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Yep, we all know what the sun is, why summer is hotter than winner, and that vacuum is absolutely empty.
But do we really?
It turns out lots of things we think are common knowledge at this point are in reality, not so obvious.
The sun is a fireball e kinda.
What we see as the sun in the skies is the result of innumerable processes of nuclear fusion.
This releases an unimaginable amount of energy every second, but nothing here is actually burning for fire to burn in these oxygen, and it's really scarce in the sun.
The sun is yellow.
The power in our son's light is so immense, we just can't put a stamp of one color on it.
It's a lot of colors mixed together, which makes it appear, is why we see the sun as yellow or orange sometimes read only because the atmosphere of the earth scatters colors like blue, green and violet.
This is also why we see the sky as blue water is extremely rare in the universe.
Both of the elements water consists of are among the most abundant stuff in the universe way think water is scarce Onley because we rarely found it on our neighbouring planets.
But science proposes.
There are lots of huge worlds having upto half of their Massa's water to compare.
Our planet's mass is only 0.2% water.
All comets have tails.
In reality, comets are almost invisible before they get close to the star and their tails appear.
This tale consists of ice scattering away when the comet gets closer to the heat of the star.
If the comet isn't heated, it won't have a tail.
The void of space is cold.
Space isn't just cold.
It's extremely called minus 454 degrees Fahrenheit.
Nothing a sweater can save you from, but relatively close to the sign.
It gets up to 250 degrees.
This is also why spacesuits air white.
They need to reflect as much light and heat as possible.
Orbits are circles with massive space objects in their center, while the sun holds planets in their orbits.
Due to its gravitational pull, planets have their own poll that shifts the centre of orbit away from the sun.
It looks more like they dance with each other, plus orbits have elliptical shapes, not circles.
Summer is warmer because we're closer to the sign.
No, not at all.
During summer, the sun is above the horizon for up to 17 hours a day, but during the winter it's just six hours.
This happens because the axis of the earth is tilted at an angle.
So at one time of the year, the northern part of the Earth catches more sunlight, and at another time it's the Southern parts turned to get more warmth.
Astronauts workout on orbit because they need muscular bodies to work in space.
The gravity on orbit doesn't affect your body, and it doesn't work as much.
Astronauts work out because they need to be ready to return back to Earth and its gravity without feeling like they're about to get squished.
It's difficult to go through asteroid belts well, unlike the movies, really.
Asteroid belts air kind of boring and empty between two space rocks and a belt lie huge distances of nothing at all.
Going through one in a spaceship with decent planning would be a walk in a park, except you're in space, sound and fire In space.
There's no oxygen in space.
So if the spaceship goes boom, any fire will burn out the oxygen inside the ship and then just fade.
And in the vacuum of space, there's not enough matter to transfer the sound.
The sun would be definitely loud.
Otherwise, since it basically produces innumerable colossal blasts happening every moment, blight years are units of time.
If you like sci fi stories or read science articles, you know this for sure.
But some people still don't realize a light year is not time, but the distance one photon can go through the vacuum of space in a year.
Light is always the fastest thing ever, kinda, but only in a vacuum.
Today we know several ways to slow down photons.
It will move slower through different substances.
Electrons, on the other hand, will move at the same speed in these substances, and sometimes they will be even faster than light.
The vacuum of space is absolutely empty.
Well, despite having little or no matter in it, the vacuum is actually filled with energy fields interacting with each other.
They can even produce particles.
Gas giants are made of gas.
Seems obvious.
I mean, planets like Jupiter or Saturn are called gas giants, but they still have solid cores deep inside them.
In theory, at least because it's impossible to study gas giants properly.
Any probe would get smashed by immense pressure as soon as it gets to clubs.
Super Earth planets are like the Earth, but bigger things term Onley describes the size.
These planets are bigger than the Earth, but not as big as let's say, Uranus or Saturday.
Black holes swallow everything around them like colossal funnels.
Black holes got their name because we can't see them directly.
These are objects so massive and dense their force of gravity works as a tramp.
Even light can't escape it.
Other objects can orbit them like planets orbit the sun.
Still, if you get past the event horizon of a black hole, there's no turning back.
The solar system has eight planets.
There's mathematical evidence that this might be wrong, but much farther from outer reaches.
There should be a planet 10 times more massive than Earth.
No names.
Yet scientists still has to confirm its existence.
We know how big the universe is.
The furthest place from where light ever reached us was 13.8 billion light years away from the Earth, But the universe is constantly expanding extremely fast, and if something was 13.8 billion light years away from us by now, it's even farther away.
Mercury is the hottest planet in the solar system.
Mercury is closest to the sun, but Venus is much harder.
Mercury has no atmosphere, while Venus has won.
It mostly consists of CO two that traps heat inside and adds to the high temperature.
The open space has a smell.
Sometimes astronauts say that it smells like a bird state, but when they actually mean by that is when they come back to the space station from a spacewalk or something and take off their helmets, they sense this smell from their space.
It it's impossible to smell the vacuum of space itself.
We can see a 1,000,000 stars in the skies.
Well, the number is actually much more modest.
Only about 3000 stars.
There are lots of other objects.
We may also see and mistake them for stars, planets in the solar system, distant Galaxies and just satellites.
Everything in the solar system is locked in its place.
No, everything is always in motion.
The moon becomes more and more distant from the earth with each year, and we're also going away from the sign.
The speed of such shifts and movements is too small to be a big deal for us, but it happens constantly.
Moon's orbit planets in the same direction.
Planets rotate well.
Try to is the biggest moon of net to, and it's the only one in the solar system that goes in the opposite direction.
It also gets closer to Neptune with each year and one day it will get smashed by it and become another asteroid ring.
We're on the verge of interstellar travel.
We have literally no technology that would allow that in our lifetime and probably ever.
Nothing can go faster than light and four big objects.
It's virtually impossible to reach even a fraction of such speed.
That means that going interstellar would take ages upon ages to do, and people have no idea how to get around this problem.
But interstellar travel does make for exciting movies, and it prevents space movies from being 50 years long, which would make the classic phrase Are we there yet?
Even more annoying.
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