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When Doc Martens first appeared in the U.K., in 1960, they were working boots that would cost you under 3 a pair.
ドクターマーチンの靴がUK市場に初めて登場したのは 1960 年ですが、当時は 1 足 3 ドル以下で買える仕事用ブーツでした。
These days, a pair of Made in England boots could set you back 225 USD.
最近では、イギリス製のブーツは 1 足 225 ドルもします。
So, what has changed?
And why are these shoes now so expensive?
Doc Martens are a style icon that has endured for over 50 years.
ドクターマーチンは 50 年以上に渡って変わらぬ人気を維持しています。
They've been worn by everyone from Kanye West and Cardi B to the Dalai Lama and even Pope John Paul II, when the Vatican placed an order for the famous eight-eyelet boot in black, white, and navy leather.
カニエ・ウェストからカーディ・B、ダライラマにヨハネ・パウロ 2 世ですらも黒と白にネイビーのレザー地のクラシックスタイルのブーツをオーダーしたことがあり、誰にでも幅広く愛されています。
While a pair of Docs may not be the most expensive boot out there, their price and use has gone through a pretty radical transformation.
And the company producing them has shifted dramatically too, from a family-owned local factory to an international fashion brand owned by a private-equity firm.
Since 2014, the price of boots has risen by almost 25 percent.
2014 年以降、ブーツの値段はほぼ 25 %上昇しました。
Sales have grown year and year, and profits were up 70 percent in 2018 to '19.
売り上げも毎年上がっていき、2018 -19 年の利益アップ率は 70 % を記録しています。
So how did the company go from its humble beginnings to producing 7 million pairs of these shoes each year?
さて、こじんまりと始まったこの会社が、毎年 700 万足を生産するまでになった背景にはどのような要因があるのでしょうか?
Before they got their punk image, Doc Martens weren't quite so cool.
The patented technology behind the boots, the air-cushioned sole, was invented in 1945 by Dr. Klaus Maertens.
ブーツに採用されている特許テクノロジーである、エアクッションソールはドクタークラウス・マーチンによって 1945 年に発明されました。
A German army doctor who injured his ankle in a skiing accident and was looking for a comfortable alternative to hard leather-sole boots.
The market for this new shoe technology wasn't the punks or skinheads you might associate with the history of these shoes, but older women in need of comfortable and practical footwear.
They were even advertised as perfect gardening shoes at one point.
It was when this technology was brought over to the U.K. in 1960 that the iconic shoe you might recognize was first made.
その時期を踏まえて 1960 年に UK にこのテクノロジーが持ち込まれた時に、おなじみのスタイルの製品が初めて生産されたのです。
The air-cushioned sole was licensed to the Griggs company in Northampton, and the 1460 boot was created.
エアクッションソールはノーサンプトンの Grigss 社にライセンス提供されて、1460 ブーツが誕生しました。
The iconic stitching and recognizable heel loop were added, and the boots were sold to factory workers across England.
At the time, these boots cost only 3 USD a pair.
当時はブーツ 1 足わずか 3 ドルでした。
Even with inflation, that's just over 50 USD.
物価の違いを考慮したとしても、現在の 50 ドルちょっとです。
They were cheap, hard-wearing, and perfect for postmen, policemen, and workers on their feet all day.
安くて丈夫なブーツですから、郵便配達員や警察官など 1 日中立ちっぱなしの仕事をする人たちは最高でした。
The boot was quickly adopted by any countercultural movement that appeared, and they became a mainstay in glam, punk, skinhead, ska, and goth style, among many others.
Doc Martens' fashion status wasn't always guaranteed, though.
After the boom in the 90s, the boots dipped out of fashion, and the company struggled, almost going bust in the early 2000s.
90 年代のブームが落ち着いた後には、ブーツは時代遅れとみなされて業績が伸び悩み、2000 年代初頭には倒産手前まで落ち込んだのです。
As the industry shrank, the cost of manufacturing shoes in England also got more expensive.
And by 2002 it already cost around 87 USD for a pair of Doc Martens.
2002 年には 1 足 87 ドルにまで値上がりしていました。
That's around 140 USD with inflation.
Northamptonshire was once the home of shoemaking in England.
In the mid-19th century there were over 2,000 shoemakers working in the region.
19 世紀中ごろには、この地域だけで 2000 人以上の靴職人が働いていました。
But as many of these shoemakers struggled, the majority went under or moved production abroad, and now there are just over 30 left.
Doc Martens followed suit, moving their production to Asia.
The company still makes shoes in its Northamptonshire factory, but now this is only around 2 percent of its total production.
Doc Martens says this relocation hasn't changed the way its shoes are made at all.
We wanted to see if there actually was a difference between the new Asian-made boots, the more expensive Made in England variety, or a vintage pair from before the move.
We spoke to someone who's torn down multiple pairs of these shoes to find out.
I'm Weston Kay, I'm a professional leatherworker, and I cut boots and shoes in half on YouTube.
ウェストン・ケイと言います。ボクはプロの革職人で、Youtube でブーツや靴をカットする番組を配信しています。
Yeah, I would say the production methods are really similar between the Asian-made boots and the Made in England boots.
A lot of the same features on the inside of how they stitch their boots are identical.
Their construction's really similar.
They still heat-sew the sole to the welt.
I think a lot of the big differences between the vintage boots and the newer ones...
It's stuff that you would only notice if you cut it in half, almost, or if you wore them for (a) long enough time.
The vintage Doc Martens had a way better midsole that adds a lot of comfort, they had a wooden shank, and the leather was just a lot better.
So they lasted longer, they're more comfortable, they have the support you need.
The newer ones just have worse versions of the old ones' materials.
I wouldn't describe them as a super-durable or long-lasting boot, but a lot of people are just buying these boots because they're Doc Martens anyway.
And they're gonna be comfortable, they're gonna last a decently long time, so most people are gonna be happy with them.
We contacted Doc Martens about these comments.
And their spokesperson told us:
We have not altered any materials or manufacturing processes that would jeopardise the quality of our products.
And where specification changes have occurred they have been made to enhance our iconic products and to ensure we improve the wearers' experience.
We removed the shank in 2000 after realising it did not improve the structural integrity of our boots.
2000 年には、土踏まず芯はブーツの全体構造を改善しないことが分かったため、採用を取りやめました。
In 2005, our internal filler was changed from felt to a better-quality material.
2005 年には、なかもの芯をフェルトからより質の高い素材に変えています。
The 90s boot being referenced along with our current Made In England range have a leather thickness of 1.8 millimetres, whereas our main range has a thickness of 1.6 mm.
ここで取り上げられた 90 年代のブーツやイギリス製のブーツは皮革の厚さが1.8ミリですが、その他の主要製品は1.6ミリとなっています。
Regardless of the materials, Doc Martens' style has endured.
And since 2002, the brand's popularity has skyrocketed.
そして 2002 年以降、その人気は急加速したのです。
The countercultural image that made it so famous is something that has stuck to this day, despite the expansion from small-town British-made boot to international icon.
And for fans of the boot, this can be an obsession.
Over the years, the company's evolved from producing one boot in 1960 to producing around 250 styles each year.
1960 年に制作した 1 足のブーツから始まったのが、年月を経て今では年間 250 種類ほどの商品を世に送り出しています。
And as its popularity has grown, so has the competition.
Over recent years, Doc Martens has filed lawsuits against Urban Outfitters, Vans, Boohoo, and others in an attempt to protect its iconic boot design.
近年は、ドクターマーチンはオリジナルのデザインを守るために Urban Outfitters、Vans、Boohooなどのメーカーを相手取って訴訟を起こしています。
In 2014, the company was sold by the family and bought by private-equity firm Permira.
2014 年には、マーチン家が Permira という株未公開企業に会社を売却しました。
Since this takeover, the price of boots has risen by almost 25 percent, and profits were up 70 percent in 2018 to '19, in large part due to the newfound success of their vegan range.
経営交代以降、ブーツの価格はほぼ 25 % 上昇して利益高は 2018-19 年で 70% アップとなっていますが、その主な理由は新しいビーガン製品の成功によるものです。
And while the boots have transitioned from an English worker's boot into a global fashion icon, their style has endured, and their devoted fan following isn't going anywhere.