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  • - Oh, look at that!

  • That is, oh.

  • - You're way too into this.

  • - It's a funny Tim Tam. - I think you like that

  • more than you like me right now.

  • - Hey, I'm Harry.

  • - Hi, I'm Francesca.

  • - I'm Bryce.

  • - I'm Lydia.

  • - Hi, I'm Rhonda.

  • - And I'm Sharron.

  • - And we're about to try some snacks

  • from the UK, the US, and Australia.

  • (lively music)

  • - Clean your palate because you wanna experience this.

  • - OK.

  • - My brother and I would just beg my mom,

  • "Just get Gushers, mom, let us have Gushers."

  • - I think the Brits and Aussies

  • will say the Gushers are too sweet for them.

  • - Sounds like a nightmare. (laughs)

  • - Close your (laughs).

  • - Just boom, take.

  • - Yeah, but-- - Just, yeah, pop--

  • - Are they chewy, or--

  • - Yeah, there you go.

  • Right? (laughs)

  • (Francesca makes exploding sound)

  • - Oh, that's epic!

  • - Explosion!

  • - I like the blue.

  • - That just popped in my mouth.

  • - I know, it sure did!

  • - I like the blue, too.

  • - All three at once.

  • Go for it.

  • - So much juice in my mouth.

  • I just got, there's just too much sugar.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - I don't want to ruin the surprise of the Creme Egg.

  • - It sounds like a Creme Egg-- - Egg.

  • - So I don't know how much more shocked I could get.

  • So what are your thoughts about the Creme Egg

  • before I eat it?

  • Is that your favorite candy ever?

  • - Yeah, I wouldn't say candy, I'd say sickly.

  • - What? - And I'd say it's insane.

  • - Sickly?

  • What the fuck's a sickly?

  • (laughing)

  • - Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've had these.

  • (Harry retches) (Francesca laughs)

  • Is that tooth paste?

  • Look at that.

  • What is that?

  • - Don't finger it!

  • You sicko! - Hey!

  • Chase my brother around the house with this.

  • - It's like a cream-filled chocolate.

  • America, it's not that special.

  • (laughing)

  • It tastes like--

  • - That's the best thing we've got!

  • - It's like See's Candy.

  • It's the same thing.

  • That's the best you got?

  • - Shut up and eat egg, okay?

  • - (laughs) I don't even want it anymore, you wanna have it?

  • (lively music)

  • - Have you had Tim Tams?

  • - Uh-uh.

  • - Oh, I'm pretty sure there a--

  • - Sounds like something my grandpa would give me.

  • - Yeah, you'd be blessed if your grandpa gave you this.

  • This is fucking heaven!

  • - Tim Tam!

  • - Tim Tam.

  • It's bland, it tastes--

  • - Bland?

  • The fuck?

  • That's not bland.

  • (laughing)

  • It's got like a--

  • - Yeah, this is definitely,

  • there's like a coffee taste to it.

  • - You bite one end, bite the other,

  • and then you suck it through milk

  • and it's like having a chocolate milkshake.

  • - You suck the milk through--

  • - Oh! (mumbles)

  • - Taffy toffee.

  • - Definitely wouldn't spend my own money on this.

  • Shout out to Harry.

  • - It's not bad, it's just a little shocking flavor.

  • (lively music)

  • - Oh my God! - Ah, Cheetos!

  • - Yes!

  • - Wow, they are very, very orange.

  • - I'd say red, but.

  • - Matches my outfit.

  • - Oh, you have an orange outfit now?

  • - Are you sure this is edible?

  • - Try it. (laughs)

  • - Why the fuck are you feeding me these?

  • (Francesca laughs)

  • What is that?

  • What is that?

  • - (laughs) Fuck, they are really hot.

  • - Oh, are they?

  • - (laughs) Shit, almost like cheese!

  • - It's like you've got a whole bunch of sawdust

  • and you sprinkle some chili on it

  • and you're like, "Yeah, let's eat that."

  • That is revolting.

  • - I could survive off these.

  • - What do you think?

  • - Jesus.

  • - Are they basic enough for you?

  • - That's the most unbasic, basic crisps ever.

  • - Yeah, I guess the Americans have a tougher palate.

  • - My internal body temperature's literally just gone up.

  • (lively music)

  • - Hula Hoops.

  • So this is a UK?

  • - That is a UK.

  • You've gotta do it right though.

  • I'll show you the right way.

  • - Okay, open it up right.

  • - You got to put your hand out like this.

  • - Okay. (laughs)

  • - Like this. - Okay.

  • - Oh my God.

  • (laughing)

  • Okay.

  • - This is the right way.

  • - This is the best.

  • It's like--

  • - What is that?

  • - A snack, mixed with a little activity.

  • - What is it made out of?

  • - It's potato, yeah, what else would it be?

  • - Well, I don't know.

  • How many potatoes do you know grow like that?

  • In a circle and that big?

  • - These are basic as the Brits I think.

  • (laughing)

  • - You hearing this?

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Shapes!

  • Super original, Australia.

  • - Flavor you can see?

  • - Doesn't even say what flavor.

  • - Mini chicken?

  • Uh-oh.

  • Oh my God.

  • Shapes.

  • - The Shapes were good.

  • I was into those.

  • - I like 'em. - You think?

  • - (laughs) Yeah.

  • - Very bland.

  • - No, they have a nice little spice,

  • a little season to 'em.

  • - But you could eat a lot of them for a long time.

  • - Oh, I could eat this whole,

  • I could eat like a big bag of these things.

  • - They're good!

  • - Mm-hmm.

  • - Australia's winning that there.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Tiny Teddy's, childhood fav!

  • - Grumpy groaned grouchily when he was stung

  • on the nose by a bee.

  • - What the fuck does that have to do with the cookie?

  • - It tastes like a graham cracker.

  • - It does.

  • - Exactly like a graham cracker.

  • - Mm, childhood memories.

  • - It's so good.

  • - You cannot beat Tiny Teddy's.

  • (lively music)

  • - Curly Wurly.

  • This sound like it's going to be something disgusting.

  • - I think it's a made up name.

  • You guys aren't very clever, huh?

  • (laughing)

  • - Guess what's inside.

  • - Curly Wurly, it seems like some sort of like a,

  • maybe like a fruit thing.

  • - For real, they are getting creative around the world.

  • (laughing)

  • - Mm.

  • Oh, that's pretty good!

  • - Good right? - Yeah!

  • - Until they're warm and you bite it and it's like--

  • - And then it gets all over you (laughs).

  • You want some?

  • - Oh, yeah, please.

  • - Mm!

  • - Tastes like--

  • - Caramel covered in chocolate.

  • - It's either a caramel or it's chocolate.

  • - It tastes like both.

  • - It's decent.

  • - It's a cavity.

  • - Probably not something I'll eat again.

  • - I'll give you that.

  • That's a way to apologize, England. (laughs)

  • (upbeat music)

  • These are like cake-flavored animal cookies.

  • - Aw, they already look pretty.

  • - They're great.

  • Here, I'll give ya--

  • - God, I shouldn't have eaten them spicy Cheetos.

  • - I know, well this will be a nice little way

  • to apologize to your mouth.

  • Try that, I think you will love it.

  • - Oh wow, these look incredible.

  • - This is like a bag of you, a circus animal.

  • You've never had yourself.

  • - Oh, look at that!

  • - Yeah, there you go.

  • Cheers!

  • - Tastes like,

  • medicine.

  • - Tastes just like a really sweet sugar cookie.

  • - Now you like those, don't you?

  • - I do.

  • - Tastes like cake, that's for you.

  • - So damn good.

  • (lively music)

  • - Obviously--

  • - Australia, clearly.

  • - America.

  • - We got Tim Tams and shit.

  • - We have Gushers and Flaming Hot Cheetos.

  • - Gushers are like biting into one of those--

  • - I mean, if there was going to be a vote right now,

  • like I think you would lose.

  • - I think out of everything we've eaten today,

  • I would probably eat these the most.

  • - I understand the appeal of Curly Wurly.

  • And the Creme Egg is a little over-hyped,

  • I'm not gonna lie to you. (woman laughs)

  • Gushers are the best,

  • but I'm gonna give a shout out to the Aussies and Shapes.

  • I think I could mess with some Shapes.

  • - Australia's the best of everything.

  • - Sometimes to be a snack, you got what you snack.

  • (lively music)

- Oh, look at that!


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辛すぎて手に負えない』のキャストが世界各国のスナックを試食|Netflix (The Cast of Too Hot to Handle Tries Snacks From Around The World | Netflix)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日