字幕表 動画を再生する
Your life, perhaps even your very existence, is probably going to end soon, and the world around you is definitely collapsing.
At least, that seems to be the recurring trend in some of the best movies ever made. This is “Movie Night”!
*theme song plays*
Hello, and welcome to the season two finale of “Movie Night”! I'm your host, Jonathan Paula.
Today on the show, we'll be once again examining some of the best movies of all time.
Last year, in part one of this series, I highlighted ten movies that I scored a "10" on the Rate-o-Matic: “Air Force One"...
昨年、このシリーズのパート1で、私は私が"10"Rate-o-Maticでスコア10映画を強調した: "エアフォースワン"...
“Apollo 13"...
“Raiders Of The Lost Ark"...
"Raiders Of The Lost Ark"...
“Jurassic Park"...
“Shawshank Redemption"...
“Star Wars"...
"Star Wars"...
“Terminator 2"...
and “The Dark Knight.”
そして "ダークナイト"
In previous episodes of “Movie Night,” I also scored a "10" to “Rocky"...
映画の夜 "の以前のエピソードでは、私はまた、"Rocky"に"10"を採点しました...
“Die Hard”...
and “Back to the Future."
と「Back to the Future.".
And tonight, I'm going to showcase another 10 of my favorites that we haven't yet reviewed. And later, I'll reveal your list of the top-100 movies of all time.
そして今夜は、まだレビューしていないお気に入りの10本を紹介します。 後日、トップ100映画のリストをお見せします。
But before we start, I'd like to quickly explain the Rate-o-Matic, so there's no confusion.
Take this scale here. If it were 1 to 100, the "10" at the top wouldn't represent a flawless film, but rather, any movie that scored above a “91"...
meaning that you can score a movie an "amazing," and it doesn't necessarily mean it's perfect or flawless or necessarily better than its competition.
あなたは映画をスコアすることができることを意味することを " amazing, "そしてそれは必ずしもそれを意味しません's完璧または完璧または必ずしもその競争よりも優れています。
But they do represent the cream of the crop. But enough explanation- let's review some of my favorite movies, starting off in alphabetical order, with “The Butterfly Effect.”
しかし、彼らは作物のクリームを表しています。しかし、十分な説明をしましょう- Let's review some of my favorite movies, starting from a alphabetary order, with "The Butterfly Effect".
This 2004 sci-fi thriller stars Ashton Kutcher as a man who discovers he has the ability to travel back in time...
to pivotal movements of his own lifetime and re-live them with varying consequences. The writing is tight and believable here...
really demanding a lot of emotional and intellectual commitment from the viewer, asking the age-old question of: “If you could fix the mistakes of yesteryear..."
"...would you? What if it meant you'd lose your best friend in the process, or end up handicapped?”
仝......あなたはどうしますか?What if it meant you'd lose your best friend in process, or end up handicapped?
Not only do the characters struggle with these decisions and emotions, but the careful direction of the film itself ensures that we are brought along for the roller coaster ride.
I definitely have a soft spot for time-travel films, and “The Butterfly Effect”'s serious approach to the subject is definitely an effective one.
Kutcher plays opposite Amy Smart, both of whom wonderfully bring their characters and their respective temporal variations to life with ease...
resulting in some really tear-jerking moments during the final scenes of the film, as Oasis's, "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" plays beautifully in the background.
その結果、映画の最後のシーンでは、Oasisの"Stop Crying Your Heart Out"がバックグラウンドで美しく演奏されているように、いくつかの本当に涙が出るような瞬間がありました。
At the conclusion of this film, I was struck at how profoundly it moved me. I wasn't able to stop thinking about its characters or the film's message for days.
A modern-day classic in the sci-fi department, “The Butterfly Effect” is an easy "10" for me.
SF部門の現代の古典的な、 "バタフライエフェクト "は、私にとっては簡単な"10"です。
"Emotionally powerful and thought-provoking."
Speaking of modern-day sci-fi classics, my second film is 2006's "Children of Men."
Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, and Michael Caine star in this movie about a dystopian Earth, set in the year 2027, where mankind has been infertile for nearly two decades.
With the extinction of the human race just one lifetime away, Owen and Moore are delighted and burdened with the responsibility...
of escorting the first pregnant women in 18 years to a safe location. The story is breathtaking and boldly original...
beautifully captured in epically long tracking shots that sometimes last five minutes or more.
“Children of Men” is a sometimes disturbing examination of the human condition at its absolute worst...
"Children of Men "は、その絶対的な最悪の状態にある人間の状態についての、時に不穏な考察である...。
and what society could be like if no one was able to have children anymore.
These thought-provoking questions are intertwined between scenes of gritty violence and action...
seamlessly captured with special effects so impressive that you forget you are watching a movie at all.
The principal cast is made up of all seasoned veterans who commendably bring their “A”-game to what is easily one of the best films to ever deal with a dystopian future.
主要キャストはすべてベテランのベテランで構成されており、ディストピアの未来を扱った映画の中では最高の作品の一つに数えられているこの作品に見事に "A "ゲームをもたらします。
“Children of Men”- an “amazingly vivid representation of mankind."
"男の子供たち" - "mankind.".の驚くほど鮮やかな表現。
Our third film tonight is easily the oldest we've ever reviewed here on “Movie Night,” 1941's "Citizen Kane."
私たちの第三の映画は、今夜は簡単に私たちが今まで "映画の夜 "にここでレビューした最古のものです、1941's "Citizen Kane.".
The masterpiece of cinema produced, directed, written by, and starring Orson Welles when he was just 26 years old, "Citizen Kane"...
オーソン・ウェルズがわずか26歳の時に製作、監督、脚本、主演を務めた映画の傑作、"Citizen Kane"...
quite simply, redefined the very concept of what a motion picture was capable of accomplishing.
Rumored to be loosely based on the life of newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst, “Citizen Kane” stars Welles as Charles Kane...
whom we are introduced to on his death bed in the opening scene of the film, as he utters his final word, "rosebud," before dropping a snow globe to the floor.
From the perspective of a reporter investigating what "rosebud" meant, we're then witness to a series of flashbacks that show us glimpses of Kane's life.
どのような" rosebud"を調査している記者の視点から、私たちはその後、私たちはケイン'sの人生の垣間見ることがフラッシュバックの一連の証人になっています。
The story itself, although interesting and fascinating, is nothing really remarkable, but it's Welles's execution...
in every area that truly makes this film an incredible achievement. Techniques were pioneered and developed for this film that had never been seen before.
Advanced uses of blocking, deep focus, long shots, miniatures, shadows, lighting, sound track, and editing...
exemplify why, 70 years later, this movie is still shown the first day of class to any prospective film student.
Decades ahead of its time, this film not only holds up, it somehow still manages to impress and captivate audiences.
Required viewing for all fans of cinema, “Citizen Kane” is "an absolute masterpiece, textbook classic."
映画のすべてのファンのための視聴が必要な、 "市民ケーン "は"絶対的な傑作、教科書のclassic."です。
A complete 180 from the meticulously choreographed shots in “Citizen Kane,” my fourth film tonight that I scored a "10" is “Cloverfield.”
Director Matt Reeves literally brings us along for the ride in this edge-of-your seat sci-fi/horror thriller...
about a modern-day Godzilla-type monster that is threatening downtown Manhattan. We're introduced to a no-name cast...
of incredibly likeable and believable characters in scenes from their ordinary life that play out with a certain calm serenity to them that beautifully bookends the film.
When disaster strikes during a party, we follow a small group of survivors through the destruction of New York as they struggle to survive.
Nearly the entire film is shown through the perspective of an actual camera the characters bring with them...
with the audience essentially embodying the first-person point of view of its operator. It's a refreshingly courageous decision by Reeves...
which threatens to give the audience vertigo or motion sickness if not executed correctly. Luckily, though, the cinematography here...
as well as the music, visuals, sound effects, and editing, are all executed surprisingly well, truly transporting the audience into the world of its characters...
resulting in a dreadfully tense 85-minute thrill ride that never disappoints. A delightfully entertaining experience, this movie is a great example of “less is more"...
その結果、85分間の恐ろしいほど緊張感のあるスリルに満ちた作品に仕上がっており、決して期待を裏切らない。愉快な体験を楽しませてくれるこの映画は、"less is more"の素晴らしい例です...
and where substance prevails over style. The “Cloverfield” monster himself is heard more than seen, harkening back to the dramatic techniques of Spielberg's "Jaws."
“Cloverfield”- an "exhilarating modern-day monster story."
"クローバーフィールド" - "爽快な現代のモンスターの物語。
My fifth film tonight is Martin Scorsese's "The Departed."
私の5番目の映画は、今夜はマーティン・スコセッシ'の"The Departed."です。
This 2006 crime thriller is a bit of a remake of the Hong Kong film "Infernal Affairs," which tells two opposing narratives...
この2006年の犯罪スリラーは、2つの対立する物語を語る香港映画"Infernal Affairs,"のリメイクのようなものです。
one of an undercover cop within a crime family and another of a mole from that same family inside the Boston police department.
犯罪一家の潜入捜査官と ボストン警察内部の二重スパイだ
The incredibly talented all-star cast includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, Vera Farmiga, and Alec Baldwin.
The Boston accents are thick, the locations real, and the violence bloody and vengeful, just as you'd expect from any self-respecting Scorsese crime drama.
Despite the mammoth “A”-list cast, every character gets a chance to shine, most of whom being fully fleshed-out individuals.
A "リストの巨大なキャストにもかかわらず、すべてのキャラクターに輝きのチャンスが与えられており、そのほとんどが完全に肉付けされた個人である。
With dialogue that is witty and funny, the script is also fast-paced, engaging, and completely engrossing...
delicately balancing the line of complexity and confusion, resulting in a smart movie that never loses its audience.
The pinnacle of Scorsese's career and a true icon of modern-day crime films, "The Departed" is easily a movie I'll find myself watching again and again.
スコセッシのキャリアの頂点であり、現代の犯罪映画の真のアイコンである「The Departed"」は、私が何度も何度も見ていることに気づく映画です。
An "epic drama. Gritty and thrilling."
叙事詩的なドラマ。Gritty and thrilling.".
Transitioning from the modern crime drama to the classic crime drama, my sixth film tonight is "The Godfather, Part II."
Being both a prequel and a sequel to the iconic 1972 “Best Picture” winner, it had an incredibly tough act to follow...
but Francis Ford Coppola once again hit the ball out of the park, scoring another 11 Oscar nominations, including a second “Best Picture” win.
The film is memorably presented in two parallel storylines, one of Al Pacino in the late 1950s as the new Don of the Corelone family...
and the other in the early 20th century following his young father, Vito, played brilliantly by Robert DeNiro in an Oscar-winning role.
Since these two incredibly polished narratives never intersect in any capacity, the film almost plays out like two separate movies altogether...
each one marvelously amazing in its own right. Continuing the precedent set forth in the original, Mario Puzo's adapted screenplay...
bursts onto the screen in every scene, each one as startlingly original and exciting as the last.
Everything here from the beautiful cinematography and the impeccable acting to the haunting soundtrack and moral ambiguity of the characters is handled with perfection.
Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton, Talia Shire, and John Cazale round out the extraordinary cast that truly carries this film from the incredible to the unbelievable.
“The Godfather, Part I” redefined cinema and created a whole new sub-genre of crime films, but “The Godfather, Part II” absolutely perfected that genre.
"Astonishingly captivating, a groundbreaking achievement."
We'll be right back to take a look at my seventh film after this quick commercial break.
A bit more rough around the edges than the “The Godfather,” my next movie is "Independence Day."
ゴッドファーザー "よりもエッジの周りにもう少しラフな、私の次の映画は"Independence Day."です。
This 1996 film from director Roland Emmerich not only reinvigorated the dying disaster genre, it's also a childhood favorite of mine.
Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, and Randy Quaid star as survivors on Earth after a massively devastating attack by a group...
of hostile aliens destroys dozens of populated cities. This band of survivors comes together from around the country to stop the aliens from annihilating the human race completely.
These days, it's not an overly original premise, but, I promise you, “Independence Day” is the one that executed it best.
最近では、それは過度にオリジナルの前提ではありませんが、私はあなたに約束する、 "独立記念日 "は、それを最高の実行したものです。
The 153-minute film introduces us to a slew of characters, both before and after these terrible attacks, as we're witness to the changing landscape of a future in their world.
A true embodiment of the term “blockbuster,” this film is an over-the-top thrill ride that never releases the throttle.
The iconic imagery of the White House and Empire State Building being destroyed have been engrained into the social consciousness...
of our society ever since, which, for better or worse, started a trend of movies obliterating famous landmarks.
The visual effects, to this day, are breathtaking, the soundtrack chilling and memorable, the pacing and mood...
fast and light enough to please all audiences. It may not be intellectually stimulating, but it's damn enjoyable.
“Independence Day”- "Popcorn entertainment at its finest."
"独立記念日" - "その finest."でポップコーンのエンターテイメント。
Going from a movie where you leave your brain at the door to one where you may need to watch it a second time...
just to figure out what the hell is going on, my eighth film tonight is 1999's "The Matrix."
ただ、地獄は何が起こっているのかを把握するために、私の8番目の映画今夜は1999's "The Matrix."です。
Written and directed by the Wachowski brothers, this classic sci-fi action film stars Keanu Reeves as a lowly computer programmer...
who discovers his entire existence and that of all mankind is nothing but a simulation in a computer.
自分の全存在と全人類の存在が コンピュータの中のシミュレーションにすぎないことを発見した人は、自分の存在を知っています。
The reality within a reality is a concept that had been done before, but never like this. “The Matrix”...
現実の中の現実というのは、以前にも行われていた概念ですが、このようなことはありませんでした。"マトリックス "は
requires absolute attention from its audience, lest you'll be completely lost in a few minutes. With the help of supporting cast members...
Laurence Fishburne and Carrie-Anne-Moss, Reeves discovers that, inside this simulation environment known as The Matrix...
he can control, bend, and manipulate space-time, resulting in some of the most incredibly iconic images to ever grace the silver screen.
Those slow-motion "bullet-time" effects are famous today, but they were groundbreaking and revolutionary when we first saw them 12 years ago.
Although Reeves is notorious for his inability to really convey much emotional range, his character here lends itself well to himself as an actor.
This is a movie that makes you think, makes you gasp, and makes you totally forget where the 136 minutes went after finishing it.
It's no wonder this film spawned two very successful sequels and dozens of copycats.
“The Matrix”- "Visually revolutionary and mind-blowing."
"マトリックス" - "視覚的に革命的で、心を吹き飛ばす。
My ninth film that I scored a "10" on the Rate-o-Matic is “The Prestige.”
私がRate-o-Maticで10"を採点した9本目の映画は、"The Prestige "です。
This 2006 magician-themed mystery thriller is just one of the many masterpieces Christopher Nolan is responsible for.
This film stars Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale as competing magicians at the turn of the 20th Century...
who are constantly trying to one-up each other with rival magic shows. Michael Caine, David Bowie, and the always gorgeous Scarlett Johansson...
ライバルのマジックショーで常にワンアップを狙うマイケル・ケイン、デヴィッド・ボウイ、そしていつも豪華なスカーレット・ヨハンソン。 マイケル・ケイン、デヴィッド・ボウイ、そしていつもゴージャスなスカーレット・ヨハンソン...。
round out the incredible cast, all of whom do a magnificent job in the period setting. The battling magician's story...
quickly turns to that of revenge, trickery, and, seemingly, murder. Nolan's script is tight and engaging...
really requiring a taut attention span to follow the brilliantly written dialogue and sequences. Not a film that can easily be explained...
nor one that should be spoiled for those who haven't seen it, "The Prestige" is ultimately about the human condition- to be better than your fellow man...
また、それを見ていない人のために台無しにされるべきである1つ、"The Prestige"は、最終的に人間の条件についてです - あなたの仲間の男よりも優れたものになるために...
and at what incredible lengths you'll go to get there. The surprise twists in the final scenes left me absolutely astounded...
staggeringly surprising, yet completely concrete in their development. A film that is truly best explored and experienced first-hand, Nolan certainly doesn't disappoint.
"The Prestige"- a "challengingly rewarding film that impresses."
"The Prestige" - "やりがいのあるやりがいのある映画を感動させる。
And last, but certainly not least, my tenth film tonight is the epic final installment of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, "Return of the King."
At over four hours in length, this monumental third chapter to the incredibly massive fantasy trilogy based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien...
is a true sight to behold, bringing together every single element that makes a movie great for one magical film.
Matching a record only held by “Ben-Hur” and “Titanic,” “Return of the King” single-handedly won all 11 Academy Awards...
it was nominated for, including “Best Picture,” in 2003. The visual effects are subtle, yet amazingly well executed.
They represent the awe-inspiring display of Peter Jackson's attention to detail and cinema prowess...
as he faithfully and believably brings the fictitious land of Middle Earth completely to life. All of the characters and stories from the previous two films...
which were equally as impressive in their own right, are neatly resolved here, even if the 45-minute epilogue tends to drag towards the end.
But when you're dealing with a story of this magnitude, brevity isn't always the best solution. Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen...
Sean Astin, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, and dozens of others make up the remarkable cast who absolutely became their characters.
The entire “Lord of the Rings” series is as entertaining as it is gigantic, but this third and final movie is easily the best of the bunch.
For fans of fantasy and adventure, this film more than delivered the goods, going above and beyond any normal film, a true example of getting your money's worth.
"Return of the King"- "Definitely epic. An incredible adventure."
"Return of the King" - "Definitely epic.信じられないほどのAdventure.".
Alright, well, that does it for another ten of my favorite films. But now, let's take a look at the movies you rated as the best of all time.
Over 12,000 votes were cast, with nearly 5,000 of them going to the top-100 films alone. But now, without further ado...
I present to you our revised list of the best films of all time, as voted on by the “Movie Night” audience!
Please check the description below if you'd like to see the full list of all 100.
But coming in at number ten, with 134 votes, is 1999's “Fight Club.”
Ninth on the list is “Toy Story,” with 141 votes.
With 145 is “Pulp Fiction,” taking the eighth spot.
“The Dark Knight” received 152 votes, landing at number seven.
"ダークナイト "は152票を獲得し、7位に着地した。
Perhaps fresh in your mind from last week's review, “Saving Private Ryan” placed sixth, with 162 votes.
先週のレビューでも記憶に新しいかもしれませんが、「Saving Private Ryan」は162票を獲得して6位に入りました。
At fifth place, with 191 votes, is “Shawshank Redemption.”
5位には191票の "ショーシャンクの空想 "が入りました
With 198 votes, Tom Hanks makes his third appearance in the top 10 at spot number four with “Forrest Gump.”
198票を獲得したトム・ハンクスは "フォレスト・ガンプ "で3度目のトップ10入りを果たしました。
In the bronze medal position is “Back to the Future,” with 214 votes.
Runner-up and new to the list this year is “Inception,” with 224 votes.
And the best movie of all time, with 237 votes, is “Star Wars”!
So, there it is, your top-10 movies of all time. Thank you very much to everyone who voted and contributed to make this list possible.
But that does it for tonight's films. So, now, let's take a look at what's currently playing in theaters, with some Tweet Critiques.
Remember, if you're going to the movies, make sure to submit your Twitter review, using the #JPMN hashtag...
as we continue our conversation during the summer. But that does it for this episode and the second season of “Movie Night"...
夏の間に会話を続けながらしかし、それはこのエピソードと "Movie Night"の第二シーズンのためにそれを行います...
where we reviewed 66 films, both the great and the terrible. Season three of “Movie Night” will return this November...
66本の映画をレビューしました偉大なものから恐ろしいものまで 映画の夜」のシーズン3は、この11月に戻ります...
with an extended look at all of the summer blockbusters that we're going to miss...
like “Cowboys and Aliens"...
“Super 8"...
“The Hangover 2"...
"The Hangover 2"...
“Transformers: Dark Of The Moon"...
"トランスフォーマーDark Of The Moon"...
“Piranha 3DD"...
the reboot of “Planet Of The Apes"...
“Pirates Of The Caribbean 4,” and many more.
"パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン4 "などなど。
Until then, though, my name is Jonathan Paula. Thank you for watching “Movie Night.” I hope to see you right back here for season three!
それまでは ジョナサン・ポーラです"ムービー・ナイト "を見てくれてありがとうまたシーズン3でお会いしましょう!