Um, youknow, I worknightshifts, so, youknow, it's busyatnight, andthere's lessstaff, soit's, umyouknow, it's it's tough.
What, like 7 to 7 12 hourshifts?
Yeah, 7 to 7.
Isthat a normalshift?
So, um, youknow, seven a seven p tosevendays, a normalshift.
Buthave I seenanythinglikethiscovein 19 before?
Well, wehad a crisisinBostonin 2013 and I workedinthetrauma I seeyouthenandtheBostonMarathonbombingwas, like, hugeforourcity, and, youknow, itwas, youknow, a catastrophe, butitwasn't theexactsame.