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  • My name is Melissa Herlitz.

  • I am 29 years old.

  • I work for the New York City Department of City Planning

  • as a city planner, and I make $62,000 a year.

  • The Department of City Planning writes the zoning resolution,

  • which is an enormous 2000- or 3000-page document

  • that dictates what can be built where,

  • and so we work with other city agencies.

  • We work with the public to try to understand the best use for buildings within New York City, depending on their neighborhood and their context.

  • Initially in my job, I was hired to work in the Queens office on a project in southern Queens in Old Howard Beach, Hamilton Beach and Broad Channel,

  • and these are neighborhoods that are very vulnerable to sea level rise and future tidal flooding.

  • What I love most about my job is working with the public.

  • That's a love that I discovered when I was in college,

  • and I had a professor who really taught me

  • that successful city planning happens when you engage with the community.

  • If you go in and figuratively bulldoze a community,

  • and you don't get buy-in,

  • your plan isn't going to be successful.

  • It's easy for city planners and other government employees to sometimes forget

  • that just because we're the experts doesn't mean we know everything about a neighborhood.

  • So I actually really enjoy talking to people who have lived in these neighborhoods for years,

  • learning from their experience.

  • A lot of people living in coastal neighborhoods have observed their neighborhood change over time.

  • They know that they are subject to more frequent flooding,

  • and that's something that my maps can tell me in some way,

  • but it's really much more powerful when you hear that from the public,

  • and their story can back up your decisions.

  • As for the most difficult part of the job,

  • sometimes I would say that's working with the public.

  • It's exhausting.

  • You have to be on, communicating,

  • talking, getting feedback,

  • being polite, you know, writing everything down,

  • synthesizing it, understanding it, and that's a lot of work,

  • but I think the more frustrating part of my job is the slow pace of bureaucracy sometimes.

  • I believe that government is sometimes necessarily slow.

  • It's good to not do things in a hasty way,

  • but there are certain things that slow down decision making that are really frustrating.

  • For example, some things that are frustrating are when a new mayor is elected.

  • So you could have been working on a project for the past two, three years

  • that was gaining a lot of traction and maybe almost ready to implement,

  • and a new mayor and a new administration might come in and say,

  • "We don't care about that issue as much right now.

  • "Keep working on it, but we're going to delay releasing that report

  • "because we want to focus on affordable housing."

  • Maybe that issue is also a noble cause,

  • but it's frustrating when you've been working on something so hard to have it be put on the back burner.

  • Most of the setbacks in my work have been more bureaucratic in nature.

  • I have to say in general when I looked at becoming a city planner I wasn't thinking about salary.

  • I was thinking about how cool it would be to make maps,

  • to work and understand a wide variety of issues,

  • and to pull it all together, and to collaborate,

  • and to work with the public.

  • Those were all things that really interested me.

  • Of course, I knew that city planning provided a fair income.

  • You know, it's not at the low end.

  • It's not at the high end, but it's a fair-paying job as a government employee,

  • so I'm grateful for that.

  • Raises in New York City Department of City Planning are not always easy to come by.

  • I think a lot of us work there because we love the work we do,

  • and we don't necessarily expect or rely on regular increases in pay.

  • Part of the reason is that many of us at City Planning are grant funded.

  • So there's often stipulations as part of like a federal grant

  • as to how much money different people can make

  • or how many people can make this higher amount.

  • So some of us might be in the city planner one position for a long time

  • if we don't want to move onto other projects.

  • I could possibly get a promotion if I were to work on a non-resiliency project,

  • but that's not really what I want to do.

  • I think the different levels of titles in New York City go from city planner one to city planner four,

  • if I'm not mistaken, and then after that, the other option for you is

  • going into a managerial position or an administrative planner position.

  • So that's someone who is really managing a group of people

  • rather than their primary work being the city planning stuff that I love to do.

My name is Melissa Herlitz.


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B1 中級

シティプランナー|仕事内容と稼ぎ方|前編|カーンアカデミー (City Planner | What I do & how much I make | Part 1 | Khan Academy)

  • 36 1
    Boyeee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日