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hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is how do I pronounce the word virus or an infection
you will hear virus related to an illness and you might hear that with the
flu or with the corona virus that we're hearing a lot about in the news or you
can also use a virus to talk about a computer infection so let's go ahead and
learn how to pronounce this word virus super easy to pronounce this word we're
going to look at two syllables for this word vie Russ virus and this is
technically the schwa but I'm writing it as Russ the boy's name because it might
be a little easier to remember so let's start with the vie this first sound in
the word is key you want to make sure that you say the V sound vvv and to do this
you're going to gently bite the inside or the outside of your bottom lip while
the air keeps moving out and your voice box box is on vvvv I do not want you to
say wwww and that would happen if you rounded your lips too much so your lips
are a little bit pulled back and again you're gently biting the outside or
inside of your bottom lip and the air is moving out vvv next we're going to move to
the I the long I sound do this you're going to open your mouth and then close
into a smile vie then we're going to end with Russ and to do this you start with
that are if you've watched my videos before you know this you're either going
to point your tongue tip down to the bottom of your mouth or flip it back
just do not touch your teeth and do not let the tip of your tongue move rrrr your
lips should be in a square tense shape and then we're going to relax the mouth
for the uh and then end with that s ssss and to do that the tip of your tongue is
either pointing down or pulled back away from the teeth again no touch
the teeth and the air is going to move out of your mouth virus virus virus
virus now I am going to talk about how do you say the word corona we're going
to just briefly touch on this because really the lesson today is about the
word virus but if you are curious think of three syllables short syllables short
syllable the long syllable here kah Rhona corona corona corona and because
this would technically be a compound noun you're going to make sure you
stress word 1 corona that word is going to be louder longer and higher than
virus which will be softer shorter and lower in pitch and those two words are
going to link together coronavirus corona virus corona virus so i hope
during this cold and flu season you do not get a virus so give it a try I know
people are going to notice the difference
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everyone stay healthy bye