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  • Here we have a brand new 2020 iPhone SE. It's a little guy in iPhone's current line up - and

  • not just in size. The price is also a surprisingly justifiable $399. 'Reasonably priced' and

  • 'Apple' don't usually go in the same sentence together, but here we are...I just said it.

  • Inside the box we get the new red iPhone SE, along with the corded proprietary lightning

  • headphones, power cord, and the little 5 watt charger. It would be faster to plug your phone

  • into a hamster, but for this price point I'll try not to complain too much.

  • It's time to see how durable Apple's new iPhone really is.

  • Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • So you might be like, 'Yo, Jerry, that looks like an iPhone 8.' And you're correct. Old

  • body, new internals. It keeps the manufacturing price down and I'm all for it. The vast majority

  • of people will never utilize the high-end specs of a $1,000 flagship, and this little

  • guy is exactly the thing a lot of people are looking for.

  • Let's start with the scratch test. My Mohs mineral picks can tell the difference between

  • optical plastic, which scratches at a level 3, glass, which scratches at a level 5 or

  • 6. And sapphire, which scratches at a level 8 or 9. A lot of people don't know that the

  • original iPhone that Steve Jobs first held up on stage for that first ever iPhone launch

  • had a plastic screen. Right after that launch event he changed his mind about plastic and

  • said all phones needed to ship with glass. And within a few months, Apple got it figured

  • out and every phone since then has been shipped with glass, including this one, which scratches

  • at a level 6 with deeper grooves at a level 7. This means that the screen is resistant

  • to scratches.

  • The camera up here is a 7 megapixel little guy. It's sitting right next to the earpiece

  • grill...which is made from metal and ever so slightly recessed below the glass surface.

  • It won't be falling out on its own. The phone does have a Home button...well, a Home circle.

  • It doesn't actually click or anything. This just doubles as a fingerprint scanner and

  • is undamaged by my razor blade. Thumbs up for that.

  • The screen does still have it's plastic buffer layer between the glass and the metal, which

  • is good news for durability and easier screen replacements. And the body of the phone is

  • still made from aluminum. The SIM card tray is also metal. There is no expandable memory

  • in the iPhone SE, but it does have a black rubber ring around the SIM card tray to help

  • keep the ip67 water-resistance. Water damage is of course not covered under the warranty,

  • but it is still nice to have the extra protection.

  • The top of the phone has nothing except more metal. And the left side of the phone has

  • it's two volume buttons as well as the mute sliderall made from metal. The bottom

  • of the phone has it's normal lightning port and loudspeaker, but no headphone jack, and

  • strangely enough, silver screws. Apple has used black screws on phones in the past and

  • I personally think black screws would look a little better than silver. What do you think?

  • Let me know down in the comments. I'm just glad that Apple went with a black screen this

  • time around. I made a video a few years ago about how to swap the black and white screens

  • on the Product Red iPhone 7, which has been watched over 7 million times. I'm not like

  • saying Apple followed my tutorial or anything...but there's also no way to prove they didn't.

  • Apple is using Product Red this year to help donate to the global fund Covid-19 response,

  • and any donation is a good donation. I've been scratching stuff for a while now, and

  • Apple and I have always disagreed when it comes to the definition of sapphire. Sapphire

  • should start scratching at level 8 or 9, but Apple's sapphire camera lenses for some reason

  • always start to damage at level 6. I've done some pretty in-depth videos about this if

  • you're curious. I just think that at some point they should stop calling it sapphire.

  • It's just crazy...not drinking bleach might cure corona levels of crazy, but still pretty

  • crazy. Either way, the 12 megapixel camera lens starts getting damaged at a level 6.

  • If it's not pure sapphire, we shouldn't be calling it sapphire. Even though the phone

  • itself only costs $399, a broken glass panel of the iPhone SE would cost $269 to replace.

  • The screen is a bit more reasonable at $129 replacement, but thanks to our channel sponsor

  • dbrand and the Grip Case, repair costs won't ever be something to worry about. Especially

  • with the gradual raised lip along the top and bottom to help keep the screen socially

  • distant from things that might damage it. I'll put a link down in the description for

  • the Grip Case.

  • The 2020 iPhone SE has a 4.7 inch 750p 8-bit display, which is capable of showing over

  • 16 million colors. There are 10 bit screens now on the market, like the OnePlus 8 Pro

  • that displays 1 billion colors...if your eyes are into that kind of thing. The iPhone SE

  • lasted about 16 seconds under the heat from my lighter before the pixels went black and

  • turned off. Apple is using an LCD screen for the iPhone SE, but the pixels do come back

  • after the heat is removed, and also fully recover...minus the evaporated oleophobic

  • coating. Overall, I'm pretty impressed with this little guy, and I think Apple's pretty

  • smart for releasing a super inexpensive iPhone. It's kind of like a gateway phone to sneak

  • you into their ecosystem. One minute you're buying a cheap iPhone, and the next thing

  • you know you're paying $5,000 for a portless laptop that can iMessage.

  • Everyone can appreciate a well-built phone, and the bend test of the iPhone SE shows that

  • even with the price cut, there is no skimp on structural integrity. Whether bent from

  • from the front or the back, the phone is intact and not permanently damaged or kinked.

  • The iPhone SE is still very much alive and survives my durability test. Nice work Tim

  • Apple.

  • Would you ever buy a $1,000 iPhone now that this SE exists? Let me know down in the comments.

  • I'll leave the link for dbrand's case down in the description. Plop a Teardown Skin on

  • the back and it's the best of both worlds. Hit that subscribe button if you haven't already

  • so you don't miss the teardown. And come hang out with me on Instagram and and Twitter.

  • Thanks a ton for watching. I'll see you around.

Here we have a brand new 2020 iPhone SE. It's a little guy in iPhone's current line up - and


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iPhone SE(2020年)の耐久性テスト - リーズナブル...リーズナブル? (iPhone SE (2020) Durability Test – Reasonably... Reasonable?)

  • 13 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日