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Welcome to twominuteenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
In this lesson, we will learn phrases you may use when talking about your busy life.
Hi Wesley, I wanted to have a word with you.
I'd love to Cynthia. But, for now I really need to rush. Can we talk later?
But it’s kind of important and it wouldn’t take much of your time.
I understand. But, you know I'm too tied up at work. Today I have several appointments with new clients. I really can’t stay right now.
Sometimes I feel you don’t make time for me.
I'm sorry, honey. But I am on a tight schedule today. We’ll talk later.
Bruce, you’ve been working non-stop. Come on, let's take a coffee break.
Oh, I really can't afford taking a break today.
What’s keeping you so busy?
I need to submit this report before the end of the day and I still have a lot of data to analyze. I’m actually behind schedule.
I understand. But, you need to take some time out, too. You cannot stay on that computer forever.
I don't want to be the one who doesn’t finish his work on time.
Bruce, can you please come downstairs and help me unpack the boxes?
I’m sorry but I can't do it right now.
What?! What’s so important?
I’m about to get online with my boss.
Oh, another conference call? How long will it take?
Probably half an hour or so, darling.
He'll be giving me some instructions for the meeting with the Chinese investors.
Okay, take your time but do come down as soon as you are free, please.
Promise I will.
Hey Wesley. Will you be joining us later on, at the library?
Oh, I wish I could! Studying in group is always better. But I can’t join you. I have such a busy day today.
In fact, I’ll be going here and there all week long.
But the tests are next Monday. If you don’t start studying now...
I know, I Know. There’s so much to cover.
Yes, you should come. Even if you arrive late. At least you would be studying a little. It’s better than nothing.
You know what? You’re right! I read somewhere that short doses of study can be effective. Ok, I’ll meet you guys there.
Great! And don’t forget to bring your books and flashcards with you.
I really can’t stay right now.
Sometimes I feel you don’t make time for me.
I am on a tight schedule today. We’ll talk later.
I really can't afford taking a break today.
I’m actually behind schedule.
I’m sorry but I can't do it right now.
I have such a busy day today.