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So, I think it's pretty safe to say that this is what my life is gonna look like for the next couple of weeks
Hey guys, how's it going?
I just moved into my new place here and today's video is gonna be a little bit of a shorter one and wow this place
Really needs to be sound treated. I have like a flight in like 24 hours, and I haven't even started packing
But we're gonna talk about that a little bit later because you see, If you guys remember
If you guys remember, I did a video on three secret cherry blossom spots in Tokyo
And I've got this here print that I'm giving it right this one right here
I was looking through the comments and it's really really tough to choose like just just choose a person randomly
There's so much in there that I didn't feel right. Just choosing one person's. Well, I actually
ordered another print
And I'm gonna give away
Two and i'm gonna announce that later on
but before we get to this
I can't want to share the story of the last two or three days with you guys because it's been a really good time
So let's jump back
And just move down to this place yesterday, but I left my shamisen here because I have a shamisen performance nearby today
A performance, which I am late for so let's get going.
I don't typically shoot videos on performance days, but I told you guys about this one
so I thought it might be nice to
Bring you along so, plus a lot of the stuff that I do are like corporate events and stuff like that so
It's not
Entirely appropriate to bring you guys along to those
but if you guys enjoy this
I'll try to bring you along to more the ones that I can so let me know down below
This particular performance is going to take place at a place called shamisen
Kato and the owner Kato-san is a longtime friend of mine
And I can actually already hear the music of the shop. We're almost there
Looks like I made it just in time. (Female speaker: Yes you did) Alright, let me show you guys the space up here
So the owner Kato-san usually has events and live shows up here and this one time of year very
specially he throws one like right in the shop
He clears out the shop puts a stage right in the front and the rest is history. I'm up in about 30 minutes
Performance went well. It's a lot of fun. Let's step outside for a second.
How's it going? (I made it.) Good to finally meet you. (You too)
I Literally interrupted every... Come on in!
Few people came out to say hello
What's up! and I literally interrupted everybody's conversation just because the sakura was snowing
It was beautiful. right after me
There was a guy who comes out in a giant cat costume when I mean a giant cat costume
I mean like the head of this thing is probably bigger than my body. Is that a good description. Yeah
How many stars for the cat guy out of ten? (ten) ten stars?
Yeah, that's cat and shamisen playing cat a saxophone. That is a real thing
Usually at the end of these events Kato-san throws a pretty wicked party where he cooks
Oden, which is like, like a Japanese, I'm not even going to get into what oden is
It's really good
If you're wondering what it is just google it but he calls himself the Oden master of Tokyo, but I actually have a shamisen
tournament tomorrow in Tokyo
So I'm gonna take a few minutes here and maybe grab like a drink with everybody
Before heading back and getting rested for that tournament also
I'm not in a super rush to get back to the insanely empty house either. It's just so empty now
It's not that much taller on the inside!
Ok, It's about 8 o'clock now. We're just wrapping up here
We just enjoyed like I guess it could be called hanami because they were sakura in the park
I don't know. Would you call that hanami?
(I would call not call that hanami.) I pulled out the shamisen for a bit because there's one person who actually
missed the uh
missed the live performance, so
kinda ya come all the way out here, right?
Never get enough of that
I just said farewell to everybody at the station
We're in Machiya right now. The last time I was in Machiya it was for Kiki's like ten year anniversary concert
I think there was an accident. There's like glass all over the road
It's really nice to meet everybody who came out so thank you guys for coming out, that was a lot of fun
We just hit up the park did a couple drinks. It was a nice night
I was going to give you guys a little bit of a tour of this, tonight
but I'm just exhausted like
I'm done for today. For now I'm gonna get some rest head to the taikai tomorrow, and
I'll see you guys in the morning
All right so its the morning of the next day and
I'm actually leaving like right now for the shamisen taikai because
We're gonna be late
All right, so it's about 5:00 p.m. Right now
I just got back from the taikai it is much later than I thought under normal circumstances
I would do a montage, but I'm, I just really want to get this done for now. So just bear with me
And I was really hoping at the last like sunset shot that I got of the sky tree
Would be like a much more miraculous. Sometimes you get this beautiful beautiful pink in there didn't get it this time
It's currently just before 8 p.m
my uh
My desk and work area used to be here TV used to be over here
Sofa was right there. I filmed countless videos in there. Now I just need to pack all the extras up and get out of here
there we are
Can't forget that and all things considered I guess this is gonna be one of my last times to ever leave this place
It's been a good home
And that pretty much brings us to today. And by the way
Literally the whole house looks like this right now
And as for the area as a lot of people have been where is your new house?
I'm kind of located around the Tokyo Tower area. So as I said, it's like a little more central in Tokyo
you guys better believe that I will be taking you on a tour of the area around Tokyo Tower as
Soon as I get a chance, okay that sakura video that I did of the three hidden Sakura spots
It seems that a lot of you actually went out to those spots
you guys were tagging me and your photos on Twitter and Instagram and your stories and everything
Thank you so much for sharing all that with me
I was really glad to see how many of you made it out there. But without further ado. I think it's time that we choose
some winners for the prints
So as this is the first ever giveaway on the Tokyo lens channel. I wanted to make it something a little more personal
so I am gonna personalize these and as I said
there's two prints instead of the promised one and more than anything it's just because I
Couldn't even begin to choose with the number of comments that you guys left me. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna choose one
completely at random and then I'm gonna choose one based on like just
Recognizing like that the name or the avatar, whatever. So, let me go into my Creator app
Here, I'm just gonna scroll through
and stop
Okay, so the first winner is going to be I'm sorry, if I butchered this name, I really am
I don't think I'm gonna butcher it cuz it's a pretty easy name, but the first winner is going to be Kelly Stimson
Kelly I will try to get in touch with you in the comments below
You're gonna get the first one that I held and showed up in the video as I said
I'll be happy to personalize for you. Let's have a chat and
The second winner. Let's see. I am just gonna scroll through and find like
There are just come on I
Can I say I just love how much you guys comment and like how many of you guys I
recognize, but I feel like I'm just gonna have to do the exact same thing and I'm just gonna scroll and touch and
the second winner of the and the winner of the second print. There is English. is gonna be
Bridget B.
Congratulations to the two of you on the prints
Feels weird to say congratulations about just giving away a photo that I printed, but I hope that you guys enjoy them
So now what I'm gonna do just because there were just way too many people that I wanted to give something to is
Right here in this space. I'm gonna choose three more people one two
three and
Although it's not as big and beautiful as the print I have also turned this print
Into some postcards that I'm gonna send out to some people these right here. So those three individuals
will be getting
Postcards written from me. I've never have never really sent a postcard think even the last time I sent like snail mail
I was like, maybe eight years old
so if I think these people don't respond by the end of the month when I'm gonna be sending all of this out what I'll
Do is I'll just choose somebody else to receive it in their place
So there is still a bit of a chance
But if you're watching this video and you're one of these people I will be replying to your comment and saying hey you win
So let's get in touch and see how I can get this stuff to you. So that is the giveaway
That was a lot of fun
I'm gonna be sending those out as I said at the end of the month, but a little bit of an announcement
I've actually already kind of talked about this in the Tokyo Lens
Podcast. Impromptu, last minute, wasn't planned. I am suddenly heading to
Vancouver Canada
For a week. I haven't been back to Canada in about a year and a half
Still better than last I might even go back like three years the time before that so it's gonna be a really really tight trip
for work
Yes, I'm gonna be bringing the to shamisen players Kiki along with me and I'm gonna be doing a bunch of little performances
I'm gonna announce as much of the stuff that as I can on things like Twitter and Instagram
so if you're in the area and you're interested in coming out to that stuff definitely follow me on one of those and I'm
Just I'll try to keep things updated
It's gonna be like a really go go go kinda trip. My flight takes off in 24 hours, and I have nothing packed
So this this is gonna be an adventure of adventures
Thank you guys so much for joining this video. And you know, I will see you again
real soon
Probably from Vancouver