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  • Hi! Today I'm going to share with you 5 inexpensive Japanese superfoods

    こんにちは!今日はあなたと共有します 5つの安価な日本のスーパーフード

  • that will help boost your immune system.


  • I was born and raised in Japan. My mother is Japanese and my father is American

    私は日本で生まれ育ちました。 母は日本人、父はアメリカ人

  • so I grew up in a household where we ate a lot of Japanese dishes.

    だから私は家庭で育った 日本料理をたくさん食べました。

  • I also attended a Japanese public school so in middle school

    日本の公立学校にも通っていました だから中学校で

  • these ingredients were in our lunches and if you don't know anything about Japanese schools


  • we don't have a cafeteria, the students - we serve lunch to each other

    学生食堂はありません 私たちはお互いに昼食を出します

  • and we don't get to pick our lunches. Every month the school board has a menu for the students


  • that they give to the parents to show what they'll be providing the students every day


  • and we can't bring our own lunches, there's no substitution.

    ランチは持てません 代替はありません。

  • You basically have to eat what they give you but I always looked forward to these lunches


  • because they were very healthy. Not that I really cared about that when I was younger


  • but it was really good food.


  • So the ingredients I am showing you today were often in our school lunches


  • Miso soup is a staple in Japanese cuisine and my mom taught me how to make miso soup


  • I think when I was ten years old so I've been cooking miso soup since I was a kid.


  • Miso soup is also very often served in school lunches


  • and also when you dine out, you'll see miso soup on the menu.

    外食するときも メニューに味噌汁が表示されます。

  • So miso soup is really easy to make


  • it's super healthy and even the ingredients you put in miso soup can be very healthy from tofu to seaweed.


  • If you are looking for an immune booster, I highly recommend miso soup.

    免疫ブースターを探しているなら、 味噌汁がおすすめです。

  • Natto is another traditional Japanese food. It is fermented soybeans just like miso paste

    納豆はもう一つの伝統的な日本食です。 味噌みたいな味噌です

  • but there is a huge difference.


  • Unlike miso paste, natto is slimy, sticky and stringy


  • so it's not very favored in Western cultures but if you are adventurous

    西洋ではあまり好まれません 文化は、あなたが冒険好きなら

  • and want to try it, I highly recommend it. It's very inexpensive and natto is known

    試してみたいとお勧めします。 とても安価で納豆が知られています

  • to have a very unpleasant smell but nowadays you can buy natto that does not have a smell

    非常に不快な臭いがしますが、最近では においのない納豆が買える

  • and actually this is the one that I have here. It's still sticky and slimy but there is no smell to it.


  • Next is umeboshi or pickled plum.


  • I actually did not know that these had nutritional value and that they were a superfood.

    私は実際にこれらが持っていたことを知りませんでした 栄養価と彼らはスーパーフードでした。

  • I grew up eating this. You can often find them in rice balls

    私はこれを食べて育ちました。 おにぎりでよく見かけます

  • and also a lot of times sushi restaurants serve this


  • but this is what it looks like. And my mom actually she eats this every morning

    しかし、これはそれがどのように見えるかです。 そして、私の母は実際に毎朝これを食べています

  • and makes a shake out of it which that's a little bit too much for me.

    それから揺れを作ります それは私には少し多すぎます。

  • I just like to have one on top of my rice and when I have dinner or lunch

    私はちょうど私の上に1つを持っているのが好き ご飯と夕食や昼食時

  • and it's very sour and it also has a very high sodium count so it's not recommended

    とても酸っぱくて、とても ナトリウム数が多いためお勧めしません

  • to eat a whole bunch of these. Just eat in moderation.


  • So I typically just have one a day.


  • The great thing about seaweed is it's low in calories and it's super high in nutrients


  • and Japan has a variety of seaweed.


  • I use this in my miso soup and all I do is I just take like a little pinch

    これを味噌汁に使って 私がしていることは、私が少しつまむように取る

  • and I stick it in my miso soup and the seaweed expands


  • so this little piece is gonna be pretty big.


  • Next up is my favorite since I was a little kid.


  • My mom said I loved this stuff since I was three which is unusual

    私の母は私がこのことを好きだったので 珍しい3つでした

  • because most kids don't like this at that age but it is gobo or burdock root.

    ほとんどの子供はこれが好きではないので その年齢ですが、ごぼうやごぼうです。

  • It doesn't look like this when you buy it in the store.

    あなたがそれをするとき、それはこのように見えません 店で買う。

  • When you buy it in the store, it looks like a big branch or a stick.

    店頭で買うと、 大きな枝や棒のように見えます。

  • And I've already cut this up.


  • This stuff is super high in fiber and if you're not used to eating this

    これは繊維が非常に多い これを食べるのに慣れていないなら

  • it could taste a little odd at first.


  • Some people have said it tastes like dirt which I don't think it does but I don't know.


  • I've always had this since I was a kid so maybe it does taste like dirt and I just don't taste it.

    私は子供の頃からずっとこれを食べてきました 多分それは汚れのような味がし、私はそれを味わわないだけです。

  • So where do you buy these ingredients? I always go to the Asian market.

    では、これらの材料はどこで購入しますか? 私はいつもアジア市場に行きます。

  • I like to go to the Japanese supermarket. It's usually called Mitsuwa or Nijiya

    日本のスーパーに行くのが好きです。 通常はミツワまたはニジヤと呼ばれます

  • but if you don't have that, a lot of the Korean markets also sell these items

    しかし、それがない場合は、 韓国市場でもこれらのアイテムを販売しています

  • and actually, I bought all of these at the Korean market because

    そして実際に、私はすべてを買った これらは韓国市場で

  • I actually live closer to the Korean market than the Japanese market.

    私は実際には韓国人の近くに住んでいます 日本市場よりも市場。

  • You can buy some of these ingredients in American supermarkets but it's typically priced a lot higher


  • which I don't like that it's priced so much more because they're very inexpensive items


  • so I don't like to buy them from American grocery stores


  • but if you can find an Asian market, I highly recommend going there and trying out these ingredients.


  • If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to our channel. Bye!


Hi! Today I'm going to share with you 5 inexpensive Japanese superfoods

こんにちは!今日はあなたと共有します 5つの安価な日本のスーパーフード


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