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  • (upbeat music)

  • (both grunt)

  • (hands clapping)

  • - Hi, everybody.

  • It's Natasha of,

  • and today, I'm gonna teach you how to make

  • a cheesecake to remember.

  • This is an impressively tall New York-style cheesecake.

  • The texture is incredible,

  • and it doesn't get any easier than this.

  • If you've never made a homemade cheesecake,

  • you are in for a treat,

  • and you're gonna love our homemade cherry topping.

  • And I want cheesecake, so let's get started.

  • (hands tapping)

  • (bell chimes)

  • I'm gonna show you how we make our easy

  • go-to cheesecake crust.

  • Start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • You'll need about 12 whole graham crackers

  • to make one and a half cups of graham cracker crumbs.

  • There's a few ways to do this.

  • You can either pulse it in a food processor like so,

  • or put them in a large Ziploc bag,

  • then roll them with a rolling pin,

  • or you can process them in a high-powered blender

  • until you have crumbs.

  • Transfer those crumbs to a mixing bowl

  • and add one tablespoon of sugar

  • and six tablespoons of melted unsalted butter.

  • Use a spoon to stir that together

  • until the crumbs are evenly moistened.

  • Transfer those moist crumbs

  • to a nine-inch springform pan.

  • And I love using a nonstick springform pan

  • for easier release of the crust

  • once the cheesecake is all baked and ready to serve.

  • I'll leave a link to the pan that I use

  • in the recipe notes.

  • Bake that in the center of a preheated oven

  • at 350 Fahrenheit for just eight minutes.

  • Then, take it out of the oven

  • and let it cool completely to room temperature.

  • While that's cooling,

  • you should also start boiling a pot of water.

  • Once the crust is nearly cooled,

  • we can start on the filling.

  • Go ahead and set your oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • In the bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attachment,

  • combine four and a half blocks or two and 1/4 pounds

  • of softened cream cheese.

  • Make sure that cream cheese is at room temperature.

  • Add one and a fourth cups of granulated sugar,

  • then beat on medium-high speed

  • using the paddle attachment for five minutes.

  • It should be light and fluffy.

  • Scrape down the bowl once or twice as needed,

  • so you don't get chunks of cream cheese at the bottom.

  • When you're scraping down the bowl,

  • make sure you're reaching all the way down to the bottom

  • and scrape around the paddle attachment.

  • This will ensure

  • that you don't have any lumps of cream cheese.

  • After about five minutes,

  • the mixture should be completely smooth.

  • Reduce to medium speed.

  • Next, add six large room-temperature eggs,

  • adding them one at a time,

  • and waiting until the eggs are fully incorporated

  • between each addition.

  • Scrape down the bowl as needed

  • to make sure your mixture is uniformly smooth.

  • Once all of the eggs are well incorporated,

  • scrape down the bowl once more,

  • then reduce the speed to low, and add 1/4 cup of sour cream.

  • Also add one and a half teaspoons of real vanilla extract.

  • And I'm using a homemade vanilla extract.

  • I will link to the tutorial for this in the notes.

  • It has just two ingredients,

  • and it makes everything taste better.

  • Mix that together on low speed,

  • just until it's well incorporated.

  • Then turn the mixer off.

  • The cheesecake mixture should be completely smooth.

  • Now our best trick for making a cheesecake

  • that's level without any cracks

  • is to use a water bath method.

  • Take two heavy-duty large sheets of foil,

  • layer them on top of each other,

  • then wrap them around the edges of your cheesecake pan.

  • Using a heavy-duty foil and double layering

  • ensures that you don't get any water leaks.

  • Make sure the foil is not touching the rim

  • to give the cheesecake a little bit of room to rise.

  • Place the cheesecake pan into a large deep roasting pan,

  • and I'll link to this one in the notes.

  • Now pour all of that cheesecake filling

  • over your cooled crust.

  • Next, we're gonna add the water

  • that you boiled in the pot earlier into the roasting pan.

  • You'll need it to go about one and a half to two inches

  • up the sides of the springform pan.

  • And here's a quick tip.

  • Depending on the size of your roasting pan,

  • you may need quite a bit of water,

  • so definitely boil more than you think you'll need.

  • The hot water around the cake keeps it baking

  • at a consistent temperature.

  • It also keeps the sides and top lighter in color

  • and prevents cracks.

  • Using hot mitts for safety,

  • carefully transfer that to the center rack

  • of your preheated oven.

  • Bake that at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes.

  • Without opening the door,

  • reduce the heat to 225 degrees Fahrenheit

  • and continue baking for one hour to one hour and 10 minutes

  • or until the cheesecake is nearly set.

  • You'll know it's done if you gently wiggle the pan

  • and you see a slight wobble

  • in the center of your cheesecake.

  • Remove the roasting pan from the oven

  • and let the cheesecake cool in the water bath

  • for 45 minutes.

  • Then transfer it to a wire rack

  • and let it cool completely to room temperature.

  • Now, a cheesecake needs to be fully chilled and set

  • before serving,

  • so cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

  • If you cut into a cheesecake before it's fully chilled,

  • it can be soupy in the center.

  • And totally normal.

  • I just happened to have another cheesecake

  • that's been setting overnight in your refrigerator.

  • What I love about using a nonstick pan

  • is the sides typically don't stick to the pan

  • once it's cooled overnight.

  • The springform mold should release easily,

  • and the sides will look perfect.

  • The professional look of this cheesecake

  • can only be achieved by using the water bath method.

  • Ho ho ho ho, look at this.

  • It is perfection.

  • Ah, and we're gonna get this show on the road

  • and just do this taste test, because my little girl

  • has been asking for cheesecake all morning,

  • and I just can't make her wait any longer.

  • Okay.

  • And, if you're gonna serve it right off of the pan,

  • which I do a lot,

  • you can just put a little damp paper towel underneath,

  • and that way, it won't slide around when you slice it.

  • Tricks of the trade.

  • Okay.

  • Wow, wow.

  • Okay, more tricks of the trade.

  • The easiest way I found to cut through a cheesecake

  • to keep it looking really clean and beautiful

  • is to use a hot knife.

  • So I've got a knife dipped in hot water here

  • to warm it up nicely, and then just dry it off.

  • And if you see that your cake is sticking

  • to the sides of the pan,

  • if you have, say, a nonstick pan, or a sticky,

  • a non-nonstick pan, just use a warm knife,

  • take it around the edges before you loosen it off,

  • and that'll do that.

  • Anyways, our knife is warm and dry,

  • and we're just gonna cut right into this.

  • And you wipe the knife and dip it in hot water

  • between each slice,

  • you'll have a cleaner cut and you'll be plating like a pro.

  • Okay, so that's what we're gonna do.

  • We're gonna serve this, 'cause I want cheesecake bad.

  • (laughs)

  • Here we go.

  • Oh, and look at that texture.

  • It is so fluffy and whipped.

  • Velvety smooth.

  • Yum.

  • Get in my belly.

  • Yeah, look at that.

  • Woo-hoo.

  • Remember that topping I was telling you about?

  • That's right, homemade cherry sauce.

  • And this is great year round,

  • because you can use frozen cherries,

  • which is what I did, 'cause cherries are not in season yet.

  • But it's okay.

  • It doesn't even matter.

  • Look at how saucy this is.

  • Yum.

  • It just tastes like the best homemade cherry pie filling.

  • It is fantastic.

  • Super easy to make.

  • I'll link to the recipe in the notes

  • because you have to get your hands on this.

  • It's also really good over pancakes, on waffles,

  • and cheesecake, of course.

  • Okay, lots of cherry sauce.

  • Okay.

  • Yum.

  • I love when there's a little bit of cherry juice drip.

  • Look at that, look at that.

  • That's what I'm talking about.

  • (laughs)

  • Okay, okay.

  • I'm so excited.

  • Here we go.

  • Diving in.

  • Gonna get my little bit of everything, especially a cherry.

  • Mm.

  • Mm.

  • Yeah.

  • That is definitely a New York-style cheesecake.

  • The texture is phenomenal.

  • It literally just melts in your mouth.

  • Oh, and I love the crust too.

  • It's so simple.

  • This is gonna become a new favorite for you.

  • And can you even believe how easy it is

  • to make a cheesecake?

  • It's just a little bit of waiting,

  • okay, a lot a bit of waiting, while it cools,

  • but it really is so easy to bake a cheesecake.

  • It's a keeper of a recipe.

  • And make sure, make sure, you try that cherry sauce.

  • It'll make your day.

  • All right, now I'm gonna get my kids in on this taste test,

  • because they have been waiting very impatiently.

  • Oh, kids!

  • (laughs)

  • Okay, all right.

  • Someone's hungry for cheesecake.

  • Okay, I'll give you a big bite.

  • Haumph.

  • Oh, it's a big bite.

  • Was it too big?

  • Is it awesome?

  • - Mm-hmm. - I'll have cherry sauce.

  • - Oh yeah.

  • Look at those two cherries on here.

  • Whoa.

  • Here, I'm gonna let you handle that business yourself.

  • (laughs)

  • - I want this.

  • - You want more?

  • Okay.

  • What do you think?

  • Do I get the thumbs up?

  • (laughs)

  • Yes.

  • Okay, guys, let's have some cake.

  • I hope you guys enjoyed this video,

  • and we'll see you in our next one.

  • (girl vocalizing)

(upbeat music)


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B1 中級

チェリーソースのPERFECT CHEESECAKEの作り方 (How to make the PERFECT CHEESECAKE with Cherry Sauce)

  • 32 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日