字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント In this episode of Life in Japan, we're learning to do life in a different way. 我が家に新しい暮らしが 訪れました Joshua starts his first day of kindergarten and the girls get loaded up with homework to keep them busy. ジョシュアは幼稚園に入園 娘たちは大量の宿題と格闘中です We find new ways to traditions like choirs, church and easter egg hunts, 教会やイースターエッグ・ハントも 今年は工夫が必要です and we hit the jackpot when it comes to social distance shopping. 距離を保ちながらの 買い物は大成功でした Whoever thought life would come to this? It's time for Life in Japan! まさかこんな事になるとは! Life in Japanへようこそ Hey dude! おはよう! I hear today is a special day! I know what it is. - 今日は特別な日だよ - 私知ってる Joshua's going to my youchien! ジョシュアが私の 幼稚園に行くんだよ You finally get your turn! You finally get to go! You're such a big guy. やっとジョシュアの番だよ 大きくなったんだね But I don't get to go today. でも私は行けないんだ You have 5th grade today? You have your first day of class? 今日から5年生だね 授業あるの? Yeah — I guess so. You guess so. - 多分ね - 多分? Ohhhhhhhhh!!! 幼稚園の制服だ! Dude, you got your kindergarten clothes on! お姉ちゃんのおんぶ Back rides with big sis! - パパかっこいいよ - ありがとう Ooo Daddy you look so handsome. Well thank you. 今日もスーツです Yep, I'm all dressed up again! - スーツを着るのはもう3回 - Life in Japanで? This is the third time in... Life in Japan? 最近だけで3回です Well, third time in recent history. ベッカが書いたの? ママに似て字が綺麗だね Wow Becster, you wrote that, huh? Awesome! Good handwriting, just like your mom. 異例の事態ですが 学校に向かいます Well, in these peculiar times we are heading off to school now. ベッカとアナは 5年生になりましたが Becca and Anna are going to one of their days of 5th grade, 大量の宿題が出されて 帰ってくるだけです In which they'll probably get a bunch of homework and then they'll come back home. 授業は1時間もありません It's less than an hour that they're there today. それからは 2週間の自粛です And they probably won't go back for another two weeks, I believe. 他の国では学校の閉鎖や ロックダウンもありますが I know it's different in other parts of the world, there's no school, there's actual lockdowns. 日本では緊急事態でも 全てが停止しません But here, even in the state of emergency, there are a number of things that continue to go forward. どこに行くの? Hey Dude! Where are you going? 幼稚園だよ To my school! 幼稚園に行くの? すごい! You're going to your school? Awesome! トイレを使いたいって なんて言うの? How do you say "I need to go to the bathroom?" トイレお願いします "Toirei onegaishimasu" (Toilet please) - 授業は一応あるんだね - そうだよ So girls, you actually get some time in class today, huh? Yeah. 新しい先生にも会えるね You'll meet your new teachers and... - もう知ってるよ - いい先生よ I know who my teacher is... We like Becca's teacher. アナの先生だよ It's Anna's teacher. アナの前の先生だったね それはよかった Oh yeah, Anna's old teacher. That's really cool. ジョシュアの入園式が終わりました ママの方を見て OK, Joshua just finished his opening ceremony — look at mommy. お祖母ちゃんに手を振って Say hi to Vovó — hi Grandma. ジョシュアの初日はどうだった? So Joshua went to his first day. And now what? やっと楽しみになってきたのに So he's sitting in class, he's finally excited about school, 5月7日まで幼稚園はお休みだって And they announce this is the first and last day of class until May 7. 残念 Wha wha wha. イースターになるとルースが教会の子供達のために 歌やダンスのプログラムを計画します So each Easter Ruth does something special with the kids to do some sort of choir or kids dance or some sort of program for church 自粛要請に応じるため 少し頭をひねりました But because of quarantines this year, we had to think outside the box. ルースが作った歌を使って But we used a song that she wrote 子供達には家で 録画してもらいました And had all the kids record individually in their own homes その動画を集めて編集しました And then send us the video to put together. ( ♪ レコーディング中 ♪ ) (Singing) He lives! He is alive, He set us free, now we can live with Him eternally... 動画作成は昔からやっていますが 実は音楽編集の方が長いです So while I have been making videos a long time, I've been making music even longer. こういうプロジェクトは かなり時間がかかります And these kind of projects — we put a lot into these things. 録音しておいたドラムの音源を まず入れます You start with your drums, of course, which we prerecord in. ライブで録音した ベンのベースです Then you have your bass, which Ben recorded live. ここで録音したギターや ヨシがライブで録音したギターを加えます Add in your guitars, which some of them I recorded here and then Yoshi recorded live. ストリングス キーボード アコースティックギター You got your strings, your keys, acoustic guitar ピアノはライブ音源です Piano that we recorded live. 最後に歌が入ります And then finally the vocals. ライブ音源です Recorded live. 誰かがドアをノックしたわ I just heard somebody knock at our door. ドアを開けて 誰か見てくれない? You guys should go open the door and see who's out the door. ジョシュアを待って Wait for Joshua. - 何をもらったの? - イースターエッグだよ What did we get? We get... uh ベン叔父さん デビー叔母さん エヴィ イジー エリアナから Easter eggs from Uncle Ben, Aunt Debbie, Evy, Izy and Eliana. すごいサプライズだね! Oh how cool! That's awesome — what a surprise! 隠してベッカとアナに 探してもらう? You can hind them for Becca & Anna to find! 隠すより探したいよ I don't want to hide them, I want to find them! いくつ隠したか 覚えておかないと I better remember how many I'm hiding. ママの方見て エッグ2つ見つけて Joshua look at Mommy — you get to find two eggs. ジョシュアとサラは エッグを2つ見つけてね OK Joshua and Sarah you both look for two eggs. 見つけたら戻ってきて And when you find them, you come back. 1つ見つけたよ I just found one right here. サラが1つ目を見つけたね Oh! There, Sarah found her first egg. - 見つからないよ - 探さないと I can't find them. Well you have to look! 見つけたね! すごい Oh you found one! Good job! もう始めていい? Can we make it ok to go now? もう見えてるんだもん 今すぐ取りたい I see one. I see one right now. I see one, I see one. I want to get it so bad. サラが見つけた 合計2つだね Oh! Sarah got one! Sarah's got two! OK 前のかもしれないわ ママに見せて It might be an old one from before, hang on, let mommy go see. - 私が見つけたよ - 私も見つけた Oh, I found that one! Yeah, me too. I found that one too. これ古いエッグね Oh, this is old! そうなの? Is it? 去年のエッグよ This is last years' egg! ママが去年のイースターエッグを 見つけました Mommy found an Easter egg from last year! 私が先に見つけたよ I found it first though! 中身は食べない方がいいね You wouldn't want to eat whatever's inside of that. ジョシュアが 2つ見つけたよ He found two! 2つ見つけた? Oh you got two! Alright. ベッカとアナの番よ OK, now Becca and Anna. ベッカが見つけました Oh! Becca got one. アナは探してます Anna's looking... looking... 見つけたよ! サラ I found one! Sarah! どれを見つけたの? Well, see which one she found. そっちにはもうないよ ベッカ OK there's no more over there, Becca. 残り2つだね There's two more somewhere. ベッカがもう1つ 見つけました Becster got another one. - 残り1つだよ アナ - この辺よ OK Anna, there's one more. There's another one in this area. 最後が一番難しいね It's probably the hardest one to find, Anna. 見えたと思う Oh I think I see it. これ持ってて Can you hold this? 近くなってきたわ すぐそこだよ Getting warmer... warmer... so warm you're hot! 後少し! やった! It's like burning your hand, oh! Yea! 何のゲーム? What are we playing? エッグ・マインクラフトだよ Egg Minecraft! Egg Minecraft. エッグがキャラクターなの? Oh, it's like an egg person, huh? 家を作ってあげたの? Oh, and that's their home that you guys made? アナとベッカと私のベット これはジョシュアのマリオ・ベット This is Anna's bed, this is Becca's bed, this is my bed, and this is Joshua's Mario bed. 見て! Like this! ベッカ アナ サラ ジョシュア Kids: Becca, Anna, Sarah & Joshua. いいね Oh! Very cool. すごいね みんなハイタッチ Awesome guys. Hi fives for everybody. 私も! I didn't have a high five. これからパズチャーチの日曜礼拝を ネットで見ます! Paz Church services online now, here we go — we're about to watch it! ライター賛美チームです ドラム キーボード ギター 歌 最高ですね This is the Reutter worship team right here — drummer, keyboardist, guitar, singers — I love it! 今日は大雨です It is a rainy, rainy day. 自粛中なので 関係ないですけどね Not that it really matters when you're quarantined. But still, rainy. アナがピアノを練習しています So Anna's been practicing her piano here. ベッカとアナは 宿題を少し終わらせました Ah! サラも1年生なので 宿題があります And Becca and Anna have done some of their homework ママは忍耐強く 手伝っています And now Sarah, because she's in 1st grade, got her homework and is working on that. ジョシュアはマリオカートで 腕を磨いています And the ever-patient Mama-chan doing her best to help. 1位じゃん! 頑張れ! All while Big J is honing his skills at MarioKart. 頑張れ! やった! You're in first place, dude! Oh! Go Go Go Go Go! 1位だよ!すごい! Go Go Go! Yes! コーヒーを淹れて パソコンをセットアップしました 1st Place! Awesome! 雨の日のランチです And I've got my coffee and my computer project is all setup. 新しい歌を作ってるんだよね Having lunch on this rainy day and... 楽しみだね We're writing a new song, huh guys? ♪ いと高き方の 隠れ場に住む者は ♪ That's exciting. ♪ 神様が守ってくれる ♪ (Singing) Those who live in the shelter of the Most High Hey! - アナの学校? - そうだよ (Singing continues) Will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 算数 Is this Anna's school? Yep. - サラのよ - サラの学校? Sansuu (Math) なるほど アナが先生なんだね It's Sarah's. Oh, it's Sarah's? いいね "学校"のスペルが違うけど Oh! This is Anna's School as in... She's the teacher. - "シュクール"になってる - S-C-Hよ That's awesome. We need to work on how to spell "school" though. そうだった 急いでたから "Shcool" S-C-H "シュクール"もいいね Oh yeah, S-C-H. I was doing it too fast. 今日は月曜日だけど 月曜日はどんな日? Do Anna's "shcool" 疲れる日よ So it's a Monday. What does that mean for you? コーヒーショップで お菓子を作らないと It means I'm tired. ルースをコーヒーショップまで 送りました I gotta go finish making stuff at the Coffee Shop. すごい風です I brought Ruth into the coffee shop today but holy cow is it wet... ジュンコさんは 素晴らしい店長です And is it windy, good golly! いらっしゃいませ! (In Japanese) Junko's a great coffee shop manager. 素晴らしいラテを作ります (In Japanese) I'm here to help! 素晴らしい 美味しそう (In Japanese) She makes wonderful lattes. Oh! クッキー美味しい? Wow, that looks good. - 大きいね!美味しい? - うん How's your cookie? お菓子作り終わった? It's huge dude! Is it so yummy? Um hum. あらら 何してるの? 靴を履いてね So, did you get all the baking done? この間スーパーに来た時は すごい人でした Oh my goodness dude. Here, put your shoes on please. 駐車場にも自転車が駐められていて 人が大勢いました We came to the grocery store the other day and it was absolutely packed! 列はスーパーを1周するくらい 長かったです There were bikes coming all the way out into the parking lot, tons of people. 距離を取るのは 無理だと思って諦めました The line for the grocery store [checkout] went all around the grocery store 今日は大雨で 最悪の天気です And we thought "This is crazy, we're going to come back another time. There's no way to social distance." ルースがスーパーに行くことを 提案しました So today it's rainy, nasty weather. 最高のタイミングで 駐車場もガラ空きです Ruth's like "Let's try the grocery store." 今度は何してるの? 美術かな? So we came, it was perfect timing. The parking lot is practically empty. - そうだよ - アナの学校は終わったんだね What are we working on now? Is this an art class? - "塗り絵" - ベッカの学校なの? Yeah. Anna's school is over, huh? ベッカは塗り絵を教えてるの? "Nurie" Oh, it's Becca's School now? ベッカは遊び時間の先生だよ And Becca helps teach Nurie (coloring)? 遊び時間の先生? The fun time teacher is Becca. 私も遊べるし The fun time teacher is Becca. なるほど 休憩なんだね While I do fun things. やっと休憩だよ I see. She's on break. そっちは行けないわ I'm on break finally! 買い物は避けられませんが 人は避けられます You can't go down that way. 最高です I will tell you what: you have to do shopping, but you don't have to do it when everyone's there. ちょうどいい時にコストコに来ました こんなに空いてるのは初めてです This is amazing: 問2 We hit Costco at the right time. I've never seen it this empty, which is great for shopping and maintaining distance. サラの宿題? Number 2 楽しそう Is this your homework Sarah? サラと宿題を交換したい It looks like fun! サラの宿題楽しそうだね I wish I could have Sarah's homework and Sarah could have my homework. 植物を植えてるの? Sarah's homework looks fun, doesn't it? 綺麗な花だね We're doing some planting here I see, huh? サラはママのお手伝い? Some beautiful flowers... - そうだよ - 偉いね Sarah are you mommy's big helper here right now? 素敵なお庭になりそうだね Yes. Very good. 今では全てがオンラインです We're going to have a nice garden out here, huh dude? 会議もオンライン 教会もオンライン So life is all done online now... 色んなことがオンラインで できて感謝です We have meetings virtually, we do church virtually, - くすぐって! - くすぐる? We do so much of our life online and boy, are we thankful for that. - 頭を撫でて"いい子"は? - ダメ! Tickle us! Tickle you? こう? How about if I just pat you on the head and say "Good boy, good girl." No! 抱っこしてくすぐるんだよ! Like this?! 1人目の獲物だ! No! Hold us and tickle us! 2人目の獲物だ! I got my first victim! Ahhhh! ハーイ! Gaahhhh! 多くの方が困難な状況に 置かれています I got my next victim! 職を失ったり健康を損なったり 愛する人を失ったかもしれません Hi! hi. ぜひパズチャーチの 礼拝を覗いてみてください I know so many of you are going through difficult times right now. 良い時間になると思います Lost your jobs, maybe you lost your health, maybe you even lost someone very close to you and it's a very difficult time. 人と繋がるために 新しい方法を試みてください I want to encourage you to check out these services that we're producing for Paz Church, 祈ってほしいことがあれば 遠慮なくコメントしてください I know that you'll be blessed by them. また 励ましを必要としている方も ぜひコメントして下さい I want to encourage you to get connected in new ways... ご覧になっている全ての 皆さんに感謝します And leave your comment below if there's something you would like prayer for, 皆さんのためにも ウイルス収束のためにも祈っています If there's something you would like encouragement for, just leave your comment below "いいね"と"チャンネル登録" よろしくお願いします And we appreciate everyone who's watching. 次回のLife in Japanで お会いしましょう We're praying for you and we're praying for a quick end to this virus world-wide. カメラ大好き! So thanks for liking, watching and subscribing, じゃあね みんな! We'll see you next time on Life in Japan. I love you camera! Bye bye everybody!
A2 初級 日本語 アナ ベッカ サラ ジョシュア エッグ 見つけ 人生の学び直し|第51話「日本での生活 (Relearning Life | Life in Japan Episode 51) 27 4 Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語