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like they asked me if Japanese guys... would love to lick.......... us....
Hey guys and girls on Ask Japanese, it's Cathy Cat and today I'm joined by Hiroko
Who is a Japanese girl who is gonna play with me the game called...
Japanese girl Mythbusters. I picked up some myths about Japanese girls
online... I know a terrible place look for these things and you can
tell me whether they are true or wrong today we have an
ultimate one are you ready?? - Yeah I am soo ready!
Japanese girls love to have a westerner as their boyfriend true or false?
- false! - You're laughing now but - False ... FALSE!
A lot of westerners are hoping for it but guys ... listen to the truth...
I mean because you know ...
Some rude guys send me DMs saying "hey how's it going" and like ...
"Hey I CAN take you out" or "I CAN buy you dinner..." but
What if I wouldn't want them to?
I don't really care about their background or...
countries where they are from. I don't really care about that
maybe some of the (Japanese) girls love Westerners I think
There are some girls like that yeah - Yeah but not everyone
because I'm a bit annoyed by that...
information because Western guys, not everyone, tend to think that Japanese
girls are easy. Asian girls are easy.
Yeah where does this come from? I have seen this on the internet like....
What I've seen on the internet and what I seen here in Japan...
is like the right opposite and I'm just like "where does this come from?"
Do people just like dream this up in their rooms?
What it's called it's like yellow...
yellow fever. - Oh right there is a word for it.
Yeah like asian girl hunters kind of?
Yes. There are some people like that. - You know... I said
it's false but I also have been dating Westerners too before
but when they told me that "hey I really like you BECAUSE you're a Japanese"
"Aaah... girls are so cute... Japanese girls are the best"
I was like WHAAAT
I felt offended because I liked him because HE was HIM but
he liked me because I was a Japanese. THEN I don't need him...
Ah that's now YOU ... he doesn't like your smile or the way you are but...
If it's just because of your ethnicity that's like mmm. Sorry that sounds a bit
like a fetish almost... like you know what I mean? - True. Maybe.
One thing I realized a lot seems to be...
There are girls who like western guys and they would date them for one summer...
one of our videos, that "one summer love" video... they said "yeah I'd like to at least try to date
a non Japanese person ... but I would marry a Japanese person." Why do you think that is?
It's really true I think.
Because the cultural differences are really shocking to Japanese people
We are a homogenous society.
Japan is a really homogenous island.
Truly understanding or communicating with other ethnicities
or people from other backgrounds... are a bit too tough.
Especially for elder generations.
When it comes to marrying, it means you will become family.
And your family members will become their family members too right?
In that case (marriage) we will really consider our family members.
Including our grandma grandpa, how would THEY feel (if I married a foreigner) so maybe that's why.
But maybe they think it sounds interesting (to date a foreigner) or something.
So dating seems to be easy and carefree but once it's marriage, it's about the whole family
you have to think of all members of the family. - Yeah.
I think Japan has really specific cultural stuff...
Family is a lot more important than it is in some western countries. - Yeah
We wouldn't blame people from abroad if they make mistakes in Japan but...
We don't really tell them directly things like "Hey you need to take off your shoes! Do it right now!"
We don't really say that. We say "Oh sorry in my house we need to take off our shoes..."
... so would you do that? Oh it's ok" is our style I think.
Like roundabout, carefully carefully...
"If you can't do that... never mind it's fine... I can figure it out. I can take care of it."
"So it's fine...." but sometimes it's NOT FINE.
It's not fine and even if they say "It's fine I take care of it" you shouldn't let them take care of it really...
That's a difficult one. - Difficult one!
It think that part we need to change that. Japanese people need to change that.
If you don't like it, just say "I don't like it!"
But it's really tough stuff...
because we were born and raised this way. So...
telling something BAD to others and expression how I feel... DIRECTLY
It's not a super nice thing here (in Japan).
It's sometimes seen a bit as a negative to be saying too many things.
So it's a bit difficult I think.
But if some international couples are really into the relationship,
that can work! - Yeah yeah!
As long as you work at it, work at it together and
understand each other's cultures! I have the feeling that the guys who have the most success with Japanese girls
first of all have to have lived in Japan for a longer time to understand the culture to go into the layers
of the culture and understand that sometimes "yeah" means "no"!
You know what I mean! "Un" (yeah) is kind of like a "yes" which actually means "NO" ....
It's complicated. - Stuff like that.
To understand the different layers. - Also if the guys is...
really mature, patient and nice ....
And if the guy wouldn't blame her (for her different culture) then if the guys would say like...
"Hey why didn't you express your feelings!!! It was YOUR fault because you didn't reject that back then!"
If a guy would say that (kind of blame) it wouldn't work.
But if the guy would say like "Oh it's ok you changed your mind? Oh you didn't say that?"
"Oh right you couldn't say that back then? It's fine!"
"Maybe you could tell me how you feel next time step by step"
"Then I would be really happy, but you don't have to if you can't."
Because if you give her too much pressure then....
it's not gonna work.
Makes it harder. A relationship is 50/50 right. Both of you, you're half and you're trying to...
complete each other. Which means you need to adapt to the other person's culture just as much
as the other person needs to adapt to your culture. You need to do a lot of talking, a lot of figuring out
each other's values and things like that. Especially international relationships between countries that are
so far apart, there needs to be so much communication to make it work. And so much understanding
literally listening out for each other's feelings as well. Like... don't just go like "Yeah she said yes that's fine."
NO. She said "Un" which actually is the word "yes" but think of the situation...
Read the room. Read the room and read the whole situation.
They call "Kuuki yomu" as "read the room" abroad!
I didn't know that!
In Japan you say "Kuuki wo yomu" (read the air) in English it's "Read the Room"
Very important - Yes this is really important I think.
Japanese girls would love to have a western boyfriend busted... Not true. - BUSTED.
Not true. (Sorry!)
So Japanese girls would LOOOVE to date Western boys true or false? - False.
False. It's a personal thing, it really depends on the person and some people really seem to be thinking
that Japanese girls are easy and that's a no-no. Na-ah. Don't you treat women with disrespect guys!
- Thanks for saying that. -That's one thing to add.
All women. Doesn't even matter if asian or not. Don't treat women with disrespect!
Please everyone let's be nice to each other.
Thank you so much for joining, thanks so much for sharing and giving us your honest opinion
highly appreciated! Hearing an honest opinion from a Japanese girl. And be sure to go over
to her channel. Check out her content. She's right now doing a fitness challenge on her channel.
Be sure to check it out and subscribe to her. Thank you so much for watching.
I catch you soon for more stuff and thank you for joining.
Thank you for having me! Bye!
Thank you catch you soon guys! Don'T forget to subscribe and leave a like.
These days Japanese girls have bigger boobs....
Some random people sometimes missunderstand that I am pregnant.
They asked me if Japanese guys would LOVE to lick... us
They tweeted on their twitter "OMG I could die anime" or something.