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In the previous video we started building the control logic for a computer
And we started by building a counter that counts through each step of our
Instruction cycle at each instruction that we that we want to define for a computer whether it's load a [add]
Output each of those instructions is made up of you know up to five or really oh
It's always five old sometimes the last steps don't do anything
But they all five different micro instructions and this counter counts through from zero to four to keep track of which step
We're on and what we saw is that?
[for] T0 and T1 those first two steps of the micro instruction those are always the same regardless of which instruction
We're actually trying to execute because those two steps are the steps that fetched the instruction from memory
And put it into the instruction register and so in fact
We're able to sort of temporarily wire those up just by you know manually connecting you know these these signals for T0 and t1
through through an inverter to the appropriate
logic signals here on the control
[electrical] word, but what I want to do in this video is replace this kind of temporary
You know demonstration here for those first two steps with logic that's going to be able to carry out all of the steps for any
instruction that we might want the computer to be able to do and so in order to sort of
Understand how that's going to work. There's really kind of [two] pieces of information that feed into what?
Control signals need to be active at any point in time
and one of those pieces of information is which step we're on here so which of which of these time steps were on so
And that's what we're doing now. We're on t 0 or t 1 we have signals that indicate that
But that's one piece of information, and so you know we're where we are in this count is one piece of information
but then the other piece of information once we get into t 2 t 3 and t 4
It's going to be different based on which instruction
we're actually executing and so that piece of information is here in the instruction register because by the time we get to [t] 2
These first two steps will have loaded the appropriate instruction
So if the instruction is load a you know that instruction is [zero] [zero] [zero] [one] will have a zero zero zero one
sitting in the instruction register, so we have that information here, so
All of the information we need in order to be able to set all of the control signals appropriately is
Available in a combination of what's in the instruction register?
Where we are in our in our count, so where we are in the actual instruction cycle
So one way to look at what we've [got] so far
For time t 0 and t 1 we're saying for t 0 we're doing counter out in memory address register
In and that actually doesn't matter which instruction, we're executing because really at this point in the process we don't even know what instruction
We're executing we have to fetch it for memory first, so [teezer]
We're doing these things so [another] way to look at that is kind of with a truth table here where we say
We [have] the instruction which instruction is loaded which is 4 bits
And then we have the step which [is] 3 bits and that counts from 0 to 4 in binary?
because each instruction cycle is is 5 clock cycles long and
So another way to kind of look at this is to say well
Regardless of what instruction so we don't care what's in the instruction [register] for Step 0?
We want to do counter out and memory address register in
So in other words our control word over here is going to look like this. We're [going] [to] have [a] counter out
We're gonna have that is a 1 and?
then memory address register in is also going to be a 1 and then the rest of these are all going to be zeros and
[so] that's what our control word looks like
Whenever we're at time T0. Where its depth 0 regardless of what instructions. It's not the same thing
We're saying here so t0 doesn't matter what instruction. Those [2] bits are set
Now time T1. We have the 3 bits set so [ram] out
So we're taking the contents of ram instruction register in we're putting that content into the instruction register
and then we're also incrementing the program counter so counter enable and
so again at
Time T1 where it work step one here doesn't matter what instruction because this is the same for every instruction or execution
In this case we have ram out is
Set to 1 and then instruction register in is set to a1 so we're moving
contents from Ram into the instruction register
and then were also incrementing the counter so counter enabled is over here at the program Counter and
Then the rest of these are zeros a little carried away and added an extra 0 there last time [would]
I forgot. [I'd] left a little blank there
So this is essentially what we've got now
Right so step [0] we're doing this this thing and step [1] we're doing this other thing
So now where it gets interesting is at this point after we've gone through these first two steps the instruction register
Now actually has the the instruction in it and so for example. [if] our program here was load a 14
The instruction register the instruction for that is 0 0 0 1 that's that's the instruction for Load a which
You know we just made that up, [but] that's that's what we're saying load a is
and then the the number the last four bits here is the is the
You know operand for this or it's a memory address location on we're loading data from [in] [to] the a register
But what shows up in the first four bits, so the destruction register is there a 0 0 1?
so in that case we have
0 0 0 1 in our instruction register
for the next three steps so that's going to be step 0 1 0
0 1 [1] and then 1 0 0 and then once the this
Step counter here gets to gets to 4 it resets back to 0 which we saw in the last video
And so in this case since we [have] 0 0 0 1 in our instruction
Register we know that we're going to be doing a load a because that's that's load a and so
The the steps for Load a which we talked about in a previous video is
we want to take the contents of the instruction register out and
Memory address register in so we're essentially
You know if we're [doing] a load a 14, we're moving that 14 into the memory address register
So that we can fetch whatever is in that [particular] location of memory
And then in the next step we do ram out
We so we take the contents of memory and put it into the a register a register in so in other words
if our instruction register says 0 0 0 1 and, we're on step 3 excuse me step 2 0 1 0
Then we say instruction register out and memory address register in and then everything else is zeros
And then for Load a at time T3. We say ram out a register in
so ram out a
register in and the rest are zeros
And so that's everything for a load a command
We don't actually need to do anything at time t four so in this case
We'll [just] leave all of those signals low and that way for that clock cycle the computer won't do anything now
[the] next instruction is is add and add the
Opcode for that is zero zero one zero
and when that when that
instruction is zero zero one zero we do something different [4] times [t] [2] [t] [3] and [t] [4]
So these these in this case here
This was load a but for add the instruction is going to be [zero] [zero] [one] [zero] [and] it'll be zero zero one zero
for those last three steps of the instruction cycle, so this is the add command and
The way the add Command works is of course
We've already gone through for step zero and one we fetched the add command from from memory, and that's the same for every command
but then four
steps so 0 1 2 3 and 4
[for] steps 2 3 and 4 for the add command [so] the first thing we want to do is we want to take instruction register
out and
Memory address register in so we want to take the the the location, so if we're saying add 15
We want to we [want] to go to memory address location 15 and get whatever is in there and add it to the hey register
So add 15 so we take the instruction register out we put that address into the memory address register
and then we take the contents [of] ram so [ram] out and
put that into the b register, right so be in is over here and
Then that'll start to add. Whatever is in a and B
And so we take the sum out from that addition and put that back into to a register so a in
And so these are the steps for the add command, and I'll just fill in the rest of these zeros
So that's the sequence of control signals that we want for the add command and then the last command that we had in this [program]
Is output command?
And so that the opcode for that, you know we decided was just going to be 1 1 1 0
So we'll just do that here that's 1 1 1 0 will be the instruction that gets loaded if we want to use the output
Command and again that has the same 3 steps in this case the output command is is quite quite
Straightforward it just takes the contents of the a register so a out and it puts it into the output register, so output register in
Is right here?
And that's it it only needs one [more] clock cycle. So these last [2] clock cycles are just unused
And you might be able to imagine some ways that you could optimize the computer to skip those in certain cases, but for now
We won't worry about that
So I'll just fill in the rest of these has all zeros
[now] you might notice this is starting to look a lot like [a] truth table where we have inputs over here on the left
which are the instruction register and the step that we're on and then we have outputs which are the you know the control signals and
In fact that's [exactly] what this is this is a truth table
that defines the logic that we need to build [for] the rest of the control logic and so you can imagine there's several ways we
Can we can built this one is we could build this logic from discrete logic gates
so you could say ok well these are my inputs I've got you know seven inputs and
15 Outputs
And let me design [a] circuit using you know and gates and or gates and inverters and [nand] gates and all the rest
That actually defines this logic, and you could do that and if you go back and look at the video. I did on building a
7 segment display decoder
You know I did something similar there. It was a bit less complex than this
and that [got] pretty complex, but you may also [remember] that we were able to simplify that by using maybe eeprom and
In fact if you look at this you might think well this this would be very easy to do with an eeprom because you've got
These 7 bits over here that are inputs and you can imagine those being the address
Into a location in the [erm]
And then these 15 bits over here you can imagine being the contents that are stored [be] prom
And that's exactly what we're going to do with this computer the problem of course is that the e probes that we've been using are
Are these?
28 C 16 [any] problems [I'm] going to continue to use those for the control logic as well
But you remember you know got. What is it? Yeah a lot of address lines going in here, and of course we only need seven
And there's only eight
Data pins, [so] there's only sort of eight outputs
And [then] farms the address lines go to that [TD] enough
We can just set the rest of them to zeros as far as the outputs go well there's only eight outputs
but we can use two chips to get eight outputs from one and then eight outputs from the other and that's kind of why I've
Divided these like this so that [we'll] have half of the control word in one of the chips
And the other half of the control word in the other chip
And then as far as the instruction and step those will be the address inputs to both chips
We'll just feed that into both of them. So now to actually build that to add those ee problems into our circuit here first
I'm going to get rid of this sort of temporary
[setup] that. I had here with this inverter. We're not going to need that since we're going to replace all that functionality with the [eeproms]
and also going to
Disconnect all of these jumpers that I was using to manually set the control words because we're now going to be able to use
The the control logic that we're about to build so we get all that out of the way
So I had to eeproms here and the first thing I'll do with each of these is just hook up power and ground
Now if we look at the pin [out] for these chips there's a couple other things
We want to make sure we hook up
We've got the right enable output enable and chip enable and we want to make sure each of those is set properly
so right enable it all of these are active low and
So we want right enable we don't want to be writing to the chip we only ever want to read from this once
It's you know in the circuit here
So we want that to be high because we don't want to write and then output enable and chip enable we want to be low
Because we do want the output enabled and we do want to chip enabled. So set write enable
High on both of these and then output enable low, so it's active and then chip enable is also low
so that's also active now the address lines for each of these chips is going to come from the instruction as
Well as the step because those are kind of inputs if you will to this to this truth table
So those are going to be address lines, and so there's only seven bits therefore for that address
And each of these chips has a has a tone an 11-bit address
so we want to make [sure] that you know our address is going to come in here on you know a 0 through a 6
those first seven bits of the address, but then a 7 8 9 and a 10
we're not going to use those we just want to tie all of those to ground, so I'm just going to do that now a
7 is down here, and then a 8 a 9 and a 10 are all up here
so we'll just tie all those to ground and same thing for the second chip over here, so a 7
8 a 9 and a 10 and so now the only pins that aren't connected are a 0 through a 6
the 7 address lines as well as the [Ion] Lines Io0
through [I/o] 7 and
Those are the signals that we want to use right?
So we have 7 address lines [4] inputs and then for each chip we've got 8 outputs
And actually here
we're not using one of those but that's
Ok we might find a use for later on so what I'm going to do is I'm going to set up
these as our addresses will be a 0 a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 and a 6
So we first set up a [hookup] this step those 3 bits which are?
Basically these 3 bits here that count which step on only hook those up to the first 3 address lines
So let me just figure out which of these I forget which of these three is the least significant bit
So which one should be address 0 so let me just double check we add power
see the clocks not running probably because we're halted so if I connect
Our hulk signal I've disconnected that if I click [go] [back] to ground there. We go. It's a clocks running
So you can see this led here on the left is the least significant bit and that sneaks around here
So that's this signal here, so if [I] hook that
signal there to address 0
Which let's see these 3 pins here are going to be
The I/o pins so that should be a 0 there, and then this next one is
a 1 and a 2 so there we go, let's just connect that
So we've got the first three address that's hooked up to our
[hour] switch step or on so those 3 bits and then the next four address lines are going to go to
The instruction, which is this you know these four bits here, whatever instruction. We end up loading
And so now we've got the four bits from the instruction register that indicate which instruction
We're executing now connected to
Four of the address lines for this first [ee] prom and as far as the second ee prom we want all the same address lines
Connected to it
So we [just] need to connect those exact same address lines in the exact same order over [to] the second ee problem
So that both of them will be pointed to the same address at the same time
And then we'll have you know eight bits from this plus eight bits from this will give [us] 16 bits
That'll let us set whatever our control work needs to be so we can just connect those eight
Iago's line Straight across there we go a little bit tight in there, but hopefully that'll work
If not, we'll have something to troubleshoot. So next we [just] need to hook up. The I/o lines which are in this case
We're [not] writing to this. They're just output lines
so we need to click hook up to eight output lines over to our control law signals over here and
The way I want [to] do that is you know got io zero?
Through seven and I want to basically just kind of to make things easy
line it up kind of in the same order that it is here so that
You know for the chip on the left?
will be these eight bits on the left to the chip on the right will be these eight bits on the right and then the
You know the bit on the right here, this will be you know Ioz Row
And Io one two three four five six seven and then over here this will actually be i/o one we won't use zero
One two [three] four five six seven will be the sum out
Just to kind of keep things in order and again
You know you can do it any order you want, but you just have to kind of keep track of things
So I'm just going to do it kind of in a way that it's laid out here just to
Preserve my sanity and so that means salt which is over here on the left is going to be D7
Or Io7 I guess I owe seven on the chip on the left
So so ios 7 is is this pin here, [so] I want to connect that over to halt?
That's this pin here, and then I want to connect that to my whole signal here, and then just go down the line here
So Io6 is [going] to connect to the next signal which is memory in
Io5 it is going to go to ram in io [four] is going to ram out and I of 3 is going to
instruction register out and then i/o two is down here next to ground and
that's going over to instruction register in Io one is going to a
Register in and finally [I] of 0 is going to a register out and so that's the first eight of those
Control signals is hooked up [to] the eight bits from the first a eeprom
And so now I'll [just] do the same [thing] for the second [ee] prom so again
We're going to start [with] [io] 7 which will go to the [some] out
Io 7 is here, and it'll go to some out io 6 goes to
Subtract Io 5
goes to be in Io 4
goes to output register in and
Io 3 over here goes to
counter enable and all those in there nice jumbled mess
And then io 2 down here comes around to counter out
And then finally io one goes to jump and then I of 0 is not connected for now
But we could add another signal over here
And that would be I [of] 0 and actually I left room over here and over here
to add another key prom and some more leds [if] we want to add even more control signals to
Expand what the computer can do is maybe in the future and so now we basically hook this up so that our
Instruction and what step are on control or can control I suppose the the control signals over here?
[but] of course we need to actually program the ee prompts before [it'll] actually you know do what we want and [I] built this arduino
eeprom programmer in a previous video
And I would normally use that I think if you know once the computer gets a bit more complicated
You want to program a bunch of instructions into it?
But for now, I think it's going to be a little bit clearer to see what's going on
If I use this manual eeprom programmer, but also built in a previous video, so yeah
pull out this first eeprom and
Stick it in here
Shoot it to me right place, and if we power this up
So you've got all [ones] in there, but we want you want to start writing to [this] he problem
so go into write mode here and
Basically what we want to do
is write in
This data. You know essentially in each of these addresses we want to write the appropriate data
You know this here, so this is the eeprom on the left that we're programming now so the first thing
I want to do is is program in for step 0 and so step 0 is where these first three?
bits of the address on the left are all 0 0 0 0
and then we don't care what the instruction is so
[doesn't] [matter] what the next four bits are they can be anything we want to program in this particular?
8-bit value here, and really what that 8-bit value is is its setting we can [actually] use the same label here
It's setting the memory in
And then the counter out so counter out is over here that's on the on the other ear um so for this e eeprom
It's def they're really all we need to program is memory, [and] [we] want to set that high
so let me set that high
There's memory in and then the rest of the bits will set low
So I'll just tie them all to ground
it's all program [this] [at] address [zero] by pushing that button and
So that sets it for step zero you know for instruction zero, but we want it for any instruction
So really what I want to do is cycle through all of the possible instructions
So I'll go to instruction [1] step [0] and program that in and then I'll go to
instruction 2 step 0 and program that in and instruction 3
Program it in and then instruction 4 and program it in
six seven [eight]
nine 10 11
[12] 13 14
and 15 so now for every
possible combination of instruction bits here so all all 16 possible instructions for step 0 I
Programmed in this memory in bit high and then the rest of these bits low
So that handles that handles this case here. So the next case is step one and so step one
for any instruction, we want [ram] out [an]
instruction register in
so let me set those bits so [ram] out is going to be that bit [an]
instruction register in
Is that bit so 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 so that's what we want?
Set for step 1 again any instruction
So I'll set that for instruction 0 and then I'll just cycle through the remaining
15 instructions and set it for each of them. Just like we did with the last
Okay, so now for step 1 all 16 instructions any any combination of instruction bits
We've now set this [ran] out instruction register in like that
now we can come on to the actual you know micro code for each instruction, so for Load a
That one is going to be
in this case Step 2
Right and then load a is 0 0 0 1 so now we have this instruction step 2 is going to be
The memory address register [an] instruction register out so let's set that and so will program that and then the next step is
again instruction 1
Step 3 so we'll set step 3 here instruction 1 step 3 and we'll set here
We want [ram] out and a register in and we'll program that and then finally step 4
Is actually just all zeros [who] [will] program that so now we program the micro codes [for] the load a command?
So next we've [got] the add command and to add command is zero zero zero zero one zero
Is the [opcode] for the add command and then we'll go back to
step two
So for step two instruction register [out] memory address [read] [the] [screen]. That sounds right?
program that
Next step [let's] ran out, and then we're also going to do it looks like
Be in it that makes sense
But that's over here on the on the [other] chip so we're not programming that yet put a little program that
And then we go to step four for the add command
Now you're going to add command step four in
That case on this side
We [just] have the a in it's a in as high an [we'll] program that so that's the add command
And then the output command the opcode for that is one one one zero and then we'll go back to
step two and
We just have a out I've got a out. I'll program that and
Then step three all zeros program that and in step four
There's also [call] zeros so program that and so now this eeprom is
Completely programmed for the fetch cycle for any instruction as well as the additional micro code
instructions for Load a add and the output commands
So now we can pop this out and put it back in the computer
And then [we'll] pull out the next one and program that one the same way, so if we put this in here now
I'll go back to address zero and this time around we're over here programming
Those bits of the control word and so again. We have to we have to program the fetch so in this case
we're programming this side over here, so
For step two zero we want the counter out to be enabled, and that's now this bit here is counter out
[and] just like before we want a program
Step zero for now into all of the different instructions, so we'll just cycle through
Instruction 0 through 15
Okay, and so now we have that counter outfit set for all of step 0 and we'll do the same thing for Step 1
Where we want the counter enable to be set so counter enable set for step 1 and again will cycle through all [of] the different
Instructions because we don't know what's going to be in the instruction register for the first two steps of the instruction cycle
So there we go. I think I've got all those programmed correctly
[and] so then moving on to Step 2
We get into each of the different instructions
And so I'll go ahead and program the same thing for our program the correct thing
I should say for for each of the each of the instructions here
So load a can be all zeros and then add, and then finally
For output we want output enable [ok] so now the second [a] [promise] program
So we'll go ahead and put [that] back in the computer as well alright. So now with these [programmed]. We we should have
fetch cycles
working, just like we did before but now it's part of the eeprom and
As well as the load a and an output commands should all hopefully work
But we'll let's let's test it out if we go ahead and connect power
Hard to say what's going to happen here, but if we just stop the clock for now
and go ahead into programming mode and let's go and
Program this this program back into memory so that we know what's in memory
And we can step through and see if it works the way that we think it well
So this program again is just going to do a load a 14 add 15 and output
so load a 14 will go to address 0 and
Put in that load a 14 solo day
14 and
then address 1 will be
add 15 so add is 0 0 1 0 and then 15 is all ones to add 15 and
then we go to
address 2
And we wanted to output output up code for that is 101 0 and then the rest of it. We don't care
So that's output
And then we just need to put our data right because we've got data in Editor 14 and 15 and we're loading and then adding
And so that's the 28 and 40 so or 14 so nadra is 14
We want to put that 28 at 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
0 there's our 28, and then look at the address 15 and we want to put in a
14 there's 1 1 1 0 so there we go
Yep, and if we go back into program mode
We can start to try to step through [our] program and so first thing
I'll do is just kind of reset everything
so if you see a program counter is at this weird value that I can just reset that and
[then] our a register B register result 0 everything else seems to be all 0 we're on t 0 here so
[I] think we're ready to
We'll run the program, but I'm going to single step through just to make [sure] that everything is working the [way] that
we did we hope it would so we're at the time t 0 here so
Step 0 and it doesn't matter what our instruction is in this case. It's all zeros
[but] that's fine, so step 0 we want to do lay
The counter out in memory address register in and so counter is 0 and we're going to put that into the memory address register
Counter out memory registers you're in so I do that nothing really happens
We're just putting a 0 there, but now we're at time t 1 and so step 1
Again doesn't matter what our instruction is we're going to do ram out instruction register in and counter enable
so we've got ram out instruction register in and
Counter enable so it's going to take the contents [of] ram put it into the instruction register and then also increment our counter
so we'll go [ahead] and
single step that with the clocks and there it is so that moves that there and our counter is now 1
So now at this point. We're on time t 2 so 0 1 0 is the step we're on
And now it actually matters what our instruction is [in] sorry [affection] is 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
which is the opcode for Load a
and so
With that opcode on step
0 1 0 then
the re problem should be outputting
Looks like instruction register out and memory address register in and that's exactly what we've got here
So that looks like it's working well
and so it's going to take the contents of
Instruction register or at least the lower four bits and put that into the memory address register
So will single step that and there it is there's our 14 there and now we're on time T3. So
We're 0 1 1
Is our step and then our instruction is still the you know the load a instruction here?
And so now we should be doing a ram out and a register in so indeed
That's what we've got ram out a in
So it should take the contents of [ram] and put it over in the a register, so we'll advance the clock and that's what happens
puts that 28 over there into the a register, and then now we're on
Step 1 0 0 and
our instruction is still low days there's a 0 1
And we're done with the load a we've loaded that 28 into the a register [so] we don't need to do anything
So this step is basically doesn't do anything. So there's nothing set here. So it's really just kind of a
Waste of time if you will but you know maybe there's a way to optimize that in the future
But we we cling out. It's ok we'll just use an extra clock cycle to advance the clock and nothing will happen
But we go back to time T0 and so now we're back at time T0
Sort step 0 our instruction is different now about right it's
Before we had instruction 0 in here which we haven't really defined
Now we have instruction 1
But it doesn't matter right because we programmed this step 0 for every instruction. So we're still going to do the same thing
We're still going to do the counter out and the memory address register in
But now this time the counter is 1 so we're going to put a 1 [in] [to] the memory address register
Which will now get the next instruction, which is add 15. That's what we programmed in to address [1]
[&] [2] [Now] We're at Time 2
And again I've seen the time Time 1
t 1 so [they're] 0 1
and again
it doesn't matter what our instruction is we're still going to do this [ram] out instruction registry and
Counter enable and so that's what we we have here. So we've got our he promise program correctly
and so we'll see the ram out will see this contents here move into the instruction register and
Then also the counter incremented here, so now our instruction register
We've got 0 0 1 0 and that's the opcode for [add] so now we're on
you know step step 2 0 1 0
But instead of 0 1 0 and having the load a command here
We've got 0 0 and we [have] the add command here in our instruction register, and so we're going to do something different
So in here this time, we're going to do
Let's see we're going to do instruction register out and memory address register in and so that appears to be what's showing up here
So we go you get me pregnant programmed, right?
so it's going to take again this address from instruction register and move it into
The memory address register, so now we can get at the contents of memory which is this 14?
So the next step here. We're 0 1 1 is the step wrong
We're still you know doing an ad because that'll attend our instruction register
so we've got ring amount and
B in and indeed that's what's showing up down here so [ram] out b ends is going to put this 14 into the B register
And that's what it does and now we've got the 28 in a and the 14 and b. So we get the sum over here
and so the ad is then going to take
The sum out take the sum out and put it into the a register
And so that's in fact what we have here
And of course it latches that into a register
Just immediately on the rising edge of the clock so as soon as that goes in here
It'll it'll latch and then of course now the new sum is there but we've we've only latched it into the a register
So we have the sum of those values
And that actually used up all of all of our clock cycles for instruction cycle, so we're back at instruction 0 again
But now you know our instruction is still saying add
But we care
We're in [step] zero so we don't care what the instruction is where we're going to set the next instruction
So we've got counter out memory address register in again
[so] we're going to put our two over here because we want to attach the next instruction from address to which we programmed is out
So we've got that and then we're going to do step one
Which is ram out?
so the contents of Ram
Which [is] the you know got our instruction end we're going to put that in the instruction register
and we're also getting increment our counter and
What happened something didn't work right? And I didn't see what happened
This should be an address - I'm not sure why [that] went to zero
We've got a load a here. So [it's] saying
Instruction out in it and then we address vegetarian which is right, but I don't know why we have a load a there
We should have
We should have done something different
[I'm] not sure what happened. So what I'm going to do
Since I I didn't see what happened is
Try to set that up again. So we have the program still in memory
So I'm actually going to reset everything
I'll reset the program counter to zero I'm going to reset to a register to zero I'm going to reset the B register to zero
and to reset the instruction register to zero
And I'm going to reset
Let's see how do [I] reset you?
I'm just going to advance the clock until we get to T0. Okay there. We are. [so] that's a T0 program counter
Make sure that's back at zero
okay, so [we're] reset, and I'm actually going to kind of step through because the place we
We failed was in loading the output so let me do the load a in the [add]
So I'm going to just quickly step through the the load [hey] again, so it's the first five
So that did a load a and we've got our 28 there the next five clock cycles will do the add
And we've got our sum. Now is in the hey register
[and] so we're kind of back where where things went awry, [so] let me just look at this and make [sure] things make sense
So we're at t zero
we just did our ad
And we're saying counter out memory address register him, so the two is going to go to the memory address register
so there it is and
Here's our output command. It's in memory and the next thing we want to do is we want to say
ram out instruction register in counter enables
we've got ram out instruction register in counter and able so this should put and
this is [visit] to step where it didn't work last time, so I'm
Suspicious, but this should put this one one one zero
into the into the instruction register and
then increment the program counter to three, so let me just
run the clock one one step and
That time it worked
We have the right instruction here, so maybe I [bumped] something
You know there that is the problem with breadboards sometimes things are loose and unreliable, so it might be I bumped something
But it looks like this time [it] worked, so [we're] back. We're back here
We've just loaded where it stepped you know T2 now, and we have the output command in our in our
instruction register
so now what we're going to do is we're going to say a out and
Output register in and that's what we've got here
and so if we step this it should take the contents of the a register and display it on the output and
there it is 42 is the answer as it should be and
The next two parts of output are just all zeros, so we've got all zeros
So that's a clock cycle, and then all zeros that's a clock cycle, and we're back to t0
Again, and of course we didn't program anything in after after these three commands, so there's just garbage in memory
So if I keep running it who knows you know, what will [happen]?
But it looks like you know that one little anomaly, and I'm going to guess that [I] bumped something
Maybe you know when I watch back over the video. You know notice that I bumped something or something like that hopefully
but it looks like
You know we've got these canals looking to load a to add the output we were able to program them in memory and then run
And run the program and just just for fun. You know instead of single stepping it [lets] try to run the program
Automatically so what I'll do is
reset everything so I'll reset [a] program counter or reset a
register reset the B register
reset the output
register to zero
[reset] the program or the instruction register and
We'll reset the memory address register as well
Everything is set to zero or on t zero here if I start the clock it should
Run those commands and then output the result and it's going to keep running
So who knows what'll do after it outputs the result, but it should at least
Output that result so let's let's give [it] a go
And there it is and that's you know you saw the 42, but then who knows what it's [doing] now
So maybe what we really want is we want to halt command. So maybe that'll be the next command. We add next is a [halt]
And you know let's let's say you know that's going to go in address zero zero one one
And you know we get to make up the opcode we want for it
So let's just say it's going to be [one] [one] [one] one and then you know it doesn't have any parameter there
So if we want to make a halt command, we actually can do that. We just need to program in the right [micro] [code]
Into our eproms to add this this halt command, so let me stop this for now
and so if we want to add a halt command here
we've got 1 1
1 1 is going to be the opcode for it and of course. It's still going to have the same three steps
Although as you'll see it'll never actually get [to] them the other two because it's going to halt the computer
[but] basically this [is] a simple enough command because we have a halt signal and remember with this whole signal goes high the clock stops
so if we just set that high
Just really matter. What else we do
The clock will stop and and that'll be that the computer will stop until we reset it somehow, so this will be the hult command
This should be a pretty easy thing to program into our to [eeprom] so now let's do that real quick
You want to program that in?
here's a lefty prom and
Here we want to go to
Halts which is
1 1 1 1 and then Step 2
we want to set
my program here
We'll set those first 10 low
or high excuse me and then everything else low and
program that and then for step
We'll just do all zeros and Step 4
all zeros and
[then] the left one we just want to make sure we've got all zeros in it
so here program all zeros I got halt and then So [4] 2
We want to put the errors in there
So I just pulled those [eeprom] down and reprogrammed the the halt command without
Shutting the rest of the computer without you know pulling power off the computer
[I] just pulled the chips out and put them back in so the program should still be in memory
But let's just walk [through] and make sure and then also add that [halt] command to it so at address 0
we've got our load a 14 go to address 1 we still have our add 15 and
address [two]
We've got [our] output and then address three we've got garbage
But what I want to do is put a halt command there which we now
Which we now have and so that's a halt
[so] [that] should be there, and then let's just double check address 14 and 15 still have our data
And that's good go back into run mode
Make sure everything's reset so at time t. 0 so that's good
program counter a register B register instruction register all zeros I
Guess memory address register, we could reset that as well to 0 though
It doesn't matter the first thing to do is to take our memory address register
Or counter out and then register in
But I think that should be it and so in theory if we just run this program it'll do that
Load a add 15 output the result and then honk the clock and so we should see this halt light come on
We should see the clock stop let's let [Er] Rip
And the hair goes we got our 42 out output and then we got our halt here and the computer is halted
So it it ran [through] the load a 14 it added 15
We output the result and then it halted and so you know we also were able to just add that new hold command
Just like that
So I'm gonna leave it there for now in the next video
We'll probably go through adding some more commands and just [making] [the] computer more more capable [byte] by adding new instructions to it