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  • Oh, Gordon.

  • Having to deal with bad food, bad chefs, bad restaurants, all the time.

  • People might even forget that Gordon actually enjoys eating!

  • Like we've seen in our two previous videos, it does happen.

  • It's just pretty rare.

  • That's why we continued to search high and low so we could show more of those happier

  • times in Gordon's life.

  • Perfect Sausage Rolls

  • Sausage rolls are a popular British snack.

  • So, when Dustin decided to cook them for Gordon, he was making a bold move.

  • Worse yet, Dustin got confused with Gordon's nationality.

  • This blunder wasn't enough to take the excitement out of Ramsay though.

  • After all, he loves the dish.

  • Dustin was apprehensive when Gordon took the first bite.

  • But then, Gordon took another bite.

  • And then another.

  • Getting Gordon Ramsay to enthusiastically eat your whole dish is quite a life achievement.

  • Before we move on to more Gordon Gordon goodness, show your love and hit the subscribe button

  • and never miss a new video from us here at Babble Top!

  • Now, back to the show.

  • The Miraculous Vegan Burger

  • Just in case you don't know, Gordon isn't the biggest fan of veganism.

  • But then came Shayne, who made a vegan burger with avocado fries and a sriracha sauce.

  • The fake meat was bound with black beans and brown rice.

  • With his first bite, Gordon was impressed.

  • The avocado fries looked like a delicious snack, especially when dipped in that sriracha

  • sauce.

  • All in all, you could say that this burger was miraculous.

  • Why?

  • Impressing Gordon on Live TV

  • You gotta wonder what's wrong with the people who decided to compete in The F Word.

  • If Gordon hates your food, you going to have to endure all the criticism live and unedited.

  • Here, he was going to try dishes from both teams.

  • First, it's the critique of the teamLicensed to Grill”.

  • Now, it's time for the next team, “chop it like it's hot”.

  • He dipped the quesadilla in the creamy avocado sauce, and it was just too tasty of a combo.

  • How about that?

  • Gordon ate two dishes in a row, prepared by different groups, and loved both of them!

  • That may be as rare as Halley's Comet.

  • Just Some Good Fries

  • All different types of chefs, from all corners of the world, have tried to impress Gordon

  • Ramsay and utterly failed.

  • So imagine their reaction to this clip from the seventh season of Masterchef.

  • The challenge?

  • To cook some good ol' french fries.

  • When it came time to critique Brandi's fries, Gordon was at a loss for words.

  • They look perfectly thick and were all pretty much uniform.

  • They had very consistent cuts, with the same shape and length.

  • But, of course, they also tasted delicious.

  • A cheap dessert

  • When Luca got called up he wasn't confident at all.

  • He didn't even believe his cake was properly cooked.

  • Chef Joe was the first to evaluate, and lo and behold, Luca was wrong!

  • Next up, it was Gordon's turn to taste it.

  • The cake might have been cooked, but would Gordon find it good?

  • Getting a “quite nicefrom Gordon Ramsay is not a small accomplishment.

  • Bananas Foster from a Flamboyant Chef

  • No one was quite like Tommy Walton, who was a fashion designer turned chef.

  • But Tommy wasn't just entertaining to watch.

  • He was also a good chef.

  • When it came to the critiques, Tommy was called first.

  • Which, as you can imagine, made him very happy.

  • The inside held even more delicious ingredient - it harbored a sweetened cream cheese.

  • For all of you who have a sweet tooth, this probably will look quite tempting.

  • Gordon was wowed by it.

  • Gordon summed it up in just one word.

  • A Kid Chef With A Phenomenal Dish

  • Watching Masterchef Junior, you sometimes get the impression that some of these kids

  • are even better than the adults.

  • Take Remy's lamb chops, for example.

  • It looked like something straight out of an expensive restaurant.

  • Gordon was in awe - not surprisingly!

  • The meat was perfectly seared, just the way Gordon likes it.

  • To sum things up, just let Gordon have the final word: “absolutely phenomenal”.

  • An Impressive Salmon

  • When the judges revealed the main ingredient of the challenge, Christian was one contestant

  • who seemed sure he would do a good job.

  • Showing confidence in reality shows, usually isn't a great look, as editors often cut

  • these scenarios in such a way to set up people to fail.

  • But that wasn't the case with Christian.

  • First of all, his plate looked amazing.

  • When Ramsay cut the salmon open, you could almost taste it.

  • It looked incredible.

  • After getting so many compliments from Gordon, Christian even relaxed a bit.

  • The salmon tasted amazing, with the spices on the dish tying it all together.

  • AnOMFGdessert

  • When Jenna was called to show her dessert to the judges, she was ecstatic.

  • Gordon was so excited he didn't even wait for Jenna to finish talking.

  • He just went ahead and tasted it!

  • He tasted it but hid his reaction at first.

  • He even laughed, seeing how the little chef was nervous.

  • It is Gordon we're talking about, after all.

  • He then dropped his facade.

  • Gordon even let out anOMFG”.

  • Beef Wellington

  • In the very first season of Masterchef Junior, the kids had to face a tough challenge.

  • That almost seemed cruel to those kids.

  • Not only that, they had to make perfect mashed potatoes and sauteed broccolini.

  • But wouldn't you know, Troy and Alexander knocked it out of the park.

  • But the question about this dish was if it was properly cooked on the inside.

  • Gordon was stunned.

  • He said it was phenomenal.

  • Beef Wellington, Second Round

  • It wasn't just one Beef Wellington that impressed Gordon.

  • Another team made a delicious rendition of his signature dish.

  • Not only was it properly cooked, it looked so good even Joe was surprised.

  • Gordon liked it so much, he was motivated to let out a bunch of adjectives.

  • The chef was properly impressed by the 12 and 9-year-old kids.

  • We certainly want one now, after looking at both of these delicious dishes.

  • A Show-Stopping Filet Mignon

  • Here is Alexander again, cooking another perfect steak.

  • This time, it's a pan-seared filet mignon with garlic mashed potatoes.

  • The steak, once again, looked completely delicious.

  • Gordon only had more good things to say about the meal.

  • At 13 years old, Alexander can stand tall among a row of professional chefs.

  • You can say that Gordon found a kindred spirit in this little chef.

  • Alexander's Dessert Here, we have Alexander once again!

  • If you thought he cooked a mean steak, wait until you see his desserts.

  • Gordon was impressed with his choice.

  • The end result?

  • You guessed it.

  • Gordon took one bite and loved it.

  • He even threw manners out the window, picking the cream of the plate out with his own hands.

  • So, how would he be able to top himself?

  • Tasty Sardines

  • From an ingredient in the mystery box, Sarah was able to make a professional looking dish.

  • At 9 years old, that's very impressive.

  • Not something many kids would like to eat let alone cook, for that matter.

  • For the critiques, Sarah first had to pass through Chef Joe.

  • He asked her a bunch of questions.

  • Anyway, Joe loved the sardines.

  • Gordon wasn't any different.

  • He complimented how good the dish looked and tasted.

  • The salad was perfectly balanced and the sardines were delicious.

  • The Perfectly Replicated Sashimi

  • Coming up to the stands, Christine was a bit intimidated.

  • She had to perfectly recreate the flavor and plating of one of chef Graham's dishes.

  • Which sounds like a very hard thing to do for anyone.

  • That's why it was even more impressive when she hit it out of the park.

  • Gordon was so impressed, in fact, that he called the other judges over.

  • Everything was right about the dish.

  • The position, the drizzle of the passionfruit.

  • Gordon was in disbelief.

  • No, he wasn't.

  • Christine was just that good.

  • See?

  • Gordon does actually like other people's food!

  • He just has one of the highest standards out there.

  • But when he does eat something delicious, he's happier than a puppy.

  • Don't miss out on your chance to win an iPhone X!

  • All you have to do is hit the subscribe button and the notification bell.

  • Then click the description to increase your odds of winning.

  • Good luck!

Oh, Gordon.


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B1 中級

15回のゴードン・ラムジーは実際に食べ物を好きになった! (15 Times Gordon Ramsay Actually LIKED THE FOOD!)

  • 16 3
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日