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hey everyone Jennifer from Tarle Speech with your pronunciation question
recently I've had a lot of students from all different language backgrounds who
really have a lot of trouble with the T sound the SH sound and the CH sound
so we're going to look at all of those sounds today and I think this might give
some of you insight into why these sounds are so confusing
so our words today are two which 2 too & to are all pronounced the same I have a
video on how to pronounce these 3 words if you're interested I'll put the link
in the description we have the word shoe what you wear on your feet and then chew
which means to masticate your food all right so let's start with the word 2 to
say the let's start with that actually the ew sound here the vowel the vowel
is the same in all of these words which is really going to highlight the initial
sound so for the ew sound all you're going to do is really pucker your lips
for that ew and your tongue is going to be flat in the middle of your mouth and
everything's going to be tense your tongue and your lips and your mouth ew
this vowel is long and I always say to my students make sure that your vowels
at the end of words are a little bit longer that's really going to help you
because most of my students make vowels too short so we have the ew ew and ew so
for the T sound to make a T sound you're going to touch the tip of your tongue to
the back of your top front teeth most people can do this for the SH sound in
shoe your tongue is not touching your teeth your tongue is in the middle of
your mouth Shh behind your top front teeth it's pulled
a little bit back it's not where it is for the s sssss it's more back Shh and
you're gonna round your lips and when you round and pucker your lips this is
going to help your tongue get in the right spot because when you make your
mouth smaller by closing it or bigger by opening it there are only so many places
where your tongue to go so try that it usually works for people so again we
have t where we touch our teeth and Shh where we do not touch our teeth okay now
here's where the magic happens all right the set the T sound
plus the is SH sound pronounced very quickly together make the CH sound you
heard it correctly t plus SH make the CH sound another thing to keep in mind even
though I'm saying SH and CH sound there was really no H sound in there I'm
using these diagraphs or two letters that we typically write together to
represent these sounds because you really will see that a lot in American
and English spelling rather so again we have T plus s H equals CH so touch the
tongue for the T to the back of the top front teeth
pull it back for the SH and you have to ch ch chew so let's try those all too, shoe to shoe chew
chew shoe too and now for a sentence I had to not chew my gum when I asked the clerk
for two of the same shoe give it a try people are definitely going to notice
the difference if you found this helpful we'd love a like a share and a subscribe
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thank you all so much I'll see you again soon