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  • - If you put with this,

  • in a club,

  • I'm gonna start dancing.

  • Because they're killing it.

  • - Oh my goodness,

  • wow!

  • - Ohhh [laughter]

  • thank you so much, I love it!

  • - I was crying.

  • - Hi Glamour!

  • This is Karol G, and you sang my song.

  • [latin music]

  • Ya no tiene excusa

  • Hoy salió con su amiga

  • Disque pa' matar la tusa

  • - Yay

  • que porque un hombre le pagó mal

  • [laughing]

  • Llorando lo comienza a llamar

  • - Like every time I watch a video of someone singing my song

  • and I like, like something different that they do,

  • I take it for me to do it.

  • Ayo! ♪

  • Tell 'em to back off

  • He wanna slack off

  • Ain't no more booty calls

  • Llorando lo comienza a llamar

  • - So right now I feel that I don't have

  • any attitude in my videos.

  • Because she's,

  • Ya no tiene excusa

  • Hoy salió con su amiga

  • Disque pa' matar la tusa

  • Que porque un hombre le pagó mal

  • She's doing like that!

  • [latin music playing]

  • - Oh my gosh!

  • I'm going to cry okay.

  • [latin music]

  • - I can't believe,

  • - I think they look like twins

  • or sisters or something, because

  • - they look very similar, - Oh my god!

  • but this is like a super different version of Tusa.

  • They have like both really difference voices

  • and its amazing. - Oh my god!

  • [latin music] [laughing]

  • [squeeling]

  • - [Both Girls] Oh my God!

  • [latin music]

  • - It's me and Karol G,

  • but you say it like its Vale and Re,

  • and I love that.

  • And thank you so much for- - [Both Girls] Awwwww

  • - Oh my Gosh! - Thank you so much!

  • We never imagined that Karol G

  • saw our video.

  • I was crying.

  • - She is a,

  • a complete artist and we are,

  • were going to

  • grow up-

  • - And follow in her steps, and

  • and we think that she is a great woman, and

  • the things that she is doing all around the world

  • with urban music, its great!

  • - Yeah, like- - We admire,

  • we want to be like her,

  • and we admire her so much!

  • - And we are so happy.

  • - Yeah thank you, that was amazing.

  • - Yeah we were like.

  • [laughing]

  • [latin music]

  • Ella jugó a darte lo que más querías

  • Yo jugué a creerte que nunca lo harías

  • - Okay I have to stop because I have to say

  • this girl is from Spain.

  • She's Karenndez.

  • She's a girl that usually,

  • she does a lot of covers of different singers.

  • This is amazing because I saw this video before.

  • She is amazing, but I had the opportunity

  • to have met her in Spain, in one of my concerts.

  • And I had the opportunity to tell her

  • that she is amazing, and she sings great,

  • and she has the attitude, and she has everything

  • to be a superstar in the future.

  • Esta se la hice a ella, ella

  • Que se cree que por bella, ella

  • - You see the guy is doing the sound

  • like right at the time.

  • Se la hice a ella, ella

  • Que aunque sea tan bella, ella

  • - And they did this version like, more urban.

  • It's really different to the real one.

  • So it sounds great, like a remix.

  • [techno music]

  • This is the way,

  • you become a ballad song,

  • a romantic song and a party song.

  • Like that sounds like an electronic party.

  • ♪ Y Aunque intentes sorprenderte

  • Siempre será tu castigo

  • Que todo lo que te haga

  • ♪ Tú ya lo hiciste conmigo

  • - When I was a child I used to do videos

  • in YouTube too,

  • and I did that because I had like that feeling

  • that somebody huge could see my videos,

  • and when I see these videos,

  • I like,

  • really admire the way that they want to get known.

  • And she is like a really good example,

  • because I know a lot of singers,

  • like friends of mine,

  • that know her and,

  • she's huge, right now she is.

  • And you, if you're at home, and you are like

  • doing these videos for YouTube, it worked.

  • Esta se la hice a ella, ella

  • Que se cree que por bella, ella

  • Puede robarme todo

  • Lo que nunca tuvo ella

  • - You can hear that she record before,

  • she recorded, like, some harmonies,

  • and she are using it, right now.

  • And other voices.

  • So this is super nice because she always does

  • this covers with a guy,

  • with that guy, Juacko, he's a dj

  • and he really puts like that

  • different vibe of the song

  • in this one especially.

  • He did like an electronic part really urban part,

  • so for him, you make me feel like I was in tomorrowland.

  • And I know right now she is working on new music,

  • on her own project,

  • so I'm really excited and really proud of her.

  • [latin music]

  • - I know this girl.

  • I already know her.

  • Amazing! - Aw, amazing, ah!

  • - She always do like different versions of the song.

  • [laughing]

  • She is amazing.

  • She sings great and she has the attitude

  • and she has everything to be a superstar in the future.

  • So I'm going to see this video again,

  • because I love it.

  • [laughing]

  • [laughing]

  • - Amazing, she always do

  • like the covers with that guy,

  • he's like a dj or something.

  • And the cool thing is they always change,

  • like the,

  • she does like different versions of the song.

  • In this one especially.

  • He did like an electronic part really urban part,

  • so for him,

  • you make me feel like I was in tomorrowland.

  • With a really romantic song.

  • [latin music]

  • Enseñarle al mundo lo que es amor

  • ♪ Tú y yo podemos juntos, eh

  • Porque amo toda' las locuras de tu mente

  • ♪ Y así me gusta presumirte ante la gente

  • - Ocean is a really special song for me.

  • I composed this song for my boyfriend.

  • One day I was in front of the ocean,

  • in Turks and Caicos,

  • and I was like writing music

  • and it came, like I don't know,

  • a really special moment.

  • And I started composing this song.

  • I sent the song for him, like,

  • this is for you I just did it.

  • Like people started dedicating this song for

  • their parents, for their friends, the

  • boyfriend and girlfriends,

  • so it became a song for everybody.

  • I love that song, and I become

  • like really emotional when I talk about that song.

  • Toda mi felicidad es gracias a ti

  • ♪ Y si yo me muero, volvería por ti

  • ♪ Y si yo me muero, volvería por ti

  • - I really love it.

  • She had a lot of emotion,

  • and she like record in

  • a different moment because she mixed it.

  • Like different vocals and harmonies, and

  • she changed like the melody in the final parts of

  • the verses so,

  • I can feel that she puts like a real, real good

  • intention to do this cover.

  • Chris Moné.

  • And she is doing like really with her heart.

  • I can feel it because this song

  • connect with everybody

  • because of the lyrics of the song.

  • I love that song, and I become

  • like really emotional when I talk about that song.

  • [laughing]

  • - Thank you so much, I love it!

  • I am so,

  • grateful for this moment.

  • It's incredible.

  • [laughing]

  • [latin music]

  • Hice a ella, ella

  • Que se cree que por bella ella

  • Yo te lo di todo

  • ♪ Tú no quisiste nada

  • Ella es un segundo

  • ♪ Y yo era para siempre

  • Algo pasajero

  • - Okay.

  • We have something common with this cover,

  • it's like,

  • in my performance on life,

  • I do the first part of A Ella with my guitar player.

  • I do normally my song,

  • like with a strong voice,

  • but at this time she's doing it like using falsettos.

  • So you can get involved with a different vibe,

  • like more inside.

  • Esta se la hice a ella, ella

  • Que se cree que por bella ella

  • Puede robarme todo ♪ - And she's changing the

  • Lo que nunca tuvo ellaharmonies, and the melodies.

  • Se la hice a ella, ella

  • Porque aunque sea tan bella, ella

  • Cada que te acaricie

  • Tu piel ya tendrá mis huellas

  • - She took a risk.

  • Oh my god.

  • She changed the times of the verses,

  • she like,

  • - Oh that's her!

  • Ella es un segundo

  • ♪ Y yo era para siempre ♪ [laughing]

  • Algo pasajero

  • Te condenó a perderme ♪ [laughing]

  • - She taught me something new for my shows.

  • She's doing it like using falsettos,

  • and that makes it feel like more soft,

  • so you can get involved with a different vibe

  • like more inside.

  • And she gave me that idea to change it

  • and to record my shows - Awww

  • - and to do it, like, different.

  • She's doing really nice.

  • Que se cree que por bella ella

  • Puede robarme todo ♪ - And she's changing the

  • Lo que nunca tuvo ellaharmonies, and the melodies.

  • Se la hice a ella, ella

  • - I'm very surprised!

  • Oh my goodness, wow!

  • That's amazing. [laughing]

  • I can't believe it.

  • I, wow.

  • That's awesome, like,

  • I feel, I'm shaking. [laughing]

  • Very surprised that she actually liked it, and

  • even though I changed the song.

  • [gasp]

  • Wow, I was nervous

  • when she said I changed it.

  • I'm like ohhh, hopefully she likes it.

  • [laughing]

  • I started to sweat and like,

  • she's actually watching my video.

  • This is just so awesome,

  • is this really, really happening.

  • And I can say it in Spanish.

  • So thank you very much.

  • [spanish music]

  • Dices que deya te olvidaste

  • ♪ Y de tu mente borraste

  • Mi cama suena y suena

  • Oh, oh, oh, oh

  • - And he's missing anything

  • So if you put with this,

  • in a club

  • I'm gonna start dancing,

  • because they're killing it.

  • First, I remember the time I was in my school

  • and I didn't know how to say anything in English,

  • and I used to, like, invent all the words in English

  • like what I sound,

  • and she's doing like kind of that.

  • But, they're,

  • oh my god, like

  • a huge way to do a cover because

  • he's doing beatbox, so he's like super genius

  • doing that.

  • So, the real song has a sound

  • with a bed all the time,

  • [squeaking]

  • and he's doing that

  • with the voice.

  • And then he's doing it with a flute

  • and using the,

  • just the voice and

  • they're big, they're super big.

  • I want to watch this video again.

  • Big Marvel, you're big,

  • as fuck.

  • Okay, for everyone that are doing covers for YouTube

  • you know what?

  • I started the same way.

  • It's really good to see like 10 years later

  • I'm here sitting watching yours,

  • and that's amazing.

  • And I just want to say that,

  • keep doing your best

  • and you're going to be here

  • watching covers of people

  • like, admiring you

  • and thank you because this inspired me more

  • thank you so much I had a lot of fun.

  • I learned so much.

  • I was super surprised, I loved it.

  • Thank you Glamour for giving me this opportunity.

- If you put with this,


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カロールGがYouTubeでファンカバーを見る|グラマー (Karol G Watches Fan Covers on YouTube | Glamour)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日