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Hey guys. My name is Shallon and I'm here to help you with all the questions you might
have about love, lust, romance, and everything in between. For more, visit me on twitter
@downtownshallon or be sure to check out my website shallononline.com. Ladies, it doesn't
matter if you're tall or short or fat or thin or have braces or glasses or club foot or
hooks for hands because you know what the most important thing is when it comes to flirting?
Your body language. Here is a pose that you, as a woman, need to master. Shoulders back,
right. And you know that your shoulders are back properly if your thumbs are pointing
forward. Put your weight on your back leg, tilt your head down and look up at the boy
you're talking to. Boys love this look because it's very coquettish and makes you seem just
a little bit vulnerable and just a little bit mysterious but, it's not so overt that
you look a little...like you're trying too hard. So, chin down, eyes up and make sure
your mouth is just slightly parted. There's a big difference between this, which kinda
makes you look like scared child, and this. See? Huge difference. How much do you want
to date me right now? I mean, come on. Can I flirt with you anymore? Also, make sure
that when you're talking to a guy that you occasionally, don't do it too much but, just
a little bit touch your hair absent-mindedly or your neck or your collarbone. The neck
and the collarbone are very sexy places for boys, without being too overt. I mean, you
don't want to stand there going like this. You know what I mean. Not attractive. Not
attractive. But this, this, 'Oh, uh-huh. Yep. Yeah, your soccer game. Yeah, that sounds
fun.' My gosh, he will be putty in your hands. One more trick that I learned from, actually,
Angelina Jolie is to ever so absent-mindedly bite your lip when you're listening to him.
I don't mean like this. I mean, you don't want to look like you're having a panic attack
or something. But, just a very subtle like, uh-huh. Yeah. I still do this and honey child,
I still have boys follow me.