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♪ -Ask the Fallons, ask the Fallons ♪
-Okay. -Hello. [ Laughs ]
I just fogged up my glasses. -That's the tricky thing,
you got to fog up your glasses, always.
-Alright, I'm taking this off. -Yeah, no one here.
-Just until we see people.
-Alright. Let's see. "Did you ever think of quitting
comedy when you were starting out?"
-Oh, I really didn't ever think. [ Laughs ]
-Honey, but you can decide to quit.
Did you ever think of quitting producing?
-Oh, no.
But did you ever think of quitting comedy?
-No. I figured just go for it.
I love doing comedy. I like making people laugh.
And it was -- It's fun.
It's lonely sometimes.
You know, when you first start out.
You don't make money.
Don't do it to make money.
But I never did. -Yeah.
-What was our wedding like?
-Oh, our wedding was so fun. -I hope it was.
-I mean, we had fun.
-Remember we tried to watch the DVD?
-Oh, God. That was -- -You can't watch it.
That's the -- No.
Don't get your wedding videotaped.
-That we can't even talk about.
Let's talk about the good parts of the wedding.
-I mean -- It's just that -- We had the best time ever.
And then you watch it back and you're like, "Eww."
-What happened was -- -No, don't even --
-We got engaged after dating for like three-plus years, I think.
-Normal. -Yeah, good, good time.
And it was in August.
And then I had to go immediately start production on a film,
on "He's Just Not That Into You."
And as I'm doing that and you're doing something else, we're --
but we're living in L.A.,
and we're making these lists and lists and lists of people.
And I'm like, "I don't have any time to -- what in the --"
We kept trying to talk to these wedding people,
and they wanted to talk about napkins and things
we just could not have cared less, really, on any level.
-Gross. -So we were home
for Thanksgiving.
The movie had just wrapped.
-Yes. -And Jimmy --
-My travel agent, I talked to my travel agent
because I was talking about the wedding
and what if we do a destination.
And so he was like, just -- It was Mikey, right?
-Mike. -He goes, "What's your dream?
Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream?
Where would you like to get married?"
I go, "Ah, dream is easily, Richard Branson, Necker Island."
He goes, "Perfect, that's good to know.
You have to rent it out for at least two weeks."
So he said, yeah, that's out of the question.
I go, "I gotcha, no big deal. Life goes on.
We'll find a place." Then he calls me back.
-Yes. -And it's around Thanksgiving.
Right? -Yeah, it was Thanksgiving.
-He calls, he goes, "Guys, this is the weirdest thing ever.
Richard's daughter is having a baby."
-His first grandchild. -His first grandchild.
And he goes, "And so he's so excited.
He's gonna go be with her when she has the baby."
-Over Christmas. -Over Christmas.
"So could you, would you --" -This is the first Christmas
they won't be... -That he's missed on the ground.
-...ever. -Yes.
Ever. He's still mad at me. Yeah.
But he goes, "Richard is a fan. He likes you,
so he'll rent you the island for two days," I want to say?
-It was like three days. -Three days?
-Yeah. -December 22nd
is when we got married.
-It was the 21st because my Dad's birthday, too.
-21st, 22nd, 23rd.
-We got this place for three days.
-I love Richard Branson. -So Jimmy goes,
"What if we got married in three weeks instead of next summer?"
And I'm like, "This is the best idea of all human time."
So we had 12 people at our wedding.
-Yeah, we couldn't invite people.
-I just got a dress done as fast as I could.
-There are some aunts that don't talk to us to this day.
-Some people are still mad, but no aunts came.
No, we just couldn't do anybody.
-It was us, brother, sister, best friend, and parents.
-Yeah. -And, man, we had a rager time.
-It was so -- -It was so much fun.
-They were so cool.
Everybody was so fun.
-Whoever worked the staff was so cool.
-Oh, no. -They were so nice.
-And they had animals everywhere,
and all these flamingos and the giant turtles.
[ Both laugh ]
-God. Don't you guys want to have dinner with us
and hear this story over and over?
-Yeah. -We just had the best time.
Our wedding -- -And then, on the 24th,
so we kind of like, "Had to do that," so we just thought,
"Who cares, Christmas, wedding, let's do a wedding."
And then on the 24th
we bid adieu to all of our little family,
sent them all home, and then Drew and Jimmy
and I stayed on Necker Island with the staff for Boxing Day.
-Yeah. They said, "As long as you take care of yourself..."
-They go, "We're not cleaning, we're not cooking."
-"We're not gonna treating you like guests.
We're treating you like you're staff."
-"Eat with us," and, like, do whatever,
and we're, like, in. -Yeah, almost like "Below Deck."
-Yes, oh, God. -We kind of worked there.
-They remind me of "Below Deck."
-And we did dishes with them and had dinner with them.
-Oh, my gosh, it was so fun.
-Hands down one of the best days and nights of my life.
-It was the best wedding I've ever had.
[ Both laugh ]
-Yeah. -Yeah.
Wish you all could've been there.
And those aunts and uncles.
-Nancy, can you tell us about your experience working
with Clarence Clemons? -[ Gasps ] Oh.
-Yes, I loved him so much.
The funnest thing about -- Well, Clarence --
I met Clarence at this incredible place called
Glide Methodist Memorial Church
in the Tenderloin in San Francisco.
And he asked if I would work just for three days for him,
cleaning up his office and organizing.
And at the end of that he said, "You have to be my assistant."
So we started working together.
Oh, and it was when he and Bruce weren't together.
And so it was a trying time for him.
Because I think a lot of the band wanted to keep
being the E Street Band
and were looking for their identity.
But one of the coolest things we did was go
on a 13-horn band tour all over the East Coast.
Like, all different cities.
Like, little cities, like -- -Like, big band or brass?
Like New Orleans jazz?
-God, they were so cool. I should remember all of them.
-Wow. -When I was working for Clarence
was when I met Drew.
So I went from Clarence to Drew.
-I mean, good year. -In my bad history, yeah.
-Good couple of years right there.
-Yeah. Couple of years I worked for Clarence,
he was the coolest.
-I met him with you the last tour.
-He really was a big dude. -Yeah, he was just -- his hands.
His head. His everything.
His ears.
I mean, he's just -- really amazing.
-Big, great guy.
-He was such a sweetheart.
And such a love.
And he had the best kids. -Yeah.
-All his ex-wives were good friends still with him.
And so we had a blast.
-Love to The Big Man, Clarence Clemons.
-Yes. -Is that good "Ask the Fallons"?
-I think -- -That's a lot.
-We hit a lot. -We did a lot of stuff.
Alright, here we go.
-See you next time.
See you tomorrow, it feels like.
-Whatever it is. -Yeah.
-We'll see you when we see you guys.
-Bye! -Bye, thank you.