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  • The role for marketing certainly within John Lewis has been to do three things really;

  • first to define the brand and really what makes the brand’s DNA up what’s important

  • about the brand and to really make sure that’s understood within the business. Secondly,

  • to put the customers right at the heart of our decision making and to bring, the understanding

  • of who our customers are and the kind of key dynamics within our customer metrics, bring

  • it to life within the business. The third thing really is to connect with

  • those customers. The main thing I’ve learnt as a leader of

  • marketing is the way there is no god given right to be able to lead an organisation or

  • the customer. Weve got to earn the right and that’s about getting trust and that

  • means a whole range of things; first it means moving at a pace which is right for the business,

  • marketers often want to go at one hundred miles an hour and that’s not always possible

  • because youve got to take people with you. And secondly I think it means that sometimes

  • youve got to make compromises that perhaps you wouldn’t want to so we don’t always

  • have the right to having the answer, and certainly in the case of John Lewis, weve had to

  • do exactly that because, it’s really important that the marketing ties up with the proposition.

The role for marketing certainly within John Lewis has been to do three things really;


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A2 初級

ジョン・ルイスのクレイグ・イングリス、顧客中心のリーダーシップについて (John Lewis' Craig Inglis on customer-centred leadership)

  • 53 6
    richardwang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日