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  • Cove in 19 is now the leading killer of Americans.

  • This is the inside edition dot com Corona virus news for April 10th 2020.

  • According to a report in Newsweek, the novel Corona Virus is now the leading cause of death in America.

  • The virus is responsible for approximately 1970 deaths a day more than those caused by cancer, heart disease, auto accidents or gun violence.

  • Approximately 17,000 people in the U.

  • S have died from Cove in 19 and nearly half a 1,000,000 have been infected.

  • The worldwide death toll is approaching 100,000.

  • In New York, workers dig graves on Hart Island.

  • The public cemetery off the Bronx is now seeing two dozen burials a day, five days a week.

  • Drone footage shows dozens of caskets ready for burial.

  • Open boxes are strewn across a warehouse floor.

  • In Spain, over two million masks and other medical supplies were stolen.

  • They're worth five million euros.

  • Spanish police have made an arrest in the incident.

  • In France, drones are being used to spray virus killing disinfectant on city streets.

  • The machines allow for greater social distance while covering a wider area as the front line workers continue to battle the pandemic, cities lift themselves up in blue, a show of thanks, solidarity and appreciation.

  • Anything that we can do that calls us all together with the rest of the community is very inspiring.

  • Here's more Corona virus coverage from the inside edition dot com team.

  • First salvo.

  • No, I'm working on an interesting story coming out of Africa, where conservationists fear that poachers are exploiting the Corona virus locked down in order to hunt the rare precious rhinos.

  • Rhinos are considered endangered species.

  • Reiners air poached because of their horns and left for dead in the wild while the poachers then go and sell the horns on the black market.

  • Now it's you at Miramonte.

  • Amano is working on the milk Man is a thing of the past, or so I thought.

  • It turns out some of them still exist, and the Corona virus could help them make a big comeback.

  • One man who runs a milk delivery service in Westchester County, New York, says his business was mostly comprised of schools and day care centers, But a lot of those buildings are closed now, and a lot more people are forced to stay at home to help stem the spread of Corona virus.

  • So he's been getting a lot more requests to deliver two homes, just like a milk man of the 19 fifties would.

  • D'oh!

  • And now that so many more people are aware of the service's he provides, he's hoping that this business will continue even after stayed home orders Air lifted.

  • Now let's see what Nick Poppy is working on.

  • I got to speak to an ear, nose and throat surgeon in Cincinnati who wrote a pretty spot on parody of Billy Joel's Piano Man.

  • So Dr Matthew Henson has been in self quarantine for the past couple of weeks after being exposed to someone who was coded 19 positive while he was practicing telemedicine at home.

  • He also had a chance to sit down at his keyboard and dust off some of his musical skills he used to perform in college.

  • Bring us the road is really pretty appropriate to our time.

  • It's also, I think, another way that we see people trying to respond to this crisis and cope with it through creating making music, telling stories that help us feel a little bit better and I'm happy to report that Dr Hensen is now out of quarantine and back at his hospital in Cincinnati and now over to Lee shops.

  • Throughout this self quarantine, people are really using Zoom to stay connected, including this couple in California.

  • I got married using Zoom in front of just close family and friends.

  • So they spent the whole day like any bride and groom would do having breakfast, getting ready.

  • This is just such a beautiful moment amidst all the chaos right now.

Cove in 19 is now the leading killer of Americans.


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B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

COVID-19はアメリカのナンバーワンキラー|2020年4月10日のコロナウイルスニュース (COVID-19 Is the #1 Killer in America | Coronavirus News for April 10, 2020)

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