字幕表 動画を再生する
Hello everyone welcome back to Tokyo Creative Play, I'm your host Shiori and I'm with
みなさんこんにちは! 今日のホストのしおりです。
other Japanese people today I'm going to show you how Japanese people work remotely
今日は日本人の同僚のみんなと一緒です。 どの様に在宅ワーク時間を過ごしてるかお見せします。
I guess you guys already watched Natasha, Alex and Emma try to cook
既に前の動画を見てくれているかと思いますが 外国人女子チームは日本料理を作る挑戦をしました
Japanese food. But we Japanese people will show you how we work remotely from home
私たち日本人チームは、それぞれが家からどの様に 仕事をしているのかレポートしまっす!
so it's been like three weeks since we started and then sometimes I feel
在宅が始まって約3週間。 もちろん会社の皆が 恋しい時もありますが仕方ないっすね!
like ah I missed Natasha and other members but can't help it!
冷蔵庫に貼ってあるTO-DOを 確認することから朝が始まります。
Today's breakfast is coffee, English muffins, and a banana shake!
ヨーグルトと水を飲む。瞑想する。 コーヒーを飲む。整理整頓をするです。
I usually have bread for breakfast while checking news programs on TV.
毎朝、自分たちが何を飲みたいか選びます。 私も主人もコーヒーを飲まないのでティー派です。
After breakfast, I watch YouTube and do Yoga for 10 mins.
I will start working from home now!
今はいちごが美味しい時期ですね。 今日はこれを飲みま〜す。
So in front of the refrigerator I always check the to-do list
drink yogurt and water and do meditation and drink coffee and clean the room
So every morning, I choose what tea I'd like to drink from here.
I'm not coffee person my husband is also not! Japan limited blend: Strawberry tea
now is the best season for strawberry I'm going to drink this one and I have
以前TC HOMESの動画を見た人は私の家の狭さが わかると思いますが、あまりスペースがないんです。
other flavors Lipton is cheap and affordable anyway
会議がある時は反対側の部屋に行き、 プライベートスペースを確保する感じです。
I'll start working. Ganbarimasho (Let's do the best!)
私のスペースはこんな感じです。 それでは他の3人のスペースを見て見ましょう。
So I'm going to introduce where I'm
ご覧の通り、こちらはリビングですね。 少し散らかっていますが。
working from home I'm basically working from this dining table because I don't
そして普段、家族と食事をするこちらの テーブルが仕事をするデスクになります。
have much space if you guys already have watched my TC homes
現在10:15です。毎朝社員一同はSLACKで 今日のタスクについて報告し合います。
episode you guys already know how big(small) my place is and then whenever I have
タスクの内容を互いに確認し、 朝一でタスクの抜け漏れがないかのチェックをし、
meeting I'm going to the other room to have my private space yes that's how I
追加業務がある場合や優先すべき事項がある場合は その内容について伝え合ったりします。
work you guys can see Tman Kanako and Hatch-san how they are working from home
この様に、テレワークでもお互いの仕事を把握し合い 社内全体の足並みが揃う様になります
Whenever I work from home, I sit on the right edge of the sofa
コミュニケーションの手段が 限られるのでその点は難しいですが 今の所別段問題はないように感じます。
because if I sit down around here, I will lie down and relax so I tried to sit down on around here!
それぞれ、積極的に生産性高く仕事ができていて また他の会社の対策方法や最新ニュースも共有ます。
Here is not too comfortable so I can focus on my work.
とにかく今の所社員一同皆元気そうなので それが何よりですね!
And this is my working desk, it's a dining table actually.
私の現在のタスクは、 ひょんなことから冊子制作をしています。
Again I'm trying not to relax too much and doing the best to focus on my job!
この冊子はあるとてもステキな都道府県で配られる フリーペーパーになります!
As you can see, this is my living room it's kind of messy so this is a dining
今日、明日でこのプロジェクトは終わる予定なので 少し忙しいですね。
table so I use this for lunch and dinner with my family yeah this is my workspace
I have 65L backpack and 25L backpack
これも見てください! ずっと回っちゃっています。前職の先輩が
and I have a bag for shopping and handbags
このクルクル回るこれを「弥七」とよんでいました。 調べたら、この人の名前だったみたい。
basically, this whole rack is my desk. This rack and this case underneath
この人の持っている武器が風車だから、 弥七ってよんでいるわけね!
I found these from my apartment (garbage space) and kept them actually.
さて、私の役職についてお話しさせてください! でもちょっと難しいので日本語で話しますね。
Sometimes I sit down on this suitcase, so it is worn out a bit. I have mug here, vaseline to moisturize,
A Wonder Woman my friend gave me, iPad I usually watch YouTube with it and a notepad.
実は一緒に働いてくれる人を募集しています! バイリンガル、元気、積極的、働くのが好きな人
So now is 10:15, every morning on Slack, we share what we are going to do today so
以上の条件に当てはまる方できになる方は ぜひ概要欄をチェックしてくださいね!
we are checking with each other what kind of tasks we have and if there's something that we are
さて、他の人が何をしているか 引き続き見てみましょ!
missing, we let them know "could you work on this" or
私はこれからペペロンチーノを作ります。 ベーコン、エリンギ、雲南百薬
"please prioritize this project first" or something like that. That's how we will keep track that
私がお婆ちゃんから届いた小包を開封する 動画も作りました〜!
everyone is on the same page because it's really hard to communicate remotely but
so far so good! everyone is very proactive and then we
share news or how other companies ganbaru (hang in there) do the best for
さてお次は皆が家で 何を着ているのかお見せしますよ!
this current difficult situation. But everyone seems genki (okay) so everything is good!
こちらは僕のクローゼットです。 見てわかるとおり黒の服しかありません。
So my task right now, for some reason, I'm working on the magazines? not magazines.
洋服を考える時間を持つのがもったいないので 全て黒に統一させました。
more like a leaflet, free paper you can get in a really really cool prefecture.
こちらからジャケットを選んで、 パパッと着るだけです!
so today and tomorrow I'm going to wrap up the project so I'm a bit busy right now
さて、今は19:30です。そろそろ今日のタスク進捗 について互いに報告し合う時間です!
Do you hear my laptop is screaming?
さて、以上が日本人の テレワークについての動画でした。
Look at this, it keeps spinning! My senpai (senior) used to call it "YASHICHI"(pinwheel)
動画を気にってくれると嬉しいのですが! 他の日本人メンバーを紹介できてよかったです!
Ah yes, finally oh no... It turned out this guy's name and a weapon is this pinwheel so we call this YASHICHI
私たちにとっても皆様にとっても 厳しい状況が続いているかと思います。
So let me explain about my role it's quite hard to describe in English so I'll go with Japanese
2019年度はお陰様でクライアントからの お問合せが多い年となりました。
My role is Chief Operating Officer. I'm making a strategy to increase sales and revenue.
視聴者目線ではやり過ぎな印象があるかもしれませんが いつも動画見てくれてありがとうございます!
And based on that I make sure all operations are doing smoothly and well for the clients.
なせ2019年が盛り上がったかと言うと、 オリンピックに向けての需要があったからです。
Tokyo Creative provides promotion service support to companies and local governments.
今回オリンピックが延期になることで 我々はもう更に一年、日本に関する動画コンテンツを
We work with clients who want to reach out to a different market and help them
撮って行くことができますので、 一刻も早く事態が終息することを願います。
grow their businesses or gain exposure.
また落ち着いたら色々なコンテンツ 作っていきますよ!
Hello, I'm Hatch from sales team.
テレワーク期間についてはまだ不明ですが、 もし家からのコンテンツで良い動画アイデアがあれば
Me and Kanako are mainly trying to get new deals as much as we can
I talk to the clients, and Kanako talks to the influencers too
今回もご視聴ありがとうございました。 またよろしくお願いします!
I'm asking what's the goal for the client, and then
we make proposals and quotes based on that, and determine the plans
After we finished productions, we are writing a result report and issue invoice
and try to get repeat customers.
The thing I love most about my job is seeing the completed project and published video,
reading audiences's positive comments, I'm very happy and fulfilled having done my best for the project.
I feel, it's good to work with this current job!
That's what we do in TC, actually we started looking for a someone
who is bilingual, very genki (lively), proactive and hard worker!
If you are interested in please check out the description box but yeah we'll just continue working like this
then let's see what other people do!
This is my lunch today, but actually my usual lunch is this one!
I'm going to cook lunch now, today's menu is ....
Okonomiyaki desu!
This is going to be my lunch today!
This is Natasha's favorite food, so please try cooking this!
Now I'm going to cook peperonchino, bacon, eringi mushroom, this unique vege from my grandma
I made a video what I've got from my grandma on my own channel.
It will take only like 10-15 mins!
Done! lunch is ready, I will eat this with my husband.
Here you go! Thanks!
It's curry! Looks yummy!
So for this video, we are showing you, what we are wearing inside our house, check it out!
Most of Japanese wear jacket whenever we have a meeting, so it looked formal
but underneath is like this, jersey pants!
so this is my closet. as you can see everything is black... I don't want to spend time
to think you know which color is the best for today. so it's quite simple! just pick it and wear it!
Anytime I don't have a meeting with the client, I wear hoodies!
Let me share my thoughts about this remote work situation
So far, we are really proactive, efficient and maximize our working hours!
Because we don't spend our time commuting and visiting clients, we can focus on tasks and
our productivity has improved! everyone performs very well, and delivers things with good quality.
On the other hand, you can hear the environment noises like this,
so sometimes it's hard to have online meetings.
Now is at 5pm, I'm going to continue working until 7pm
and after that I will just chill out (I can't wait for that!)
Personally, I think since there's no commute time, I can maximize my time and focus on what I do for work, which is great!
I miss TC members sometimes but so far so good! That's it!
Now is 7:30pm, it's time for us report each other what we have done!
But this is how Japanese people work from home! How was it?
Hopefully you liked the video and I was also happy to introduce Tman, Kanako and Hatch my JP colleagues!
But it's very difficult situation for everyone for you and everyone around the world but in 2019,
TC could get a lot of sponsorship deals, sometimes too much
I'm so sorry for that and also thank you for watching those videos or so why
we could get those deals because the Olympics was supposed to happen but since
that is also postponed we have another a year or more to make content about Japan so
hopefully everything's going to be ok as soon as possible and then
we can share more things about Japan! and then we haven't decided
how long we are going to work from home but you have any ideas that you'd like us
to try from home please leave the comments down below but thank you for
watching and I will see you in the next video!