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[Rachel McAdams] The pay gap between men and women around the world
男女間の賃金格差は ―
looks a little different depending on how you measure it.
In Poland, women earn 91 cents for every dollar a man does.
ポーランドでは ―
In Israel, it's 81 cents.
男性1ドルに対し 女性が91セント
In South Korea, women make just 65 cents on the dollar.
イスラエルでは 81セント稼ぎます
We know that just freeing the potential of women,
韓国では たった65セント
that is the fastest multiplier that we have in terms of our growth.
女性の可能性を 実現することが―
That is such an accelerator in eradicating poverty.
成長に至る 最速の道なんです
When you go to the store, you don't get a woman's discount.
貧困撲滅を 大幅に加速できます
You have to pay the same as everybody else.
買い物に行って女性だけ 割引になんてならない
So that comes out of your family income.
[McAdams] When someone mentions the pay gap,
賃金格差といえば よく聞く言葉が…
you often hear another phrase as well.
-Equal pay... -...for equal work.
-Equal pay... -...for equal work.
[McAdams] It makes it sound like women are paid less
for doing the same job as men,
which means women are paid less just for being women.
There's a word for that, discrimination.
同じ仕事でも 女性であることが理由で ―
But a huge body of research from many countries shows
賃金が低いということ なのでしょうか
that overt pay discrimination only potentially explains
a small part of the gender pay gap.
It's a real number, but it really, actually tells you almost nothing
でも各国での調査によると ―
about the real disparity between men and women.
男女の賃金格差の原因は 差別以外にもあるようです
Women aren't looking for a leg up. They want equal opportunity
ベロニク・ド・リュジ 経済学研究者 数字は本物だけど―
and equal pay. Big difference.
それだけでは 賃金格差の実態はわからない
If you want to change culture, you can't sit down and wait.
女性に必要なのは 援助じゃなく―
You must do something about it.
[McAdams] So, if it's not all about discrimination,
why are women around the world paid so much less than men?
待ってるだけじゃ 文化は変わらない カトリーン・ ヤコブスドッティル アイスランド首相
[man] The woman who works at a career has chosen to ignore that the woman's place...
It doesn't matter if you have a female or male body,
性差別ではないなら 一体なぜ ―
they should be paid accordingly.
女性の賃金は男性より 低いのでしょう?
[man] I see some really advanced clerical work.
外に出て働く女性は 本来の役割を無視し…
Pays women 80 cents for every dollar it pays men.
性別に関わらず 賃金は同じであるべき
[woman] This is our time to stand up to have our voices heard.
And women will lead this country.
男性1ドルに対し 女性は 80セント
That's what this is all about.
[McAdams] The story in the United States is similar to a lot of countries.
It wasn't very long ago that most women, especially white women,
didn't work outside the home at all.
When you go back to the 1950s,
米国も 他の多くの国と同じく―
there weren't very many women in the workforce.
最近まで白人女性が 外で働くことはまれでした
The women there were were often not as well educated as the men.
They either didn't finish college,
働く女性の数は 少なかったし ―
or they didn't have the same credentials in college,
教育レベルも男性より 低いことが多かった
or hadn't gone to college at all.
大学を中退するか ―
Most of the women in my neighborhood did not work.
卒業しても学位が低いか ―
My mother did not work.
The only women that I saw in professional roles were teachers.
近所の女性は ほとんど家にいた
[McAdams] Most women didn't get that far.
Seventy percent had menial jobs on factory assembly lines or in offices.
身近で唯一 働いていた 女性は 学校の先生たち
[man] Women workers don't mind routine, repetitive work,
and they're good on work that requires high finger dexterity.
女性の70%は工場や オフィスでの単純労働
[McAdams] People understood that a woman might need to earn a little money,
女性は単調な作業を 厭いとわず ―
but a career? That was for men.
Your high score on the clerical aptitude test
収入はともかくキャリアは 男性だけのものでした
indicates that you can become a good secretary.
[McAdams] Discrimination was also totally legal,
allowing employers to put out job listings for men only.
採用差別の 取り締まりはなく ―
When I was growing up,
男性限定の人材募集も 合法的に行われました
I knew one woman lawyer. One.
子供の頃 女性の弁護士を 1人だけ知ってた
I never met a woman doctor.
I couldn't have even imagined women engineers.
技術者なんて 想像もできなかった
[McAdams] The pay gap hovered around 60 cents on the dollar.
女性の賃金は 男性の約6割
It was caused by several interconnected factors,
like lower female education rates,
女性の進学率の低さや ―
women not being in the workforce in big numbers,
grouping in traditionally feminine industries,
and the fact that it was perfectly legal to pay women less,
and then a slew of cultural norms about gender roles and aptitudes.
役割と適性に関する 文化規範などが ―
These were the major explanations for the pay gap.
And then, in just a few decades, things changed.
これが数十年で 変化することに
Sisterhood is powerful! Join us now!
女性はパワフル! あなたも参加を!
[man] The battle cry of the women's liberation movement
女性解放運動の掛け声が ―
rings out down New York's Fifth Avenue.
[man] First woman to receive the highest honor of the National...
ナショナルジオグラフィック 協会初の栄誉です
[man] The House broke into spontaneous applause.
Benazir Bhutto, the new prime minister.
[man] This is the first American woman in space.
[man] First woman nominated to the Supreme Court.
[man] First woman ever to run on a Presidential ticket.
女性への機会の扉は 開かれました
My candidacy has said to women, "The doors of opportunity are open."
学位取得者の数は 男性を上回りました
Women are out-earning men in college degrees and advanced degrees.
[woman] Women are engaged to bring the next generation.
史上初めて ―
For the first time in history,
働く女性の数が 男性を超えつつあります
women are actually outnumbering men in the workplace.
This was just a sea change
私が挑戦もできなかった 奨学金を女性が取得し―
to see women competing for scholarships I couldn't have competed for,
going to schools that were not open to women,
taking on jobs that were closed to women.
信じられないほど 大きな変化よ
That's changed... just... unbelievably.
[McAdams] Many of the factors that were causing the pay gap shrunk,
except for one.
でも変わらないのは 子育ての価値観
[Anne-Marie Slaughter] But what has stayed is that women bear children.
They are assumed to be the primary caregiver.
医者や弁護士 首相が誕生しても ―
[McAdams] Even as women became doctors, and lawyers, and heads of state,
女性は子育ての中心と なることを期待されます
the popular expectation remained in society
米国でも 英国でも
that they would still do most of the work of raising children.
In the United States, in the UK,
就学前の子供の母でも フルタイムで働くべき
even in progressive Scandinavian countries,
surveys today show only a fraction of the population
男性に関しては その逆で ―
thinks women should work full-time when they have young kids.
米国人の70%が“常勤で 働くべき”としています
When it comes to men, the expectation flips.
世界中で 今でも かなりの数の人が―
Seventy percent of Americans think that new fathers should work full-time.
“母親は家にいるべき”と 思ってる
There still is a considerable percentage of people,
誤った説だと 何度も証明されているのに
not just in our country, but around the world, who really think
復帰してからは 時間の制約が多くなった
once you're a mom, you shouldn't be in the workplace.
強制ではなく 自分が娘と もっと時間を過ごしたかった
And that's been proven wrong, short-sighted over and over again.
それで気づいたの 効率を上げられると
I learned, after I went back, when my time was constrained,
仕事に使える時間は 全部使った
not by my employer, but by me,
母になって 仕事の質が 格段に上がったと思う
because I wanted to get home to that baby and spend time with her,
女性は 常勤で 働いている場合でも ―
that I could actually get a lot of work done in 15 minutes.
男性より9時間長く 家事子育てに時間を使います
Like, I would take any opportunity to work.
1年で換算すると 常勤の勤務時間3ヵ月分に
I've become, I think, a much better employee since I've had children.
[McAdams] Even when a mother does work full-time just like her male partner,
その理由を理解するために ―
she spends nine hours a week more than him on childcare and housework.
Over a year, that's the equivalent
of an extra three months of a full-time job.
学生達のその後について よく考える
This is the heart of the pay gap,
学歴も成績も 経験も同じ2人がいるとする
and to understand why, it helps to follow the story
違いが出てくるのは ―
of a young couple just starting out on their careers.
20代後半から30代前半の 適齢期になって ―
I often think about the trajectories
of the many law students I taught.
子供ができたら誰かが 家にいる必要がある
They look exactly the same.
シッターを雇っても ―
They have the same educational record, the same experience.
どうしても親が必要になる 場合もあるから
And then you watch what starts to happen
男性は いずれ昇進する
as they hit their late 20s, early 30s, childbearing years,
女性は仕事を 断るしかなかったり ―
and they start thinking about having children.
If they have children, at that point, somebody has to be home.
8年経ち 10年経つと ―
You can have lots of childcare,
男性は独立して 色々なことに挑戦し ―
but a parent needs to be at home for those situations that needs a parent.
女性は独立できず 収入も低いまま
So he's likely to get promoted.
She, on the other hand, has had to turn down some of those assignments,
say no to some of that travel.
各国のデータから 同じ経緯が見えてきます
So eight years out, ten years out,
デンマークの調査では ―
typically, he's then a partner, and he can do lots of things from there.
子育てが収入に 及ぼす影響が浮き彫りに
She hasn't made partner. She's not earning the same.
She's working flexibly, or even part-time,
子供の誕生時に 注目して下さい
and from there, her earning potential and his just keep diverging.
そして こちらが女性版
[McAdams] This is the story the data tells us in study after study
子供のいる女性と いない女性を比べると ―
in a variety of different countries.
格差を生むのは性別より 子供の有無だとわかります
One Danish study did an especially good job
収入格差は子供の 有無によって生まれるもの
of showing how childbirth affects earnings.
[McAdams] Here's a man's pay trajectory.
Watch what happens when his child is born.
Here's the woman's trajectory.
So then if you compare the earnings of a woman with kids
子供と時間が過ごせれば 収入が低くてもいいと
to a woman without kids,
家庭を優先して キャリアを選ぶ女性もいる
you can see that the pay gap isn't as much about being a woman
as it is about being a mom.
負担としてだけ 考えるのは…
The gender gap really is between women with children and everybody else.
Women who are not caregivers earn 96% of every dollar.
素晴らしい価値が あるものなのに
It's a motherhood penalty.
[McAdams] Some mothers don't see this as a problem.
They want to spend more time with their children.
選択によって生まれる 賃金格差は―
They don't mind if it means making less.
Some women make a job choice based on the fact they want to have families.
女だからといって 賃金が安い場合とはね
Nothing wrong with that.
でも女性と男性の 選択肢は違うことも
Presenting it as, you know, a penalty is kind of denying
米国の母子家庭の数は 父子家庭の3倍
first, that women make that choice,
“子育ては女性の仕事” という ―
but also that there's some extreme value...
not just for the children, the family, but also for the women making that choice.
80年代に書かれた 悩み相談コラムを見ると ―
A pay gap based on choices, you know, is different
than a pay gap that's just because you're a woman,
相談者は“最近 昇進して―”
and you just can't get equal pay for doing the same thing a guy does.
[McAdams] But often, women and men don't get the same choices.
In the US, there are three times as many single moms as single dads.
And growing up, most of us get the message
“あなたが 男性か女性かによって―”
that caregiving is more of a woman's job than a man's.
Take, for example, a 1980s advice column about how to decorate your desk at work
that still rings true today.
Someone wrote in and said, "I've just gotten a big promotion,
“大黒柱だと アピールできる”
so I'll have my own work space for the first time.
How should I decorate it?" And here was the answer,
“家族の写真は 飾らないこと”
"I can't tell from your initials whether you're a man or a woman,
“仕事に集中できないと 思われる”
and the answer depends upon which you are.
問題の根は深く ―
If you're a man, and you have a family, plaster your office with family pictures,
家族観や 親の役割に及ぶため ―
because people will think you're a very good provider.
If you're a woman, and you have children,
don't put pictures up in your office of your family,
アイスランドとルワンダは ―
because people will think you can't keep your mind on your work."
[McAdams] The roots of this issue go deep to how we understand family
この2つの例からは ―
and mothers and fathers.
収入格差のない 社会づくりについて―
It's why the gap is so hard to close.
But it's not impossible.
ルワンダは最貧国の一つで ―
Two countries, Iceland and Rwanda,
近年まで 女性の人権侵害が 顕著でした
have almost closed their wage gaps, and in just a few decades.
94年まで 女性は 人前で話せなかった
And looking at these two cases reveals important lessons
結婚した女性は 夫の許可なしに―
about what it takes to create a society
where women are paid almost the same as men.
でも94年 全てが変わります
Rwanda is one of the poorest nations on Earth,
ルワンダで大虐殺が 始まって5日目です
and until just a few decades ago, women were denied many basic rights.
[Consolee Nishimwe] Before 1994,
women were not allowed to speak in public.
3ヵ月で80万人が 殺されました
Married women were not allowed
to open a bank account without the authorization of their husbands.
[McAdams] But in 1994, everything changed.
この結果 ルワンダの人口は 6〜7割が女性に
The fifth day of carnage and bloodshed in the Central African nation of Rwanda.
社会の基盤が 完璧に破壊された
Thousands of people are feared dead tonight...
人は生き残るためなら なんでもする
The fiercest fighting yet in the Central African nation of Rwanda.
男性が激減し ―
[McAdams] In just three months, 800,000 people were murdered.
多数の女性が 仕事に就くことに
Losing my dad and my three brothers,
昔ならあり得なかった 職種にも
I survived with my mom and my sister.
例えば 警察や軍隊で 女性が働くようになった
[McAdams] After the violence, the Rwandan population was 60 to 70% women.
次第に市長や知事の座にも 女性が就くように
It destroyed completely the social fabric.
You do anything you can do to survive.
[McAdams] The shortage of men meant
that women had to step into the workforce in huge numbers,
新たな政策を策定し ―
taking on jobs that a year earlier would have been unheard of.
You'll find a woman who was police, for instance, or in the military.
新憲法の前文には ―
Gradually, women were found, like, being a mayor, a governor.
男女の機会平等が謳われ ―
Women actually were helping to change, you know, the country.
議員の3割以上を女性と することが定められています
[McAdams] The new government realized that to rebuild Rwanda,
現在ルワンダ国会は 議員の 61%が女性で ―
they needed women.
So they immediately implemented a host of new policies
aimed at getting more women into positions of power.
女性の社会進出が 最も進んだ国の一つです
The preamble to the new Constitution
憲法では男女同権の 監視役も設け ―
included a commitment to equal rights between men and women,
公的事業における 男女平等をモニターします
stipulating that 30% of representatives at all levels of government be women.
ルワンダの女の子は 将来は 何にでもなれると思って育つ
Today in Rwanda, women hold 61% of the seats in Parliament,
女だから限界があると 思わずに済む
the highest in the world.
この文化的な変化は ―
They have a labor force participation rate of 88%.
必要に迫られて始まり ―
Rwanda is one of the few countries
積極的な政策によって ―
where a woman is just as likely as a man to work outside the home.
格差を縮めることに 成功しました
The Constitution also created the position of gender monitor,
世界経済協議会によれば ルワンダの収入格差は ―
who ensures that public programs are complying
with the country's goals of gender equality.
北の島国 アイスランドも ―
A young girl in Rwanda doesn't think
that there is anything that she's not allowed to do.
They don't have to grow in a system
where they think there will be a ceiling somewhere.
私が生まれる1年前 女性たちがボイコットを
[McAdams] This cultural shift around gender began
職場に行かず 格差是正のデモをやった
as a survival mechanism after the genocide.
女性達がいないと 商売は成り立たない
But thanks to aggressive policies,
Rwanda has achieved lasting progress in closing the gap.
The World Economic Forum puts Rwanda's pay gap
at 86 cents on the dollar.
Much further north, the small island nation of Iceland
デモから5年後の1980年 ―
has also made major strides towards closing the pay gap.
選挙による 初の女性大統領が誕生
But they took a different path towards equality.
アイスランド 万歳!
The real turning point came in 1975.
アイスランドの 女性国会議員数
[Crowd chanting song]
その後 何年かかけて 政策の変化が
The year before I was born,
81年には ―
the women of Iceland actually left their workplaces
3ヶ月の有給産休を 義務付ける法案が可決
and went out in the streets in order to object to the gender pay gap.
Without them in their jobs, businesses could not stay open,
and it started a huge grassroots wave
産休の保証は 当時まだ新しく ―
that, you know, slowly started changing society.
The first result was really
でも その反面 ―
that women became a lot more visible in the political field.
母親が家に残ることが 奨励され ―
[McAdams] In 1980, five years after the strike,
子育ては女性が担うという ―
Iceland voted in the world's first democratically-elected female president.
...Iceland. Hurray! Hurray!
[McAdams] The number of women in the Icelandic Parliament skyrocketed.
父親に産休を与えて ―
Then really, in the years to follow, you see policy changes.
取得を選択制にしたら ―
[McAdams] In 1981, Iceland passed a law that required employers
皆 利用するのでは?
to provide new mothers three months of paid leave.
That was extended to six months in 1988.
父親産休の制度が 変化を生んだ
Guaranteed maternity leave was a novel idea at the time,
and Iceland's was one of the most generous in the world.
But as progressive as this law was,
若い男性は子供ができたら 産休を取ることを想定してる
it encouraged moms to stay home while new fathers kept working,
家庭にも労働市場にも 大きな影響があるわ
reinforcing cultural norms at the heart of the pay gap
採用するのが 男性でも女性でも―
that women are caregivers, and men are not.
So lawmakers did something radical.
2004年 アイスランドの 賃金格差は米国と同等でした
What if they gave parental leave to dads
でも その後 ―
and made it a use-it-or-lose-it benefit,
格差は縮まり 現在では ―
so dads would feel pressure to take it?
男性1ドルに対し 女性90セントに
Iceland passed that law in the year 2000.
賃金格差の是正は 可能ですが ―
Obligational paternity leave has made a difference
このような家族政策には 長期的な問題もあります
in the culture of men in Iceland,
a very positive difference.
選択肢が増えるのは 素晴らしい
The men of the youngest generations,
でも対価があると 覚悟しないと
they expect to take time off to take care of their children.
女性でも男性でも 子供を持たない人もいるから
Which really makes all the difference,
産まない人にシワ寄せが出て 不公平になるかも
both at home, but also in the job market,
because now you can actually expect,
3人しか社員がいないような 会社は困ってしまう
if you're hiring a young man or a young woman,
母親だけじゃなく 中小企業の負担も考えないと
both will take maternity or paternity leave.
大企業は事情が違って もっと柔軟に対応できる
[McAdams] In 2004, the pay gap in Iceland was about the same as it was in the US,
but in the years that followed,
最大の理由では ないとはいえ ―
Iceland's gender pay gap shrank, to where today,
様々な産業や一部の国では ―
women in Iceland make about 90 cents on every dollar a man does.
So we know that narrowing the gender wage gap isn't impossible.
差別による格差が 一定の割合で残ってる
But these kind of family-friendly policies might come with tradeoffs
職場というのはそもそも 偏ったつくりになってる
that we don't immediately see.
These are benefits.
Having more of these choices available are great things.
We should not expect them to come for free.
Some women elect to have children. Some don't.
そういう相手と より仲良くなるでしょ
And some men elect to have children. Some don't.
でも このような差別は 女性の進出と ―
Can I look at the person who elected not to have children
文化の変化により 減ってきました
and say, "You gotta pay for it in some way"?
子育ての役割分担に ついても ―
If a mother takes off a lot of time,
what does the small business person do who only has three employees?
そして その変化は 男性から始まります
I don't want to penalize a mother,
子育ても 生活費の獲得も 男女両方の仕事だと―
but you don't want to penalize a small business owner.
It's not the same with a giant corporation,
because they have enormously more flexibility
古い考え方を 補強する結果になる
in filling positions, and it doesn't hurt the bottom line.
男性がこう言えるように ならないと問題は改善しない
[McAdams] While it may not be
“今日の保護者面談は 僕が行くよ”
the biggest reason women are paid less than men,
and it varies significantly across countries and industries,
women still don't get equal pay for equal work.
賃金格差は 女性ではなく 家族の問題なの
There is an irreducible percentage that is due to discrimination.
女性には仕事を犠牲にせず 母になる権利がある
It's just very clear that much of what the workplace favors...
日本語字幕 加藤 智子
favors men.
I've watched it in many different settings
where, you know, the guy you talk sports with,
the guy you go golfing with,
he's somebody you get more familiar with, and you're comfortable around.
[McAdams] But that kind of discrimination has declined over the decades
as more women entered the workplace, and the culture shifted.
Changing the expectation that women should be the ones to raise children
will require another cultural shift.
And in the view of many who work on this issue,
that shift begins with men.
Until we think of men and women as both caregivers and breadwinners,
we're not gonna get there,
because as long as it's a woman problem...
then we are reinforcing that stereotype that care is her job.
It'll only be less of a burden on women when men feel comfortable saying,
"I'm going to a parent-teacher conference. I'm not leaving it to my wife."
Or, "I really wanna go to the well-baby check-up.
They're getting their vaccinations. I wanna be there."
The wage gap is not just a woman's issue. It's a family issue.
Women have every right to be mothers without being penalized at work.