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  • Is there anything that you might either be

  • excited about or dreading

  • in some kind of way?

  • Getting married.

  • Getting married!

  • Can you talk a little bit about the wedding itself?

  • The group of friends that are in the wedding

  • all met each other at music festivals.

  • How long has this pod of pals been going on for?

  • 2015.

  • -2015. -So barely.

  • Barely.

  • Before we get to those vows,

  • I must ask,

  • does anybody have anything mean to say?

  • I gotta-- I gotta a bow tie

  • and a tie.

  • If I was your best man,

  • I'd tell you, you look stupid.

  • Introducing...

  • I don't even know you!

  • This is my daughter's special day.

  • Rock 'n', rock 'n' roll

  • Rock 'n', rock 'n' roll

  • That's my brother.

  • Hey, come on.

  • Give it up.

  • Give it up!

  • Come on, give it up. Come on, Dave!

  • I think you're supposed to be up there, dude.

  • Oh, shit!

  • Daddy, what did you say?

  • Jason, the alien.

  • Oh, my God!

  • You're the father?

  • I'm their father.

  • Give the boy back.

  • I guess I'm their mom, then.

  • This character makes me nervous.

  • I'm worried about it being too real.

Is there anything that you might either be


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A2 初級

ミドリッチ&シュワルツ|第1話「駐車場の結婚式のティーザー」|Netflix (Middleditch & Schwartz | Episode 1: Parking Lot Wedding Teaser | Netflix)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日