字幕表 動画を再生する
hi there Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is about linking and linking is when you see words connected in a
sentence and when you do that oftentimes sounds change and this really confuses a
lot of my students so today's linking tip is going to be linking with the word
you as in y-o-u so the tip today is when a word ends with the D and it's before
you then you are going to pronounce that D and you as ju that easy so what
you're going to do is if you see a word that ends with the D and then you have
you next you're going to touch your teeth for that D sound and then move
your tongue back to the middle of your mouth which is going to help you create
that j sound so ju-ju and then you're gonna round your lips for that ew sound
ju so we have would you could you told you and had you so I told you this was
going to be an easy and quick tip I think I had you listening when I told
you it was going to make you speak a little faster could you please share
this with a friend and would you give us a like I large my sentences so give it a
try people are going to notice the
difference if you found this helpful I just told you give us a like and a share
check out our products on Google Play and iTunes and please leave your
questions in the comment section below thank you so much have a great week