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you're about to see a clip of a country song telling the story of us sailors leaving home and going to see.
I'm David Hoffman filmmaker, and this is a clip from a movie I made about what it is like to be a United States Navy sailor on an aircraft carrier.
I got the assignment to do it as a grant, and I went to Washington and I sat down with a bunch of Navy folk, maybe 30 of them, and I said, Well, what should I be making a movie on?
What's important to you?
What's meaningful, What don't people know about people of firing off ideas?
And a woman in the back of the room says, Leaving home, That's the hardest thing we do, really?
So I'm going to do everything around this scene.
So I set my three camera crews up, and we follow those last moments of a group of sailors leaving their families and going to see when I watch it.
I'm unbelievably touched.
It was what this woman had described in the editing room months later.
How do we express that?
Well, I got the footage, but that's not enough.
So I say to my colleagues Ah, Country music song, because country music is, to me the absolutely best way to express emotion.
And sure enough, everybody laughs at me and I get a local writer at a local country singer, and I know the kind of way people feel.
And she writes that song, and a local singer sings that song, and to me, it's perfect.
So I'd like you to take a look at the John F.
Kennedy in Port, about to go to Lebanon Circuit 1986.
But the feeling is just the same today.
I'm sure like her funeral, and you're trying hard not to cry.
That one person that you care so much for is is leaving.
And it's not because he particularly wants to, although you understand that part of it.
But everything you know as orderly in your life is just turned upside down.
Okay, we've been here before.
My kids, my wife, me kisses.
It's time for goodbye.
It's never been easy, and I like it.
As time draws nude, I say You know your daddy's, but it carried along.
We're here, you, my woman artist.
But he knows you'll be all right and a holder one last time.
She was offers a prayer for safety.
Hole with the ocean.
Wait, wait.
With full of time on stars as our guy is.
Where are you, Joe?
That's get civilian job.
Huggy kissy over here.
I'm gonna get off the ship by tomorrow.
You're going to go.
That's good.
I falling for quarters right over here, Right.
How many of you ready to go to sea lying to?
Okay, great.
Well, Medical brake release seven months.
Two weeks.
In eight hours before Ryan goes over, we're moving last wife with Moon stars and sailors as Come Vanya, Till I Come Home to America again Like a home to America Game seven months, Two weeks, eight hours.
So what happened?
Well, PBS runs a film in the prime time.
It's the second most popular film of the year.
It wins the American Film Festival.
Blue Ribbon.
I'm really proud of that.
And today the American Navy uses a film with sailors around the world.
In fact, I suspect a whole bunch of sailors are going to recognize this film and comments in the comments.
As time goes on, I thank you for watching this and If you'd like to see more of it, read a description and I explain how.
And if you'd like to see more of my work or subscribe, please do.
And if you'd like to support my efforts as an old man to continue to talk to you and make these clips, it's www dot patriotic dot com.
Forward slash old in a day.
Thank you all.