字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント - Hey, everyone, this is Jeremy Schifeling at Khan Academy. Thanks so much for joining our session on Best Practices for using Khan Academy with ELA. To that end, we are very lucky to have Madelyn, one of our superstar ambassadors on the line today to talk about that very topic. How she uses Khan Academy's ELA content in her own classroom and how you can use it in our new remote learning environment. As a quick refresher, if you're new to these webinars, feel free to ask questions at any time using the questions feature. After Madelyn lays out the key points she wants to share with you about using Khan Academy in your classroom, she'll take your questions live. So share and view the questions format and here we go. So Madelyn, welcome, thank you so much for joining us today. - Absolutely, thank you so much. - We're super excited to have you here. And just to give folks a sense of where you're coming from, tell us about your own journey as an educator. - Absolutely, so this is my eighth year of teaching and I've been really lucky to have very different teaching experiences. I have taught in two different states, in five districts. I've taught in rural, suburban, urban settings and I've taught middle school and elementary. Currently, I teach third grade. - Very cool, and how long have you been using Khan Academy for and what do you typically use it for in your classroom? - So I've used it for a little over two years. And I use it for a lot. So I got started mainly using it for math and that's how I do my math homework actually is through Khan Academy. But over time as I've gotten more comfortable with it, I use so much on it now. I use grammar, I use the ELA beta that just came out recently, I use the computer programming and I also use history. - Very cool, okay, it sounds like you're a Khan Academy super user. So that's perfect. That's what we need. And so for those who wanna aspire for super user status that are just getting started today, especially in this difficult environment we find ourselves in, any beginner tips for just getting started with Khan Academy especially as it pertains to ELA? - You know, I think that some of the easiest ways to get started... Well, if you're elementary, I really recommend adding multiple courses to your classroom, so adding math, grammar and the beta ELA and then just explore what those have to offer. I think the ELA beta is really awesome to be able to use more complete units of study and then the grammar is nice for those little check-ins to reinforce skills you've taught in the classroom. - Very cool, let's actually just pull up some of that so folks can see it on their screen. So basically we just added a new class. And out of curiosity, 'cause I know this always comes up, how do you get your students enrolled? I know it's especially a challenge with elementary students. - Yeah, so if you're middle or high school, I say don't enroll them yourself. Share it, push it out via Google Classroom. It's really easy on Khan Academy to do it that way. But if you're elementary, especially right now, I would just go ahead and create your student's accounts for them. I know that so many parents are overwhelmed. And so that's just one thing that you can do. All you have to do is type in the student's name and then a username and password will be created, then you can just email it out to families and it's really easy. Just download the CSV for sure. Some people skip that, which is really interesting to me. Don't skip it, download it so that you would have that on your computer. I mean, you can access it other ways, but that's gonna be the easiest. - Great, and so once someone has created their class and they've applied all those different courses that you were talking about, how would you even get started? How would you get a student using ELA on Khan Academy for the first time? - So what you're gonna wanna do is first you're gonna wanna assign something so that when the students get into Khan Academy there is something for them to do. And so I teach third grade. So I would go into the third grade beta and then just click on a unit. So right now, I've been doing a lot of actually the vocabulary because we've done so much of that work in the classroom, I think it's nice during this time to first start off with something you have already covered with them in person. 'Cause if this is new to them, they're gonna feel more comfortable if, oh, okay, I know what context clues are, okay, and then they can do an assignment that feels a little bit more familiar, even if it's a new website. So that's what I started with. We've been doing so much context clues, so I assigned them something on there, even though my students are comfortable with it. - And here's an example of what some of those questions look like. Now, imagine that someone is going to start Khan Academy for the first time not having that prior experience in the classroom with it. Would you recommend rolling this out over a Zoom conversation or a Google Meeting, or how would you even give students a sense of what they're supposed to be doing and what an assignment looks like? - Yeah, so I would definitely do some sort of live meeting and get them excited about it. Explain why you're gonna be using it. Maybe you want to share. If you're not familiar with Khan Academy, they get mastery points and they get to create avatars for themselves and things like that. And so if you're working with younger kids like I am, or even some of the older kids, they get excited about that. So walking them through it, through a share screen so that they can see what it looks like. The first time I did Khan Academy, or the first time I do Khan Academy with my class at the beginning of the year, we always do an assignment together. And so you can do that in your live Hangout. You could have each of the kids write down the answer they think is the correct one and hold it up. And then they were doing it together and they're getting a tutorial of how to use it. - Very cool, and so when you're ready to go to prime time and say, okay, I wanna make this part of my regular classroom fabric such as our classrooms exist today, how would you? How would you make it easy and regular for your students? - So I think that depends on what your schedule looks like. Right now I know that for some teachers, they are putting an announcement every day on Seesaw. Well, you can put a link into Seesaw. Some people are doing assignments through Google Classrooms. Some people are doing a live check-in every day. So for me, I'm doing mostly live check-ins. And so at the end of my time, I remind them now is the time that you're gonna get onto Khan Academy. I want you to do the assignment that's named such-and-such. And so just building it in that way would be what I suggest. - Very cool and I'll just mention that every piece of content on Khan Academy has a unique URL. So if you ever just need to paste a link to a video or to a specific exercise, you can do that. Or into a Seesaw or a learning management system, in addition to the assignment process that works like this. As far as the reporting goes, I know we're in a very different environment right now, but how much are you looking at those reports, are you translating it into grades, does it matter? - So I am not doing grades. That's not an expectation at the elementary level. However, I am still using those reports.