字幕表 動画を再生する
Do you remember when you first realized
that your computer was more
than just a monitor and keyboard?
That between the mouse click and the video playing,
there was something that captured your intention,
understood it,
and made it real?
What is that something?
Is it gremlins?
Let's imagine that we can shrink down
to the size of an electron
and inject ourselves into a click of a mouse.
If you took your mouse apart,
you'd see that it's really a very simple machine.
It has a couple buttons
and a system for detecting motion and distance.
You might have an optical mouse
that makes these measurements with lights and sensors,
but older ones did this with a hard rubber ball
and some plastic wheels.
Same concept.
When you click the button on your mouse,
it sends a message to the computer
with information about its position.
When your mouse click is received,
it's handled by the basic input/output subsystem.
This subsystem acts like the eyes and ears
and mouth and hands of the computer.
Basically, it provides a way for the computer
to interact with its environment.
But it also acts like a buffer
to keep the CPU from being overwhelmed by distractions.
In this case, the I/O subsystem decides
that your mouse click is pretty important
so it generates an interrupt to the CPU.
"Hey, CPU! Got a click here."
The CPU, or central processing unit,
is the brains of the whole computer.
Just like your brain doesn't take up your whole body,
the CPU doesn't take up the whole computer,
but it runs the show all the same.
And the CPU's job, its whole job,
is fetching instructions from memory
and executing them.
So, while you're typing, typing, typing,
maybe really fast,
like 60 words a minute,
the CPU is fetching and executing
billions of instructions a second.
Yes, billions every second:
instructions to move your mouse around on the screen,
to run that clock widget on your desktop,
play your internet radio,
manage the files you're editing on the hard drive,
and much, much more.
Your computer's CPU is one heck of a multitasker!
"But oh my gosh
there's a very important mouse click
coming through now!
Let's drop everything now and deal with that!"
There are programs for everything
that the CPU does.
A special program for the mouse,
for the clock widget,
for the internet radio,
and for dealing with letters sent by the keyboard.
Each program was initially written by a human
in a human-readable programming language,
like Java,
or Python.
But human programs take up a lot of space
and contain a lot of unnecessary information to a computer,
so they are compiled and made smaller
and stored in bits of ones and zeros in memory.
The CPU realizes that it needs instructions
for how to deal with this mouse click,
so it looks up the address for the mouse program
and sends a request to the memory subsystem
for instructions stored there.
Each instruction in the mouse device driver
is duly fetched and executed.
And that's not nearly the end of the story!
Because the CPU learns that the mouse was clicked
when the cursor was over a picture
of a button on the monitor screen,
and so, the CPU asks memory for the monitor program
to find out what that button is.
And then the CPU has to ask memory
for the program for the button,
which means that the CPU needs
the monitor program again
to show the video associated with the button,
and so it goes.
And let's just say there are a lot of programs involved
before you even see the button on the screen
light up when you clicked it.
So, just the simple task of clicking your mouse
means visiting all of the critical components
of your computer's architecture:
the basic input-output system,
the CPU,
and memory,
and not one gremlin.