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  • Hi everyone! Abbey here from MosaLinga.

    皆さんこんにちは!MosaLinga のアビーです。

  • Welcome to our new series of English Grammar Hacks.

    新シリーズ、English Grammar Hacks の時間がやってきました。

  • Wait. I know what you're thinking: "English grammar equals hard, not fun".


  • But before you leave me, give me a chance to explain why English grammar is easy and definitely worth learning.


  • English has some weird pronunciation rules, but the grammar aspect of the language is actually much easier.


  • All you need is a positive attitude towards grammar and then awareness of what makes English grammar easy compared to other languages.


  • First of all, in English you generally just need to add an "s" to the end of a word to get its plural form.


  • One cat, two cats. One friend, four friends.

    1 cat、2 cats。1 friend、4 friendsといった具合ですね。

  • Okay. I know that there are some irregular plurals like "women" and "children," but I promise there aren't too many.


  • Second: English has no grammatical genders.

    2 番目は、英語には文法上の性別がないという点です。

  • This is a big one because you don't have to worry about whether objects like tables or bottles are masculine or feminine.


  • That doesn't even make much sense anyway. They're just objects.


  • This aspect makes English easier than a lot of languages like French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, which distinguish between masculine and feminine, and German, which has three genders.

    英語はこの点において、男性名詞と女性名詞があるフランス語・スペイン語・ポルトガル語・イタリア語よりも簡単ですし、ドイツ語に至っては 3 種類の性別があるくらいです。

  • This leads into my next point, which is that there is no adjective agreement either.


  • This means that if there is one new car or a million new cars, the word "new" will always be written the same way.

    つまり、新車が 1 台あろうが 100 万台あろうが、「new」はいつも同じスペルです。

  • Cases are variations of words depending on their functions in sentences.


  • In Russian, for example, there are six different cases, and four in German.

    例えばロシア語では格は 6 種類ありますし、ドイツ語には 4 つあります。

  • This means that when you learn a new word in these languages, you need to memorize several variations to be able to use them in different situations.


  • No need for that in English!


  • When you learn a word in English, your job is done.

    英語では単語だけ勉強すればそれで OK です。

  • You only have one form.


  • The last thing I want to talk about today is how simple it is to conjugate verbs in English.


  • It's true that there are a couple of different tenses you need to memorize, but they're relatively simple compared to other languages.


  • There are usually just one or two variations you need to memorize to be able to express your ideas.

    自分の思っている事を表現するには、普通は 1~2 種類のバリエーションを押さえておけば大丈夫です。

  • In English you only need two forms for the present.

    英語では、現在形はたった 2 種類です。

  • I'll give you an example: I listen, you listen, we listen, they listen, or he or she listens.

    例を挙げると、 I listen, you listen, we listen, they listen。または he もしくは she listensになりますよね。

  • Adding an "a" for a few persons does the trick in most cases.


  • Do you want to talk about the future? Then you just need the word "will" before the infinitive form of the verb. "I will listen."

    未来のことについて話す場合は?単に「will」を原型不定詞の前につければいいだけです。「I will listen」になりますね。

  • Need to talk about something in the past?


  • Just add -ed to the end. For our example "listen" this works for all forms.


  • I listened, you listened, he or she listened, they listened, we listened.

    I listened, you listened, he または she listened, they listened, we listened.

  • Of course, there are some common irregular verbs, but in an upcoming video, I'll give you a language hack to memorize those in no time.


  • Now, I hope I've convinced you that compared to many languages, probably even including your native language, English grammar is easy.


  • If you want to get a more in depth look at this topic and practice with some exercises, check out what we've prepared for you below.


  • You'll see that our approach focuses on the 20 percent of grammar you need to get by in 80 percent of situations.

    私たちのアプローチは、本当に必要な 20 %の文法にフォーカスを置いて 80 %の状況に対応できるようになることです。

  • Before you go, I encourage you to subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss out on the rest of our English grammar hacks in this series.

    動画を閉じる前にチャンネル登録をして、このシリーズ English grammar hacks の残り動画もお見逃しなく。

  • Happy learning, and see you next time!


Hi everyone! Abbey here from MosaLinga.

皆さんこんにちは!MosaLinga のアビーです。

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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