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- I cheated my way into college, and this is that story.
Craziest story I've actually ever heard about cheating
was one of my friends.
He actually tried to cheat on a AP test,
which I didn't do because I'm smarter than that.
His scores got canceled.
So I definitely didn't want that happening to me.
The person I was most afraid of getting yelled at by
if I got caught up was my mom.
Bro, my mom is Nigerian.
She's all about doing everything by the book,
everything the way it's supposed to be.
If I had got caught up cheating,
she would've probably bought me a ticket
straight back to Nigeria, bruh, I swear.
I swear she would've done it without hesitation.
It started in the 12th grade.
I was sorta known as a class clown.
I'd always do good on the tests,
but whenever the teacher were to ask me a question,
I'd never be able to answer it.
My teacher would always suspect me of cheating
due to my high test scores,
but she could never catch me in the act.
For our midterm we took earlier in the year,
she separated me away from the class
due to my distractive behavior, which I guess made sense.
On average, I'd tend to do good on the test,
getting As and Bs due to my wizardry cheating skills,
of course, and a tight-knit relationship
with all the nerdy kids.
On that midterm, however,
I just barely managed to scratch a C-.
And from then on, I'd known her suspicions
of me cheating had probably grown.
She even changed the seating arrangements in the class
to keep an eye on me.
Fast forward a couple weeks, the final test was coming up,
worth over 65% of our grade, I was nervous.
I knew she was probably gonna pull the same trick on me
for the midterm when she separated me away from the class,
so I just planned ahead.
My plan was to go to the review session,
which was held two weeks before the final exam.
I went to the review session with nothing but hope.
I honestly just needed something to save me.
So I pulled up to the session early.
About 15 students were there with the teacher,
all going over the study guide.
The teacher coincidentally had the study guides
in the far back of the room on her desk.
This just so happened to be where she kept the answer keys
with what would be test A and test B,
but at that time, I didn't know that.
So, I tried studying, but after a few hours went by,
I was just about ready to call it quits.
I had to learn a year's worth of math and physics equations
within a few days.
It was pretty much impossible.
Then all of a sudden, boom!
The teacher leaves the class to take a bathroom break
and I was free to do whatever I had to do.
I was already sitting
towards the back of the class near her desk.
I knew I had to act quickly
if I had any chance of acing this test.
So I quickly stood up and started scrambling
through the review guides on top of her desk,
while I was really looking for the answer keys.
I was scrambling and scrambling
and I was nervous that she was gonna come back.
I was looking over my shoulder,
I mean, I was freaking out.
My hands were shaking while I opened up the cabinet
and found the answers to both test A and test B.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
I quickly pulled out my phone
and took pictures of both answer keys.
Each one of them had the answers
to all 55 of the test questions.
I completely ignored the written response questions
'cause they were only worth about 25% of the final grade
and I could honestly get a B or above without it.
I then grabbed the random study guide,
went back to my seat and acted like nothing happened,
and I managed to this all under 30 seconds.
Fast forward a couple weeks
and I already had both answer keys A and B memorized
like my ABCs.
I even made a whole song about it.
A, B,
C, C, C, D
B, B, A,
D, D, (laughs) D, E.
I came to the test straight chillin',
not worrying about what version of the test
she was gonna throw at me.
So I walked into the room,
I had my backpack on, had my earphones in,
I was just cruisin'.
And the minute I walked in, she was just looking at me,
and I already knew she was gonna try
to put me somewhere else or try to do something
to mess up my day.
And to my surprise, she had me seated separately
from the rest of the students
just like she did on the midterm.
So I walked in, you know,
no questions asked, went to my seat,
did what I had to do.
I got my test and it was test A.
I said, okay, right,
started taking the test.
30 minutes, 20 minutes, I was done.
I ended up getting a B+
and there was so trace of suspicion whatsoever.
I felt like a (beep) G. (laughs)
And at the end of the semester,
I ended up finishing off with a 98% in the class.
I never really felt guilty about cheating
because at the end of the day,
it comes down to this,
you gotta work smarter, not harder.
If my kid ever got caught cheating,
I'd be very disappointed.
I'd be disappointed because, I'd be like,
"I've never got caught cheating.
"How could you have come outta me and get caught cheating?"
In terms of getting into college,
transfer papers and all that, it actually helped me a lot
because AP Physics is low key one of the hardest courses
to go through in high school.
So I had gotten into UCLA,
I had gotten into UC Santa Barbara.
So now I'm in college and I've unfortunately decided
to retire my cheating ways.
Yeah, I could get (beep) up for life
if I ever get caught cheating in class.
I really didn't end up telling anybody at school
besides my close friends because this is information
that you wanna keep concealed.
At the end of the day,
you have to graduate high school first
before you can move on.
If you go out there, bragging about this stuff
and it gets caught up in administration
or with the teachers or whatever, you're (beep).
And I recommend all you guys, future cheaters,
if you decide to do this, do that as well.
I am actually a little nervous
about talking about this subject right now.
My teacher that was in high school,
she watches a lotta YouTube.
So I wouldn't be surprised
if she came across this video right now.
So I actually am a little nervous.
She was right, I was cheating. (laughs)
If you're watching this right now,
I would just wanna say that I am not sorry.
I had to do what I had to do, okay?
So, can't do anything about it now.
(upbeat music)