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  • (Image source: YouTube / Adrian Erickson)


  • Monster hunters and Bigfoot believers, get excited: A group of researchers now claim

  • to have indisputable proof the legendary creature is, in fact, very real.

  • At a Dallas press conference Tuesday, the group known as the Sasquatch Genome Project

  • presented evidence including photos, videos and even the supposed DNA of the beast.

  • The videos included this shot, said to be a sasquatch walking in the woods, as well

  • as a shot of what the team says is a juvenile female Bigfoot sleeping. They say both shots

  • were filmed in Kentucky. (Via WFAA)

  • The researchers also really want you to know the five-year, half-a-million dollar research

  • project is not just messin' with sasquatch. (Via YouTube / Jack Link's Jerky)

  • MELBA KETCHUM: "We just want people to understand that this is a serious study."

  • ADRIAN ERICKSON: "People have chosen to just ... they don't want to believe it. They can't

  • find it in their minds to believe these things exist." (Via KTHV)

  • Along with the videos, the group also presented blood, hair and a DNA sample, which they say

  • is the strongest proof of Bigfoot's existenceproof they claim has been reviewed by

  • 11 independent laboratories and universities, including New York University, University

  • of Texas Southwestern and the North Louisiana Crime Lab. (Via Daily Mirror)

  • According to lead researcher Melba Ketchum: "They didn't know what they were testing.

  • I have one email from a tester saying 'what have you done, discovered a new species?'"

  • (Via New York Daily News)

  • Which, if the evidence proves to be legit, might be exactly the case. The team says the

  • samples prove the existence of a previously unknown hominin species that originated some

  • 13,000 years ago.

  • ABC quotes Ketchum saying, "They're a type of people, they're a human-hybrid, we believe.

  • And all of the DNA evidence points to that."

  • Before you get too excited, though, keep in mind there have been Bigfoot hoaxes before.

  • A famous 1967 film allegedly captured the first video of the creature before one of

  • the participants admitted it was fakeand that he was wearing an ape suit in the video.

  • (Via Animal Planet)

  • And back in 2008 two Georgia men claimed to have a Bigfoot corpse in their freezer. That

  • turned out to be a rubber suit. (Via Fox News)

  • But the team, which was funded by businessman Adrian Erickson, stands by its evidence and

  • says there are more than 1,000 sasquatches nationwide. Maybe you can find one in your

  • neck of the woods.

(Image source: YouTube / Adrian Erickson)


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新しい映像とDNAがビッグフットの存在を証明しているとグループは言う (New Footage, DNA Prove Bigfoot Exists, Group Says)

  • 93 8
    吳曜任 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日