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  • - So what's something that never leaves my side,

  • constantly interrupts me

  • and doesn't have a silent mode?

  • My wife.

  • (laughs)

  • I'm a dead man.

  • They say with great power

  • comes great responsibility.

  • And that couldn't be more true

  • when it comes to the computers we carry around every day

  • in our pockets.

  • I, like many of you,

  • have battled with how to bring my phone into my life

  • without it taking over my life.

  • So in this video, I want to talk about how I use my phone,

  • and the apps I use regularly that actually improve my life,

  • instead of drain my energy.

  • This is what's on my phone.

  • (chimes)

  • - Oh, Matt, you got a message.

  • Who's...

  • (phone clanking on the floor)

  • - It's a friend from work.

  • I would never just unlock my phone and hand it to somebody,

  • especially somebody like you,

  • you filthy bastard.

  • But, I wanna try to get as close as I possibly can

  • in this video.

  • So, I'm gonna walk you through my phone,

  • detail all of the apps that I currently have installed,

  • the ones that have added the most value to my life,

  • as well as, I think more importantly,

  • the things that I choose not to put on my phone.

  • So, let's just look at it.

  • This is what's on my phone.

  • So by the way, before I get into it,

  • I will be leaving links

  • in the description for everything I mention in this video.

  • So the first thing you'll notice

  • when you look at my phone is that

  • I don't fill up the entire screen.

  • On this home screen here,

  • I only keep the apps that I use on a regular basis.

  • Usually those that I'm coming back to every week.

  • On the second page here,

  • I have the apps that I use less frequently.

  • So I get a lot of use out of Apple's alarm clock,

  • in addition to using it for my morning alarm,

  • I also use it to remind me of meetings,

  • phone calls, and important events.

  • I realize, I could set a reminder

  • notification through my calendar,

  • but the assurance of an alarm clock is worth it for me.

  • I just worry that if I put my phone on silent mode,

  • I won't receive those notifications.

  • I haven't missed a phone call or meeting

  • since I've taken this approach.

  • I use a lot of Google products for work,

  • so I tend to go with their native apps

  • instead of syncing them through Apple.

  • These are some of my plans for the weekend.

  • You might've seen in my last video

  • that I recently made the switch

  • from storing all my personal photos and videos on iCloud

  • to Google Photos.

  • I've been really happy with that switch

  • over the past couple of weeks,

  • syncing across devices is instant

  • and the search feature is really powerful.

  • So I can just click on Natalie's face here,

  • and these are all based upon facial recognition

  • so I don't have to do any extra work.

  • A little bit creepy but it works.

  • I use Apple Wallet to store all my tickets for travel,

  • as well as my gym login barcode.

  • I use the notes app on a daily basis,

  • I created separate folders for different categories of work

  • and one for personal.

  • This Videos folder stores all my video ideas.

  • I create a separate note for each idea,

  • and then I flesh them out further right within the app,

  • usually on my MacBook Pro.

  • This is Audible,

  • Audible is actually the sponsor of this weeks video,

  • I'll talk more about them at the end of the video,

  • as well as, talk a little bit about this audiobook

  • I'm listening to now by Gary Vaynerchuk.

  • It's a really good one.

  • This app is Dashlane,

  • and I use it to store all my passwords.

  • This is the Waking Up app, by Sam Harris.

  • Everyday he adds a 10 and 20 minute meditation.

  • He has other content in there as well,

  • but I mostly use it for the meditations.

  • Now I usually don't have Instagram installed on my phone,

  • but I've been posting to IGTV a lot lately

  • and wanted to get a better feel for the platform

  • and engage more on Instagram.

  • I haven't found it to be too distracting lately,

  • but I'll probably clear it from my phone

  • as soon as I find I'm using it just a little bit too much.

  • I use Slack for communicating with my team.

  • At the bottom of my phone of course,

  • we've got the phone and messages app,

  • as well as Spotify.

  • When I'm working, specifically when I'm writing,

  • I like to listen to Deep Focus or low-fi beats.

  • They really help me to get locked in to my work.

  • This is some of the other music

  • I've been listening to lately.

  • And this app is called TeuxDeux,

  • it's how I manage tasks for work and personal,

  • I like it because it allows me to organize my to do list

  • on a daily basis.

  • It's super simple, but works for me.

  • I'll add a little note here,

  • (keyboard typing)

  • You know what?

  • I don't really have time to do this today,

  • so I'll just push this until tomorrow.

  • And on the second page here,

  • I have different folders

  • categorizing work, film, other, as well as travel.

  • If we open up work, we have Google Chrome,

  • looks like my brother was using my phone again,

  • Google Drive, Sheets, Docs,

  • and FreshBooks for scanning receipts.

  • In the film tab I've got a couple of films tools here,

  • from GoPro, to Camera Connect for Cannon,

  • as well as ROV Motion for my electric slider.

  • And let's go into the other folder,

  • I'm not gonna go through all of these apps

  • because I don't use them very often.

  • GuitarTuna has been great for tuning my guitar,

  • iRobot for our robot vacuum cleaner,

  • which actually is surprisingly amazing!

  • Scannable has been a great way

  • for me to store my documents digitally.

  • And nothing else really super interesting

  • on the rest of these.

  • And finally we've got travel.

  • I use Maps.Me when I'm traveling out of the country,

  • it works really great, it's good for navigation.

  • I don't have an allegiance to any specific airline,

  • basically the one that is cheapest,

  • as well as least painful.

  • And we've got Nest here,

  • which is for home security.

  • (sirens)

  • that's probably not what you think it is,

  • it's actually just money, drugs, and chili pepper.

  • So, it's really not much of a big deal.

  • I don't know why you guys are acting all weird about it.

  • And that's it.

  • That's everything that I have on my phone.

  • I hope you guys got a little bit of inspiration

  • from checking out how I organize my phone.

  • Again, I think the biggest things are

  • what I don't have on it.

  • I don't have a whole lot of social media,

  • I do have Instagram like I said, for now.

  • But I'll likely delete it in a couple of days.

  • I don't keep email on my phone,

  • That's something I've been doing for,

  • I would say,

  • the past couple of years now.

  • And that has been hugely helpful,

  • in not keeping me distracted.

  • If I'm traveling, I'll usually just download it to my phone.

  • That's an important thing to mention,

  • if you delete these apps,

  • definitely check on which app you're deleting,

  • you usually don't lose the data.

  • So with Instagram, I delete it,

  • nothing happens, and I can reinstall it at anytime.

  • And I find that in the past, I have kinda hidden apps away,

  • like three pages deep

  • and then put them into folders.

  • But I always found my way to them.

  • I could just swipe down and just search for Instagram.

  • So that, typically,

  • hasn't helped me as much as just deleting the app.

  • That amount of friction,

  • having to go into the app store,

  • download it, sign in, find my password,

  • put it in, and then log in,

  • it's just, I'm like, Ah, screw it, it's not worth it for me.

  • So, hope that helped you out.

  • Hope you guys got some tips

  • about how to organize your own phone.

  • So when it comes to life advice,

  • I've always leaned on authors and audio books to help me.

  • And one person,

  • who I've been consuming and listening to a lot lately is,

  • Gary V.

  • His audio book, Ask Gary V, is available on Audible.

  • And it's packed with tons of great, practical advice.

  • What I love specifically about Gary's audio book is that,

  • he doesn't just follow a script,

  • he kinda goes off the cuff and gives these hot takes

  • and deep dives into the topics he's talking about.

  • Start listening with a 30 day audible trial.

  • Choose one audio book, and two Audible Originals

  • absolutely free.

  • Visit

  • or text "mattdavella" to 500 500.

  • The links are in the description below.

  • Thank you guys so much for sticking around

  • and watching this video.

  • As well as, checking out my sponsor, Audible.

  • It's sponsors like Audible that

  • help me to reinvest back into my videos.

  • Hire amazing people to work with,

  • and just make the best videos that I possibly can.

  • So, it really means a lot to me.

  • I'll see you guys next time.

- So what's something that never leaves my side,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

これが私のスマホの整理方法です。 (This is how I organize my phone.)

  • 12 1
    Mackenzie に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日