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  • FT28, this is Fort-Lauderdale.

  • Do you read?

  • FT28 to Lauderdale, do you have a fix yet?

  • The myth of the Bermuda Triangle

  • began on the 5th of December 1945

  • when a group of five aircraft mysteriously disappeared.

  • Everything is wrong.

  • Even the ocean looks different.

  • Flight 19 was a routine training mission

  • of five Avenger torpedo bombers.

  • The three sitter Avenger

  • was the US Navy’s top ship and submarine killer.

  • It could carry up to 2000 pounds of ordnance

  • and had a range of a thousand miles.

  • The Avenger was robust and reliable.

  • The doomed flight 19

  • left Fort-Lauderdale at 2.10

  • on a clear winter’s afternoon.

  • Four hours after they took off,

  • they vanished into thin air.

  • Fearing the worst,

  • a navel air search rescue plane

  • took off into the darkening skies.

  • Twenty minutes later at 7.47 p.m.

  • the rescue plane also disappeared.

  • After a massive search

  • no wreckage was found

  • and nothing was ever heard from them again

  • until now.

  • Over the last sixty years

  • this mystery has sustained the wildest theories

  • about what strange forces could be at work out here.

  • Legend has it

  • that the Triangle covers the seas between Miami,

  • the islands of Bermuda,

  • and Puerto Rico -

  • an area of one and a half million square miles.

  • Since 1492

  • when Columbus first sailed into the area

  • and saw strange lights in the sky

  • the list of unexplainable disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle

  • has grown.

  • Thousands of ships and planes have simply vanished.

  • No warning,

  • no distress calls,

  • no wreckage.

  • Richard Winer has written

  • many best selling books about these strange disappearances.

  • We don’t know our planet.

  • We know more about the Moon.

  • Were probably learning more about Mars

  • than we know of our own planet.

  • We know about the Earth.

  • We don’t know about the sea.

  • The boat yards of Key West

  • hum with stories about those

  • who were lost in the Triangle:

  • stories of giant sea monsters,

  • cosmic time warps,

  • spinning compasses

  • and holes in the ocean that swallow ships

  • have echoed throughout the world.

  • Yet the disappearances continue.

  • I would say there’s some kind of

  • anomaly going on down there

  • that we can’t explain.

  • Something that goes on

  • down far far below the deepest... uh raise,

  • the last raise of sunlight.

  • Way down there’s something going on down there.

FT28, this is Fort-Lauderdale.


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バミューダトライアングル 19便に何が起こったのか (Bermuda Triangle what happened to Flight 19)

  • 176 13
    吳曜任 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日