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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • Palms sweaty, heart racing, stomach in knots.


  • You can't cry for help.


  • Not only is your throat too tight to breathe, but it'd be so embarrassing.


  • No, you aren't being stalked by a monster.


  • You're speaking in public, a fate some deem worse than death.


  • See, when you're dead, you feel nothing.


  • At a podium, you feel stage fright.


  • But at some point we've all had to communicate in front of people, so you have to try and overcome it.

    でも、人生のどこかで 誰しも人前で話さなくてはいけない時があります。ということは、恐怖の克服に挑戦してみるべきです。

  • To start, understand what stage fright is.


  • Humans, social animals that we are, are wired to worry about reputation.


  • Public speaking can threaten it.


  • Before a speech, you fret, "What if people think I'm awful and I'm an idiot?"

    スピーチの前などはこんな心配をするのです。「最悪だとか バカな奴とか思われたら どうしよう?」

  • That fear of being seen as an awful idiot is a threat reaction from a primitive part of your brain that's very hard to control.

    最悪のバカだと思われる恐怖は脅威反応というもので、コントロールが極めて難しい 脳の原始的な部分から生じます。

  • It's the fight or flight response, a self-protective process seen in a range of animals, most of which don't give speeches.


  • But we have a wise partner in the study of freaking out.


  • Charles Darwin tested fight or flight at the London Zoo snake exhibit.

    チャールズ・ダーウィンが 闘うか逃げるか反応の検証を行っているのです。場所はロンドン動物園の蛇の展示コーナー。

  • He wrote in his diary, "My will and reason were powerless against the imagination of a danger which had never been experienced."

    ダーウィンは日記にこう記しています。「私の意志と理性は これまで経験したことのない脅威から生じた想像力 には及ばなかった」

  • He concluded that his response was an ancient reaction unaffected by the nuances of modern civilization.


  • So, to your conscious modern mind, it's a speech.


  • To the rest of your brain, built up to code with the law of the jungle, when you perceive the possible consequences of blowing a speech, it's time to run for your life or fight to the death.


  • Your hypothalamus, common to all vertebrates, triggers your pituitary gland to secrete the hormone ACTH, making your adrenal gland shoot adrenaline into your blood.


  • Your neck and back tense up, you slouch.

    首と背中が緊張し、 前かがみの姿勢になります。

  • Your legs and hand shake as your muscles prepare for attack.


  • You sweat.


  • Your blood pressure jumps.


  • Your digestion shuts down to maximize the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to muscles and vital organs, so you get dry mouth, butterflies.

    消化活動は止まります。栄養と酸素を筋肉や生命維持に必要な器官に 最大限に届けるためです。すると口が渇き、胸がざわざわしてきます。

  • Your pupils dilate, it's hard to read anything up close, like your notes, but long range is easy.


  • That's how stage fright works.


  • How do we fight it?


  • First, perspective.


  • This isn't all in your head.


  • It's a natural, hormonal, full body reaction by an autonomic nervous system on autopilot.


  • And genetics play a huge role in social anxiety.

    また 遺伝的な特徴も社会的な恐怖に大きく影響します。

  • John Lennon played live thousands of times.

    ジョン・レノンは 数え切れないほど ライブパフォーマンスを行いましたが、

  • Each time he vomited beforehand.

    演奏前は毎回 嘔吐していました。

  • Some people are just wired to feel more scared performing in public.


  • Since stage fright is natural and inevitable, focus on what you can control.

    ステージ恐怖症は 自然なことだし、避けられるものではないので、できることに焦点を当てましょう。

  • Practice a lot.


  • Starting long before in an environment similar to the real performance.

    本番の環境に似たところで かなり早いうちから練習を始めておきます。

  • Practicing any task increases your familiarity and reduces anxiety, so when it's time to speak in public, you're confident in yourself and the task at hand.

    どんなことでも練習をすることで 慣れが生まれ、不安が軽減されます。そうすれば 人前で話す時になっても、自分にもパフォーマンスにも自信が持てるのです。

  • Steve Jobs rehearsed his epic speeches for hundreds of hours, starting weeks in advance.

    スティーブ・ジョブズは あの素晴らしいスピーチのリハーサルを かなりの時間をかけて行っていました。何週間も前からです。

  • If you know what you're saying, you'll feed off the crowd's energy instead of letting your hypothalamus convince your body it's about to be lunch for a pack of predators.

    自分が何を言っているかが分かっていると、聴衆のエネルギーを自分の力にできるようになります。視床下部が 肉食動物の餌食になりそうだと体に信じ込ませることもありません。

  • But hey, the vertebrate hypothalamus has had millions of years more practice than you.

    ただし、脊椎動物の視床下部は 私たちよりも、はるかに長い間 実践を重ねてきています。

  • Just before you go on stage, it's time to fight dirty and trick your brain.


  • Stretch your arms up and breath deeply.


  • This makes your hypothalamus trigger a relaxation response.

    これで 視床下部が弛緩反応を促します。

  • Stage fright usually hits hardest right before a presentation, so take that last minute to stretch and breathe.

    ステージ恐怖症は 本番直前に最も激しく襲ってくるので、最後の瞬間はストレッチをと深呼吸をするのです。

  • You approach the mic, voice clear, body relaxed.


  • Your well-prepared speech convinces the wild crowd you're a charismatic genius.


  • How?


  • You didn't overcome stage fright, you adapted to it.


  • And to the fact that no matter how civilized you may seem, in part of your brain, you're still a wild animal, a profound, well-spoken wild animal.


Palms sweaty, heart racing, stomach in knots.


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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