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  • Happy Valentine's Day.

  • Happy Day of Love.

  • You might not be surprised to know that Valentine's Day is indeed celebrated in Japan, but what you might not know is that it just isn't the same.

  • You see on February 14.

  • Valentine's Day is a day for girls to give chocolate to boys.

  • But it's not even that simple.

  • It gets a little more complicated.

  • There's Total Chako and Tomoe.

  • Chuckle is short for tomodachi hereto.

  • Basically, you give chocolate to your friends.

  • There's Jack Lew Chuckle, which is something that I guess is kind of more recent.

  • Jacko Jocko is where boys buy chocolate for girls and Jacko means like opposite.

  • So it's like opposite chocolate.

  • And this would never have this in the North, in the North America in Japan, when a boy gives a girl chocolate on Valentine's Day, it's called Jacko Jocko because it's not what people are supposed to do.

  • And then, finally, there's GT chuckle and giddy chuckles like obligatory chocolate chocolate that you give people out of obligation.

  • This could be co workers or teachers or family people that you give chocolate to because you're kind of expected Thio and men do.

  • I have an issue with giddy Chako.

  • Let me tell you my story now.

  • Some of you might recall if you saw my video last year on Valentine's Day, I challenged myself to make Dicko chuckle, which is decoration chocolate.

  • It's kind of a thing that that girls do here they decorate or the big things.

  • I admit.

  • I didn't make, like, the prettiest looking chocolate, but I tried really, really hard.

  • Nature of giddy chuckle is like If you're a girl and you work in the workplace with lots of boys, you're kind of obligated to give them chocolate.

  • And I understand that that's how the culture works.

  • But my boyfriend comes home with a ton of beautiful, pretty wrapped, expensive, good.

  • I've a chocolate.

  • And he was like, Can you believe I got these?

  • Good.

  • I have a chocolates at work.

  • Do you know how expensive these are?

  • Thes air?

  • Great chocolate.

  • You know, I actually, actually, I forgot it was Valentine's Day today.

  • Yeah, I for I forgot.

  • And you know what?

  • Tomorrow the chocolate's probably gonna be half price because it's not Valentine's anymore.

  • And I'm gonna buy you, like, so much so this year, I didn't do the decoration chocolate thing.

  • I didn't make anything, but I am determined to win the secret competition that I'm sure these girls have no idea that they are in.

  • I went to the department store and I searched for, like, three hours on it, back forth, looking at all this amazing chocolate before I finally decided on a cake because I bet nobody at work's gonna get him a cake.

  • It's actually like the most beautiful cake ever, and he's probably gonna cry when he sees it.

  • John, it's a strawberry mousse cheesecake.

  • I'm so excited to eat these tonight.

  • You guys don't even you don't.

  • Even you can't.

  • Even if you don't, you don't.

  • You don't.

  • You can't.

  • Oh, so exciting.

  • So exciting.

  • So exciting.

  • How will you spend your Valentine's Day?

  • Are you going to give chocolate, your friends, your mom, your secret crush?

  • Or are you just gonna stay at home alone?

  • Be sure to leave a comment and let me know anyway, Feeling good today?

  • I'm totally gonna.

  • It's lifts season of lives.

  • That's my French accent.

  • That's how French people would say.

Happy Valentine's Day.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

[字幕付き] 義理チョコに負けないぞ。I hate Giri-Choco ([字幕付き] 義理チョコに負けないぞ。I hate Giri-Choco)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日