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  • What's going on guys?

  • Today we're learning English with Finding Nemo.

  • So, I'm Ethan, your RealLife English fluency coach.

  • And I grew up watching this movie.

  • I watched it countless times as a kid.

  • It's definitely a Pixar classic that anyone from the United States or I'd say anyone from around the world

  • probably knows. And it even stars the iconic voice of comedian Ellen DeGeneres.

  • Now, the scene that we've chosen for you today is perfect because it is packed with

  • vocabulary related to the sea and sea animals. It is great for learning how to tell a story in English

  • and you even get to practice listening to both American and Australian accents.

  • By the way, this week we are celebrating hitting 2 million subscribers here on YouTube.

  • It's really incredible!

  • So, to celebrate and to thank you, we have something really special to share with you in just a little bit.

  • Now, let's head under the sea with Finding Nemo.

  • Hey guys! Let me just make a quick interruption

  • to say that we just recently hit 2 million subscribers!

  • It is insane! I still cannot believe it!

  • And we are just so grateful to all of you and all of your support over the last few years in building this channel.

  • Really, all of your support means that we can help more and more people

  • from all around the world to go beyond the classroom and live their English.

  • Helping people to not just see it as a dry and boring school subject,

  • but as something fun that they actually look forward to learning.

  • And helping less and less people to give up,

  • and more and more to succeed and love every step of the journey.

  • So, to thank you for all of your support in helping us to reach this tremendous milestone ,

  • we want to help you to take your next huge step on your journey to English fluency.

  • So, just for the next week we are offering you

  • an incredible 49% discount on our Fluent with Friends course.

  • Wouldn't you love it if this time, next year, you could understand your favorite series and

  • movies in English even without the subtitles?

  • And wouldn't it be incredible if you could master native connected speech

  • just like we've shown you in this lesson?

  • Well, one of our students, Jenny, says that thanks to our Fluent with Friends course,

  • she can now communicate freely when she travels abroad and even in her daily life.

  • Well, to learn more about the course and how you can get Fluent with Friends,

  • just click up here or down in the description below.

  • And to get your 49% discount remember to use the code 2million at checkout.

  • But, hurrythis offer is only available for a few more days.

  • Now, let's get back to our lesson with Finding Nemo.

  • All right! I hope you've had a lot of fun with this lesson with Finding Nemo!

  • And, hey, if you're ready take your English to the next level,

  • and be able to understand your favorite movies and series

  • even without the subtitles, then, I want to invite you to check out

  • our Fluent with Friends course.

  • And, remember to use that coupon code 2million to get a huge 49% discount at checkout.

  • Now, it's time to go beyond the classroom and LIVE your English.

  • Aww Yeah!

What's going on guys?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ファインディング・ニモで英語を学ぶ (Learn English with Finding Nemo)

  • 17 4
    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日