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My guess is that a lot of you in this room can think of someone in your family who farmed
way back. The last person before I came along to farm in my family was this guy. My great-grandfather
Henry Clarkis Sheets. Henry farmed in the foothills of southeast Ohio where he produced
dairy, pork, tobacco, chickens and every fall he used his team of horses to haul apples
for a guy named old man Burdet over Brothers Hill to Gallipolis, where those apples were
floated down the Ohio River to Cincinnati. This is Henry at the age of 90 running a track
with suspenders. Henry worked hard. And he earned enough to own land, build a farm, build
a house and get three of his kids to college, my grandmother included. Those kids became
a teacher, a principal, a gas station owner, a welder. But none of them farmed. That career
path that Henry put his kids on so many years ago is the same one that 99 percent of us
are still on today. For generations, farm families have been sending their children
away from the farm. And for some good reasons. A dairy crisis, discrimination by the USDA
against farmers of color, consolidation, vertical integration, skyrocketing land prices and
plummeting incomes. Life has been really tough for a lot of farm families. And opportunity
outside of the farm has only grown. That's why today there are 28 million fewer farmers
in the United States than in 1920 when Henry was farming. And this is in a country with
200 million more people to feed. And because so many young people have left farming, farmers
over the age of 65 now outnumber farmers under the age of 35 by a margin of 6 to 1. My husband
and I are farmers. I'm 34. So I'm one of those ones. We along with thousands of young people
across this country are bucking the trend by starting a farm operation of our own. These
young farmers and ranchers represent an incredible opportunity for the future of food and farming
in the United States. They are cultivating their crops by hand and with tractors, this
is an Alllis-Chalmers G, tractors that haven't seen the outside of a barn for 50 years. They
are putting their chickens, pigs, cows, goats back on grass where they belong and they are
providing jobs and opportunity in parts of the United States that have not seen new industry
in decades. They are also growing some amazing food. These young farmers are demonstrating
as have many generations before them that the more a farmer can care for the land the
more that land gives back. And not just to a farmer and her family but to an entire community.
This is our farm, Hearty Roots Community Farm. It's about 100 miles north of this spot. We
grow 25 acres of vegetables and produce eggs for a community-supported agriculture program.
This CSA program feeds 900 households in the Hudson Valley and here in New York City. Each
year our farm grosses about 425,000 dollars. Most of which goes to local job creation.
We hire about 9 employees, some seasonally some year-round and they in turn take their
paychecks and spend them on local goods and services. We source most of the inputs for
our farm locally or regionally and we use a very small percentage of our budget to pay
for fossil fuels. Now compare that with commodity corn, which actually makes sense as a comparison
because it's what our farm was growing before we transitioned it to vegetables. Twenty-five
acres of corn is going to gross about 25,000 dollars. Half of that is going to be spent
on fossil fuels, GMO seed, inputs and only about 750 dollars is going to be spent on
labor. So if Ben and I wanted to create the same benefits growing corn that we do growing
vegetables just in terms of jobs we would need to grow 5,000 acres of corn. Which happens
to be half of the size of our town of Clermont, New York. And that would be a terrible thing
for Clermont, New York because the more farmers you have maximizing the value of the land
the more benefits a community and a region can experience. As I said before the more
a farmer cares for the land, the more they're able to care for the land, the more that land
gives back. What would our rural areas look like if we had one million more farms in this
country? Like the Salad Garden in Missouri. Like the West Georgia Cooperative. Like Three
Springs Farm in Oaks, Oklahoma. Like Kilpatrick Farm in Albany, New York. Like Bucio Farm
in Salinas, California. Or like Sauvie Island Organics outside of Portland. Just think of
the health, economic and environmental benefits that these farms would bring to our communities.
We need more farmers. We need a million more farmers. But a million more farmers are not
just going to come along. It is not 1920 when Grandpa Henry was farming. Land is crazy expensive.
It took 10 years for my husband and I to figure out how to buy land in the Hudson Valley.
Banks forgot how to loan to us. There is now something called the student loan, which takes
hundreds of dollars from your bank account every month for decades. Supply chains are
in shambles and the federal government is writing policy to basically perpetuate what
we already have. The structural environment that we as farmers are working in today is
essentially the same that has been driving farmers out of business for decades. In response
to the challenges that we as farmers were facing I helped to co-found the National Young
Farmers Coalition. We're a team of farmers and consumers that want to see at least a
million more farmers in the United States. And we know that big change is necessary to
make that happen. We're pushing for innovation in conservation easements to include affordability.
We're reforming policy. And we are doing what we can to create a permanent home for independent,
sustainable, diversified and organic farmers in the United States. Last year we did a survey
of 1,000 farmers across the country. We asked them, what do you need. And they told us that
their number one need is capital. Getting the money to start a farm is really tough.
And of course banks and private interests, they have a role. Investors have a role to
play in all of this. But history teaches us that getting money to farmers is way too important
to leave to private interests alone. That's why the federal government through the Farm
Service Agency makes very low interest loans to farmers and Republican President Theodore
Roosevelt helped start the Farm Credit Cooperative in 1908. These institutions can do so much
more to help the next generation of farmers get started. Take the Farm Service Agency.
They're really stepping up. We've worked with them to change their rules to make modern
training programs such as apprenticeships help to qualify young people for one of their
loans. We also advocated for micro-lending by the federal government to farmers. And
guess what? They listened. They launched a new micro-lending program just this January.
Super exciting, right? But these are administrative changes. These are things that the Agency
has been doing while Congress has been forgetting to pass a farm bill. They can only do so much.
Actually in the farm bill, Congress, brilliantly, wrote in there that this Farm Service Agency
can only lend up to 300,00 dollars to a farmer who wants to buy a farm. When many of us in
this room probably realize that in a lot of regions 300,000 dollars is going to hardly
buy you a house. And to top it all off this Agency, this is unbelievable to me, this Agency
has no permanent funding the farm bill. So every year they are at the mercy of the Appropriations
Committee and farmers are left to wait on loan decisions. If you want to buy a farm
and no one's going to lend to you except the Farm Service Agency, which is the case a lot
of times because traditional lenders think farmers, very risky, which you know can be
true, you have to go out and hope that you can find a farm for 300,000 dollars. Say you
do. Then you have to go to the owner of that farm and you have to beg them to wade with
you through months of bureaucracy while you apply for this loan and just hope that there
is going to be a check on the other end. This is no way for our most important farm lender
to have to operate. And it is no way for us to get this next generation of farmers started
on land when we expect that 70 percent of all farmland is going to be changing hands
in the next 20 years. They are more important than ever. And we have got to help them do
their jobs and serve the next generation more effectively. Speaking of farmland, farmland
as you have probably heard in the newspaper is selling for many more times what a working
farmer can afford. We need the land trust community to step up and work with government
partners to create affordable farmland. So here in Manhattan on this island, you know
you have affordable housing so regular people can continue to live here. Well in our rural
communities we need affordable farms so farmers can continue to farm and own land. And in
the Midwest we've got to trade some of those subsidies that are growing megafarms for incentives
to help young and beginning farmers get ground. They need that land. But the National Young
Farmers Coalition we are not waiting on Congress. As I said before they forgot to pass the farm
bill in October and the extension that they passed in January they actually decided I
don't know if Vice President Biden was aware of this but he and his colleagues cut all
training funding for beginning farmers. The beginning farmer and rancher development program
now has zero funding. We are rebuilding local farmer to farmer networks on the ground. We
have coalitions of young farmers that are forming all over the country. Our Hudson Valley
group that I am a part of, we get together to share a meal, put plastic on a greenhouse
and we are now using our combined purchasing power to bring down the cost of animal feed.
So more of the farmers in our group can offer chickens, eggs, pigs. It's great. We can work
together and solve a lot of these problems. We are now taking this farmer to farmer model
and we are applying it to technology. We helped to launch a project called Farm Hack, which
is farmers, programmers, engineers coming together to develop open source tools ot help
independent farmers stay competitive. You know the National Young Farmers Coalition,
we are getting a lot done. But there is so much more to do and we cannot do it alone.
You know if every single farmer in the United States joined the National Young Farmers Coalition,
which by the way we hope they do, they are all invited, we would still have less than
one half of one percent of the population behind us. Which is very far from a super
majority, right? If we are going to rebuild American agriculture, provide a path of opportunity
for people of modest means to become farmers in the United States and for us all to feel
the benefits and experience the benefits that all those farmers caring for the land will
bring then we need your help. We need you to figure out how we can get everyone in this
country to buy local. To buy locally grown food and have the opportunity to do that.
We need some of you to become farmers. Don't know if you're prepared for that. And we need
all of you to put your kids on a career path that includes farming. And lastly we need
you to join with us to tell Congress that if we invest in the next generation of farmers
in the United States we will all win. I hope that you will join us. We need you to join
us. Thank you.