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  • 2020 is a year of changes for Costco, apparently.

    2020 年は、コストコにとって、変化の年なのだそうです。

  • The beloved big-box store made its first food court-related membership changes in February, and now the rules are changing again to cope with the novel coronavirus pandemic.

    この、皆大好きな大規模小売店。2 月に初めて、フードコートに関連した、会員資格への変更を加えました。そして、新型コロナウイルスへの対応のため、規約は再度変更されています。

  • On Wednesday, April 1, Costco announced the membership policy would change to limit the number of people in the warehouse stores at one time.

    4 月 1 日(水)、コストコは、一度に入店できる人数を制限するため、会員規約を変更すると発表しました。

  • The decision will hopefully help create a safer environment for employees and customers as people around the world try to help curb the increase of coronavirus cases.


  • Beginning on Friday, April 3, each Costco member will only be allowed to bring one additional person inside the store.

    4 月 3 日(金)から、各コストコ会員が同伴させられるのは、1 名だけとなります。

  • Starting today, Costco is only allowing two people per membership card inside at a time."

    「今日より、会員証 1 枚につき、一度に 2 名までの、コストコ店舗入店とさせていただきます。」

  • Prior to this change, Costco allowed each member to bring two guests as well as children into the stores.

    この変更が加えられる以前、コストコは、会員 1 名につき、2名プラス子どもの同伴を許可していました。

  • The brand's CEO and president released a letter stating that the company is closely watching the progression of the pandemic and working under the guidelines of public health officials.

    コストコの CEO 兼社長は、公表した文書において、コストコはパンデミックの進行状況に注意を払い、公衆衛生当局のガイドラインに従って運営する、と述べました。

  • This should allow the stores to make quick and effective changes as needed.


  • By limiting the number of people inside Costco warehouses, the move reduces the amount of face-to-face contact both customers and employees have to deal with while they're inside the building.


  • This is just the latest change among many Costco has enacted to help protect and provide for people.


  • The chain has also altered store hours and increased sanitation efforts, as staff members attempt to more carefully sanitize shopping cart handles, shelves, registers, and front-end belts for checkout.


  • You might be wondering what other policy changes Costco has made in recent days.


  • Well, we've got you covered.


  • Like many grocers, Costco has limited the number of certain items that customers can buy.


  • Two of the biggest items that have been limited include toilet paper and hand soap.


  • Though the message across the country has been one advocating against hoarding or majorly stockpiling items, Costco has taken an added measure to keep individual shoppers from buying out the whole store.


  • In some cases, the big-box store will no longer allow customers to return items that are in very high demand.


  • This includes toilet paper, bottled water, and sanitizing wipes.


  • Paper towels, rice, and Lysol have also made the no-return list in some stores.


  • The company has not announced this as a nationwide change, but Today reports that several individual locations have posted signs on the no-return policy with these items listed.


  • "Costco has been one of the biggest hotspots for those items because you can buy in bulk here."

    「コストコでは大量購入できるため、こういった商品を入手する際、最大のホットスポットの 1 つとなっています。

  • "Well, now, the company won't let a lot of people make those returns if they bought too much."


  • These changes could be in response to a couple of different reasons surrounding the novel coronavirus.


  • It's possible that returns could be prohibited for the time being to discourage people from buying more than they need.


  • It's also possible that Costco is trying to protect its employees from exposing themselves to the virus by handling items shoppers have already taken home and returned.


  • While Costco has made moves to heavily revamp its sanitary practices at store locations, there are still smart practices customers should use while shopping for supplies, to reduce the chance of getting sick or spreading the disease.


  • Good Morning America recently interviewed Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University who specializes in contagious viruses, to ask how she shops for groceries.


  • The expert suggests visiting the grocery store as little as often, and no more than once per week.

    彼女は、食料品店にはなるべく行かないようにし、行くのは週 1 回までにすると述べています。

  • She advises people to go out at times when they believe the store will not be busy, to wipe down the cart handle, and to avoid handling too many items.


  • She is also very careful not to touch her face while shopping.


  • "Keeping your hands away from your face during the shopping trip is a focus for her."


  • "And, when she gets home, she says she washes her hands, but she doesn't wipe down her groceries."


  • The segment reported that the pathogen does not appear to survive on cardboard for more than 24 hours or plastic for more than 72 hours, but as experts continue to learn more about this virus, advice regarding best practices for your shopping trips could change.

    番組の一部によると、病原体の生存期間は、段ボールの表面では 24 時間、プラスチック面では 72 時間までということです。しかし、このウイルスに関し、専門家らが次々に情報を発見していく中で、買い物中の最善の策については変わる可能性があります。

  • More than anything, she is concerned about interactions with people in the aisle and the checkout, where the virus is most likely to be caught through respiratory droplets, so she uses self-checkout whenever possible.


  • Just make sure to wash your hands as soon as you can if you do the same.


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    私たちの YouTube チャンネルも登録して、ベルのマークをクリックし、ビデオを見逃さないようにしてくださいね。

2020 is a year of changes for Costco, apparently.

2020 年は、コストコにとって、変化の年なのだそうです。

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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