になっています
Like before with “Habit”
Like before with “Habit” 前回の『習慣』のように
you need to start with a person to explain this
you need to start with a person to explain this 文の最初は必ず『人』から始めます
“I”, ”you”, ”they”, or ”he” and ”she”
“I”, ”you”, ”they”, or ”he” and ”she” 「私」、「あなた」、「彼ら」、「彼」、「彼女」
with ”Now” you have your person
with ”Now” you have your person 『今』の文は、人から始まって、次は
then you need “be” okay
then you need “be” okay 『BE』動詞が必要です
now, “be” is a special verb in English
now, “be” is a special verb in English 『BE』は英語では特別な動詞です
it changes a lot, so for example
it changes a lot, so for example よく変化します。例えば
if you have ”I”
if you have ”I” 『I』の場合、
I… am
I… am 『I』…『AM』になります
you… are
you… are 『YOU』…『ARE』
We… are
We… are 『WE』…『ARE』
they… are
they… are 『THEY』…『ARE』になります
and then we have “he”, “she” and 'it”
and then we have “he”, “she” and ‘it” それで、『HE』、『SHE』、『IT』もありますね
so “he” becomes “is”
so “he” becomes “is” 『HE』の場合は『BE』を『IS』にします
He… is
He… is 『HE』…『IS』
She… is
She… is 『SHE』…『IS』
It… is
It… is 『IT』…『IS』
OK, so we have "person" we have "be"
OK, so we have "person" we have "be" Ok! 『人』、『BE』動詞、
Now we need a verb with ”ING” added to the verb
Now we need a verb with ”ING” added to the verb 次は動詞に『ING』を付けます
He is drinkING
He is drinkING 彼は飲み物を飲んでいます
He is talkING
He is talkING 彼は話をしています
I am teachING
I am teachING 私は教えています
After that, you can add a noun or an adjective,
After that, you can add a noun or an adjective, そのあとは名詞か形容詞が必要な場合もあります
usually a noun in this case
usually a noun in this case この場合、名詞が必要ですね
For example,
For example, 例えば
I am teaching English
I am teaching English 私は英語を教えています
You are studying English
You are studying English あなたは英語を勉強しています
He is drinking water
He is drinking water 彼は水を飲んでいます
Then you can add a time
Then you can add a time 『時間』を表す言葉を加えてもいいですが
now this grammar is all about “now”
now this grammar is all about “now” この時制の場合、時間は当然『今』のことなので
so this isn't so important, but it's good practice
so this isn’t so important, but it’s good practice そんなに重要ではないけど、練習のために付けましょう
He is drinking water now
He is drinking water now 彼は「今」、お水を飲んでいます。
I am teaching English now
I am teaching English now 僕は「今」、英語を教えています。
You are studying English now
You are studying English now あなたは「今」、英語を勉強しています。
Boom, you're done that's the grammar
Boom, you’re done that’s the grammar さあ、もう『今』の文法がわかりましたね。
Keyword = “be + verb + ing”
Keyword = “be + verb + ing” キーワードは『BE』+『動詞』+『ING』です
okay, let's practice,
okay, let’s practice, OK、練習しましょう
I'm going to ask you some questions
I’m going to ask you some questions 質問します
and for a few of these
and for a few of these そのうちのいくつかは、
I'm going to show you some pictures
I’m going to show you some pictures 絵をお見せします
Listen to the grammar in the question
Listen to the grammar in the question 質問の文中で使われている時制を聞き取って。
notice the keyword “be + verb + ing”
notice the keyword “be + verb + ing” キーワードは『BE』+『動詞』+『ING』でしたね
think “Ah! Now!” reply with the same grammar
think “Ah! Now!” reply with the same grammar それが聞き取れたら同じ文法で答えて下さい
I am drinking now.
I am drinking now. 私は今飲んでいます。
I recommend you turn OFF the subtitles now
I recommend you turn OFF the subtitles now ここから字幕を消すことをおすすめします!
okay, turn them off try to speak normally with no help!
okay, turn them off try to speak normally with no help! 字幕をみないで、自分の力だけでトライしてみてください
It's VERY important
It’s VERY important それがとても重要です
this is SPEAKING practice not reading practice!
this is SPEAKING practice not reading practice! この動画は話す練習のためで、読む練習ではないです!
So, Just Speak!
So, Just Speak! とにかく話してみて!
When you're finished,
When you’re finished, できたら、
come back to the start of the questions,
come back to the start of the questions, 質問の所に戻って、
turn ON the subtitles
turn ON the subtitles 字幕をONにして
and review!
and review! 復習しましょう!
I'll give you some examples of how to properly respond,
I’ll give you some examples of how to properly respond, 字幕が解答例になっています
so you can copy those examples in future
so you can copy those examples in future 後で解答例を真似してみてください
But remember you can watch this video many times,
But remember you can watch this video many times, この動画は何回も繰り返して観てください
so... Just Speak!!
so... Just Speak!! とにかく話してね!
Anyway, here we go, 5 seconds to answer each question,
Anyway, here we go, 5 seconds to answer each question, では、頑張りましょう!答える時間は5秒です
please respond with full grammar
please respond with full grammar フルセンテンスで答えて下さい!
Are you ready? Let's go!
Are you ready? Let’s go! 準備はいいですか?始めましょう!
1. What are you doing now.
1. What are you doing now. 1. 今、何していますか?
I am watching Youtube.
I am watching Youtube. 今、Youtubeを観ています
2. Where are you sitting now?
2. Where are you sitting now? 2. 今、どこに座っていますか?
I am sitting at my desk.
I am sitting at my desk. 今、机の前に座っています
3. What is your best friend doing now?
3. What is your best friend doing now? 3.友人は今、何していますか?
He is working now.
He is working now. 彼は今仕事をしています
4. Where are you working at the moment?
4. Where are you working at the moment? 4. あなたは現在、どこで勤めていますか?
I am working at an English School called “Tonari no Tony”
I am working at an English School called “Tonari no Tony” 今は『となりのトニー』という英語のスクールで働いています
5. What are you holding?
5. What are you holding? 5. 今、何を持っていますか?
I am holding my phone.
I am holding my phone. 携帯を持っています。
Please, look at the pictures.
Please, look at the pictures. 絵を見て下さい!
6. What is he doing?
6. What is he doing? 6. 彼は何をしていますか?
He is playing basketball.
He is playing basketball. 彼はバスケをしています
7. What sport is she playing?
7. What sport is she playing? 7. 彼女は何のスポーツをしていますか?
She is playing basketball
She is playing basketball 彼女はバスケをしています
8. What are they doing?
8. What are they doing? 8. 彼らは何をしていますか?
They are playing basketball.
They are playing basketball. 彼らはバスケをしています
9. What is it doing?
9. What is it doing? 9. この犬は何をしていますか?
It is playing basketball.
It is playing basketball. その犬はバスケをしています
10. What is he doing?
10. What is he doing? 10. 彼は何をしていますか?
He is singing.
He is singing. 彼は歌っています
11. What is she doing?
11. What is she doing? 11. 彼女は何をしていますか?
She is singing.
She is singing. 彼女は歌っています
12. What is the woman holding?
12. What is the woman holding? 12. 彼女は何を持っていますか?
She is holding flowers.
She is holding flowers. 彼女は花を持っています
13. What is he doing?
13. What is he doing? 13. 彼は何をしていますか?
He is jumping.
He is jumping. 彼はジャンプしています。
14. What color is she wearing?
14. What color is she wearing? 14. 彼女は何色を着ていますか?
She is wearing orange.
She is wearing orange. 彼女はオレンジ色を着ています
15. What is he doing?
15. What is he doing? 15. 彼は何をしていますか?
He is drinking water.
He is drinking water. 彼は水を飲んでいます
16. What are they drinking?
16. What are they drinking? 16. 彼らは何を飲んでいますか?
They are drinking cocktails.
They are drinking cocktails. 彼らはカクテルを飲んでいます
17. What is he doing?
17. What is he doing? 17. 彼は何をしていますか?
He is talking.
He is talking. 彼は話をしています
18. What is she doing?
18. What is she doing? 18. 彼女は何をしていますか?
She is sleeping.
She is sleeping. 彼女は寝ています
19. What am I doing?
19. What am I doing? 19. 僕は何をしていますか?
You are teaching English.
You are teaching English. あなたは英語を教えています
Well done, guys! That was “now”,
Well done, guys! That was “now”, できましたね!進行形がわかりましたね
BUT!!!! よくできましたが・・
Let's do a few more questions!
Let’s do a few more questions! もうちょっと勉強しましょうね!
Let's try to throw in “Habit” AND “Now”!!!
Let’s try to throw in “Habit” AND “Now”!!! ここからは『今』と『習慣』の両方の練習をしましょう!!!
again, if you haven't study “Habit” yet,
again, if you haven’t study “Habit” yet, まだ前回の『習慣』ができていなかったら、
go back watch Part 1, study “Habit”,
go back watch Part 1, study “Habit”, 先に観た方がいいですよ!
get fast at “Habit” then come back
get fast at “Habit” then come back 『習慣』が上手にできるようになったら、
and let's pick up at Part 2
and let’s pick up at Part 2 今回の動画に進みます
remember, listen to the keyword
remember, listen to the keyword キーワードを思い出して聞き取って!
the keyword for “Habit” is “Do and Does”,
the keyword for “Habit” is “Do and Does”, 『習慣』のキーワードは『Do』と『Does』
the keyword for “Now” is “be + verb + ing”
the keyword for “Now” is “be + verb + ing” 『今』のキーワードは『BE』+『動詞』+『ING』
listen to the keyword,
listen to the keyword, キーワードをしっかり聞き取ったら、
please respond with that grammar,
please respond with that grammar, 同じ時制で答えてください
use full grammar
use full grammar フルセンテンスで答えて下さい!
5 seconds for each answer
5 seconds for each answer 5秒間ありますよ
Let's go!
Let’s go! がんばりましょう!
1. What are you doing?
1. What are you doing? 1. あなたは何をしていますか?
I am speaking English.
I am speaking English. 私は英語を話しています
2. When do you study English?
2. When do you study English? 2. あなたはいつ英語を勉強しますか?
I study English every evening.
I study English every evening. 毎晩英語を勉強します
3. How often do you watch YouTube?
3. How often do you watch YouTube? 3. どのぐらいYouTubeを観ますか?
I always watch YouTube. I watch YouTube about 5 times a day.
I always watch YouTube. I watch YouTube about 5 times a day. いつも観ています。1日に5回ぐらいです
4. Does your best friend watch YouTube?
4. Does your best friend watch YouTube? 4. あなたの友達はYouTubeを観ますか?
Yes, he does.
Yes, he does. はい、観ますよ
5. What is your best friend doing now?
5. What is your best friend doing now? 5.あなたの友達は今何をしていますか?
He is working now.
He is working now. 彼は今仕事中です。
6. How often do you see your best friend?
6. How often do you see your best friend? 6. どのくらいの頻度でその友達に会いますか?
I sometimes see my best friend. I see him about twice a month.
I sometimes see my best friend. I see him about twice a month. 時々会っていますよ。月に2回ぐらいです
7. Where does your best friend live?
7. Where does your best friend live? 7. あなたの友達はどこに住んでいますか?
He lives in Kanazawa.
He lives in Kanazawa. 金沢に住んでいます
8. Where does your best friend work?
8. Where does your best friend work? 8. あなたの友達はどこで働いていますか?
He works in an office. He works with computers.
He works in an office. He works with computers. 彼はオフィスで仕事しています。 コンピュータの仕事です
9. Where are you working at the moment?
9. Where are you working at the moment? 9.あなたは現在どこで勤めていますか?
I'm working at an English school called “Tonari no Tony”.
I’m working at an English school called “Tonari no Tony”. 僕は『となりのトニー』という英会話スクールで仕事しています
10. What are you holding?
10. What are you holding? 10. あなたは何を持っていますか?
I'm holding my phone.
I’m holding my phone. 携帯を持っています。
11. Do you use your phone a lot?
11. Do you use your phone a lot? 11. あなたはよく携帯を使いますか?
Yes, I do. I use my phone every day.
Yes, I do. I use my phone every day. はい、使います。毎日使います。
12. What phone do you have?
12. What phone do you have? 12. どんな携帯を持っていますか?
I have an iPhone 7+.
I have an iPhone 7+. iPhone7+を持っています。
13. What are you watching?
13. What are you watching? 13. 今、何を観ていますか?
I'm watching you on Youtube.
I’m watching you on Youtube. 僕はあなたをYoutubeで見ています
14. How often do you watch these videos?
14. How often do you watch these videos? 14.どのくらいの頻度でこの動画を観ますか?
I always watch these videos. I watch these videos three times a day.
I always watch these videos. I watch these videos three times a day. いつも観ていますよ。1日に3回ぐらいです。
15. Do you watch YouTube often?
15. Do you watch YouTube often? 15. よくYouTubeを観ますか?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do. はい、よく観ます。
16. What color are you wearing?
16. What color are you wearing? 16. 今何色の服を着ていますか?
I'm wearing blue.
I’m wearing blue. 青色の服を着ています
17. Do you wear that color often?
17. Do you wear that color often? 17. よくその色を着ますか?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do. はい、よく着ますよ
18. How often do you wear that color?
18. How often do you wear that color? 18. どのくらい頻度でその色を着ますか?
I often wear this color. I wear this color three times a week.
I often wear this color. I wear this color three times a week. よく着ますよ。週に3回ぐらいです
19. Where are you sitting?
19. Where are you sitting? 19. どこに座っていますか?
I'm sitting at my desk.
I’m sitting at my desk. 机の前に座っています
20. How often do you sit there?
20. How often do you sit there? 20. どのくらい頻度でそこに座りますか?
I always sit here. I sit here every day.
I always sit here. I sit here every day. いつもここに座ります。毎日です。
Okay, well done, everybody!
Okay, well done, everybody! よくできましたね、みなさん!
Now, turn the subtitles back on
Now, turn the subtitles back on ここで字幕をONにして前に戻りましょう
go back to the start of these questions
go back to the start of these questions 質問の最初に戻って
see the sample responses that I wrote at the bottom here
see the sample responses that I wrote at the bottom here 字幕の回答例を見てください!
use those examples to learn
use those examples to learn その例文を見て自分の答えを見直しましょう!
remember, it's all in the keyword
remember, it’s all in the keyword キーワードが重要ですよ
the keyword is in the question
the keyword is in the question キーワードは質問の中にあります
so, use the correct grammar and…
so, use the correct grammar and… 正しい時制を使えば
you're speaking English!
you’re speaking English! 英語は話せます!
If you found that difficult, don't worry, alright?
If you found that difficult, don’t worry, alright? 難しくても心配しないで下さい!
you can watch this video many, many times
you can watch this video many, many times この動画は何回観てもいいので、
so go back to the start of this video,
so go back to the start of this video, 最初に戻って練習して下さい!
go back to Part 1 if you need to,
go back to Part 1 if you need to, 必要なら前回の『習慣』の動画に戻って
watch Part 1 again, answer the questions
watch Part 1 again, answer the questions 質問に答えて、
become fast at answering the questions
become fast at answering the questions 質問のスピードについていくことができたら
come back to part 2
come back to part 2 この今回の動画に戻って
watch this again, get really fast at answering these questions.
watch this again, get really fast at answering these questions. スピードについていけるようにチャレンジ!
Switching tenses like this,
Switching tenses like this, 時制を上手に変えられたら、つまり
“past”, “future”, “now”, “habit”, “future”, “past”,
“past”, “future”, “now”, “habit”, “future”, “past”, 『過去』『未来』『今』『習慣』『未来』『過去』
this is the basis of fluidity in English and in any language
this is the basis of fluidity in English and in any language という風に。これは言語習得の基本です
you must be really good at
you must be really good at 基本的な時制を全て、きちんと
every basic tense
every basic tense 理解しなければならないのです
very important
very important とても重要なことです
In Part 3, we we are going to examine “Future”
In Part 3, we we are going to examine “Future” 次回第3回目は『未来』の時制です
I'm going to give you 50 questions with “Future”
I’m going to give you 50 questions with “Future” 50の質問をします
and I'm going to give you “Future”, “Now”
and I’m going to give you “Future”, “Now” 『未来』、『今』、
and “Habit” questions too
and “Habit” questions too 『習慣』の質問もあわせてします!
mixed up, so it's getting more difficult
mixed up, so it’s getting more difficult 少し難しく複雑になりますね
thank you for watching
thank you for watching ご視聴ありがとうございます!
please “like” and subscribe
please “like” and subscribe 「いいね」と「チャンネル登録」を
tell your friends about this amazing learning tool
tell your friends about this amazing learning tool お願いします!お友達にもこの動画を
this amazing SPEAKING tool
this amazing SPEAKING tool 使った学習方法を教えてあげてね
and remember
and remember 忘れないで
If you want to speak English,
If you want to speak English, 英語を話したいなら
I'm right by your side
I’m right by your side 僕がいつもとなりにいます!
Thank you guys, see you next time!
Thank you guys, see you next time! ありがとうございました! また次回お会いしましょう!