字幕表 動画を再生する
Do you have any social media?
No, I usually just stay home and watch YouTube the whole day.
ううん。だいたい家で一日中 YouTube を見てる。
I don't, my mom does that kinda stuff.
I have a Facebook and a Gmail account.
フェイスブックと G メールのアカウントを持ってる。
For my generation, I think I'm reasonably involved, I mean, I'm, I got like 1,000 friends on Facebook.
私の世代で言えば、それなりにやってると思うよ。そうだね、フェイスブックの友達は1,000 人くらいかな。
It's like my best friend, that I don't see physically.
Well, I do, I look at memes on Instagram.
I do Facebook, I don't, I don't really know how to do all the other stuff, like tweaking, and LinkedIn and all that other stuff.
Social media is my life.
It's like a rabbit hole, like you can, like Instagram, oh my gosh, when you click on a video, there's like 20,000,000 videos underneath it and you don't ever have to close that app, 'cause they just keep coming.
(不思議の国のアリスの)ウサギの穴みたいなものですね。インスタとか、もう、1 つの動画をクリックしちゃったら、その下にも動画が 2,000 万件くらいあるから。アプリを閉じれなくなっちゃう。だって、延々と出てくるから。
I love social media, being completely honest, because I get to stay in touch with a bunch of my friends, like, all around the world, or like all my friends that are in different states from where I am.
And I get to show people, like, oh this is what I did today.
I need a nine-year-old to help me work Facebook.
9 歳の子の助けが必要なの。フェイスブックをやるのにね。
I still haven't figured Twitter out.
I don't know what Snapchat is.
I find it pretty important, 'cause you can sort of reach out, see what's happening with your friends in other parts of the world, but at the same time, it can sort of make you jealous.
I think social media can really be abused.
I've personally been bullied on social media.
It makes people feel self-conscious about their self and makes them wanna change their self cuz of bad comments, mean comments, stuff that'll really hurt somebody, so I don't have social media and I just don't support it.
(ソーシャルメディアは) 人を自意識過剰にするし、悪質だったり、意地悪なコメントとか、誰かをものすごく傷つけるような言葉のせいで自分を変えなくちゃと思わせたりします。だから僕はソーシャルメディアのアカウントは持っていません。とにかく良いと思いません。
We're putting up this front of who we want people to think we are and I get uncomfortable with that, because its like, I feel like a phony sometimes.
I feel like it sucks my time away, in the way that a significant other almost would.
I've actually tried really, really hard not to let social media run my life.
Because I feel like I just see so many people who kind of live for the social media.
We don't really hug and touch each other anymore.
It's all done through that phone.
And more and more, we're becoming so technical that when you go to restaurants and you see people having dinner, and you look at them and they've both got their cellphones out.
And they're talking on their cellphones, instead of talking with each other.
Social media, I love you, I really do, because, I mean it's, you know, we're always evolving, we're always changing, but allow us to be in the moment.
I feel like sometimes social media can be a ball and chain.