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this is trying up there.
And right now I have with me, Chloe and Isabel.
Do you want to tell the world who you are?
My name is Isabelle Harrison.
I'm a physics and concentrated Liv E in cabin house.
I'm a sophomore.
Factors I could make a really weird clicking sound with my mouth.
I think not.
E was really loud.
I'm a software in Kappa House is Well, is that every mate I'm concentrating in applied math and fun.
Fact is, I have to boxer dogs, but they're white are usually a different color.
Yeah, usually they're brown or brindle, and they don't breed for white ones because they're usually Blinder, death, mine.
And either let's take a look at your project.
Did you tell us about it?
So my project is called nightstand, and the gold nightstand is to create a job application that allows users to log like the books that they're reading, that they want to read that they have read in a really simple and aesthetic interface.
So what we have here is our home page is like the nightstand.
And so you have, like, a few books in your reading section and up next on them like also your red section.
So and then also part of the applications you can navigate to these sections and then this will, despite all the books you bride are reading.
And then, for example, this display all the books that you have up next on then.
So for the nightstand, for example, that will really like your top five that you have read our like want to be reading next on the part of the goal of the interface.
Also, to make it very easy to have users navigate through it.
So we have, like, a fine new books and organized book sections.
So Google Books a p I so that users can search for a book and our website then courses.
Results return from the FBI.
So you want to give us a book to search?
I I've been meaning to read the way advanced reading level.
I've heard a lot of good reviews, but way get the first time back.
I'm assuming this is the cat in the hat you intend to read.
Looks about right, so we'll go down will select the cat in the hat.
The first option and we'll add it to your reading.
Show up ducks.
I don't want next.
Okay, so we'll see.
Cat in the hat appears and you're up next shelf of your nightstand and then say that like, you change your mind.
You're reading it now.
You started right now, so I'm gonna go to Cat in the Hat, and then we'll move it to the reading show, and it moves it.
Very cool.
Yeah, that's really good.
I see how it's analogous Riel nightstand.
But I think with much more states of my nights.
So it sounds like you two are like avid readers.
Is that the operation?
I'm just curious.
Way we're sitting in our common room and the table trying to brainstorm ideas.
You know, we want to work together, and we do.
We want to do Webb, but they're really looking around.
And then I always bring, like, a ton of books with me when I come to college for no reason.
Just have the extra weight on the plane.
So I had, like, my bookshelf pretty filled, like he was just looking out in our common room way.
Have a couch on one side, and then We have bookshelves on the other two, but they're sitting on the couch trying to do staring at the bookshop.
If only there was something there.
Yeah, we got like, Well, that's really good night stand.
And the idea kind of came out like we both keep our individual books on our night stands when we're, like about to read them.
So it looks really nice.
Is this your first exposure to CS course?
This is my first time doing yes way.
Did you two How did you find the whole experience?
Overall, I really like I liked it.
I think so.
It is interesting because it really pushes projects.
It seems like every piece that's you create something that you kind of put your own touch to a little bit but also gives guidance.
I really like the course for that reason.
Yeah, I felt the peace for all really applicable and something that after I did the piece that I was glad that you have a favorite one in mind.
Wait, We got to pick our tracks.
Getting able to make your own home page is really cool, but way had a piece where you've got Thio you made a pipe on with today?
Sample DNA sequences.
And then your computer was able to find, like your program decided which of the people in your database was a match for this D n A sequence of this.
It was like, actually, that's what the course definitely tries to.
Well, really great talking to you, too.
Thanks for sharing your body.
Yeah, Thank you for talking to us.