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Oh, I'm getting inoperable doing english dot com of coaching called in exactly five minutes.
This is gonna have to be snapping.
Let's not.
That stress stress is a fascinating topic.
When you are under stress, the body releases a hormone called quarters off quarters.
All is often known as the hormone off the hero, because when you hear these stories of superhuman feats a mother tipping a car over to save her child it was trapped underneath a father dashing across the road at lightning speed to push daughter away from the bus that's about to hit her.
The's huge, superhuman feats.
This seemingly impossible things that people managed to do in the enormously stressful situations are because of quarters, of course, is that is what allows us to do this.
Cortisol can also help us to improve in English much, much faster.
Used effectively.
Stress is actually a very powerful tool in building fluency in the language.
Fast indeed, in my Master English first accelerated course in Week seven, we talked all about fluency, building and how you can effectively use stress in the right kind of way to improve in the language fast.
Now they're saying the right kind of way, because what you also need to know is that cortisol is actually a poison quarters.
All is very, very bad for us, even though the body produces it on.
If courters there is constantly building up in your system and just left there without being burned off, it will poison you.
It will stop you from being a sleep properly.
It'll stop you from being able to focus a long term.
It will really funk you up.
In extreme cases.
It'll kill you.
A stress is bad for us.
What this means is if English is a stress point in your life that is each and every day, day in, day out, you're going to work.
You're going out into whatever situations.
It is the use English, and your English is holding you back, pulling you down, making you stressed out well, that cortisol is building up, building up, building up, and far from that being a good way to improve your English.
It's actually gonna make things really, really hard for you.
And like I said, it's it's gonna screw you up in the long term.
So it's something that you need to do something about now.
This looking for a very interesting balance because the two things I just talked about seem to contradict each other.
On the one hand, we can use stresses an effective tool to build fluency.
On the other hand, long term, too much stress all the time.
It's gonna screw us up.
What do you do?
Well, if you head over to during the English, don't calm and sign up for my free daily emails designed to help you speak better English on day at a time.
In the very first email, which is kind of an automated welcome email, I will send you a link to a free training that I have that teaches you the five key changes you need to make your English Lou and learning routine to see rapid progress.
I also talk about the role off a stress or intensity and how it can help you build fluency on my show.
You what, Basically, what it says on the tin, how to improve your English so that it just becomes a non stress point in your life, right?
This is me, Judy Northbrook.
I'm often in my coaching course.