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Welcome to show me the car e dot com and the New Jersey and I'm hit Bill.
And today we're making whole wheat blueberry muffins.
Yeah, my publisher And really, really, really popular for the kids.
You know, everybody loves them, but I think the kids are gonna have a field day with the whole wheat, so you could be a little bit about it.
So have a bowl over here with half a cup off oil, canola oil, a vegetable oil.
And to this, we're gonna add 3/4 off cup off regular sugar.
That makes it.
We also have one large egg.
Mix it in, and I'm gonna mix it and cream until the sugar kind of belts.
And right here we have 1.5 cups of whole wheat flour and one teaspoon of baking powder, and we have 1/4 teaspoon of salt.
And now this is ah, sifter.
So you don't have to have anything fancy, but just went to sift everything together and make sure it gets well incorporated.
Flour sifted and our eggs, sugar and oil is mixed.
And well, now we're using one cup of fresh blueberries here, so what we're gonna do before we mix everything together is we're gonna take about a tablespoon of this flower and just dust are blueberries with it.
And that way it's gonna help them kind of stick in place and not sink to the bottom of the pan when we're making right.
So we're just gonna lightly coat thes.
And I have switched my tools from a risk toe.
A little special.
It'll help me fold in the stuff.
Better see how nicely the blueberries air coated with the flower.
All right.
Keep that to the side.
And now we have half a cup of orange juice is going to give a nice, citrusy fresh flavor to these muffins.
Am So what we're gonna do is alternate the dry and the orange juice dry oranges, like about two times.
And everything should get mixed in really well.
Here goes a little bit of our flower, a little bit of orange juice.
It's a little more flour.
Orange juice.
They don't want to overwork your batter as well.
It's kind of important to otherwise they get chewy because it was a little act up.
What all this is happening.
We also have our oven preheated at 375 degrees Fahrenheit, and it's already hot and ready for us.
Here's the final portion of orange juice would have exited, folded in, actually, and once you see all the water or the liquid has has bean incorporated, if you look so well done and not overworked, there are some bubbles, and that's what you really want to.
You can add in the blueberries now, right and after the blueberries are mixed in.
I'm just wonderful, like 23 times not more than that.
So keep counting.
And here we have a muffin training or a cupcake tray, and we've likely could oil the surface, the sides, everything.
It's already, and I have an ice cream scoop again.
It's not necessary, but you get nice, even portions every time.
We're just gonna fill in our muffin tree, and you don't want to fill it all the way to the top.
Probably just about 3/4 of the way, and we saved some blueberries for the end.
We're just going to put a few on dark so he can kind of tell what they are.
And course the appeal cause blueberries as you know, a full of antioxidants.
Very good for you.
This is ready, and it's going to go into the oven for 20 to 25 minutes.
Everybody's ovens are different, so keep an eye on it.
So our muffins are out of the oven and they took exactly 20 minutes for us.
But again, every oven is different.
We can't emphasize that enough, so please keep an eye on it.
The best way to tell if it's done.
Just insert a toothpick into the middle, and if it comes out clean with nothing went on it.
Then it's done.
You're going to just stop them into a tray or a paper kitchen dollar, basically one that does not have fibers so that it doesn't create moisture at the bottom.
And it's not in a bottle off sweat.
There you go, and I was actually made 11 but he had divided them up right there, driving 12.
But that's okay and transfer them and put them on a cooling rack.
Just elected three eights and doesn't again create moisture anywhere.
So this is perfect.
It's getting air from all sides.
You look so cute.
So let's cut one and see course, it has not cooled on.
Can't wait, though.
But just to give you an idea.
Look at that.
Like had to mention the coding off the blueberries, all of them not sitting on the bottom there.
All of this spread out, spread out nice.
Very well.
And of course, then you had someone to stop, but it looks really, really good.
It smells so good in here.
Like, actually smelled a little citrusy smelling.
You just move your juice.
You see, delicious that, uh, darkness from the blueberries.
But it is hot on the inside, so don't do what we do.
Wait till it cools down.
How you don't want to hurt yourself?
And then you can basically put them in a don't cadena store them.
You know, over the next few breakfasts.
I know how many over the last.
So make it in a big double batch and just keep it over.
They say, Well, in the refrigerator, right.
And great snacks to give us kids for lunch.
Is our after school?
Yeah, it's healthy.
You don't feel guilty about it, and they enjoy it as well.
So definitely keep a recipe.
Enjoy a blueberry muffins and join us again, another sort of show me the curry dot com, adding a pinch of spice to your life.