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  • There's been an advance in a sixty-year-old

  • Math's problem, a maths problem which was

  • Related to the four color theorem

  • Which is something I've mentioned before, perhaps I should do a quick recap of what the four color theorem was.

  • It's a similar sort of thing really. Before color theorem said, imagine you had a map

  • Right, and I'm just going to make up some sort of map here. And the idea was, I want to color in this map

  • So that neighboring countries are not using the same color

  • So if I color this in, it might be kind of this bit here, the idea being that any map can be done

  • Using four colors or fewer, or in other words, there aren't any maps that need five colors. So that's true

  • That's a fact right, that was proven in the 1970s. But this problem that I'm going to talk about today, comes from the

  • 1950s and it's not something that's been solved yet. It's called the Hadwiger-Nelson problem, catchy name

  • And I'm going to try to quote you what the problem is

  • How many colors are needed to color the plane?

  • So that no two points at unit distance are the same color. That's very formal

  • So let me just break that down. What it really means is imagine,

  • I'm somewhere on this map here. So there I am and I'm going to go for walk

  • I'm gonna take a step and my step is going to be one unit

  • So these might not be countries anymore because I'm changing the scale of this. So we're taking a walk and I want to go

  • One unit. Maybe that's one unit. Whatever that means and then take another step and I'll take one unit step

  • But every time I take a step, I want to step on to a different color. I want the color to change each time

  • I step so I'm gonna go for a walk. I want to change the color change the color, okay change the color again

  • I could step back to here, change the color again

  • Change the color again. I could go over here, but then for example

  • I couldn't walk this way. Should I take a one unit step over here, I wouldn't be changing the color

  • So the question is, is there a way to color the plane. So imagine this as an infinite map

  • Is there a way to color it so that I can take a walk always changing the color?

  • Can I do it so I can take any walk?

  • So any walk that I care to do, I will always be changing the color with each step I take, and that's the question

  • brady: No matter what direction you go. No matter what direction you pick no matter what walk that I choose to do

  • Every step lands on a different color. Well for starts

  • There is a solution to this, as seven colors work

  • We can do it with seven colors, and we can prove that really really quickly. You take the infinite plane

  • We're going to tile it with hexagons. So I've got now a little unit of hexagons

  • I got seven hexagons there and I've used seven colors and now I'm just going to repeat this over and over

  • So I'm going to repeat this

  • So I'm creating a pattern of colors with my hexagons.

  • Now All I need to do to solve this problem, is imagine the diameter of those hexagons was less than one

  • Slightly less than one, that means that every step I take would be on to a different hexagon

  • So I could start here, and every step I take would have to be on a different hexagon, which is a different color

  • I just add one thing though. We wouldn't want to step from this purple hexagon on to the next purple hexagon

  • which means I want this distance to be greater than one, which means the diameter of your hexagons needs to be less than 1,

  • and greater than .76

  • Fine. That's all you need so take the hexagons to be .9 and

  • The problem is solved you can walk around that hexagon

  • Infinite plane and change the color with each step

  • Brady: and even if I wanted to step on one of the same color, couldn't do it

  • Even if you wanted to, even if you tried you can't because those hexagons are chosen so that you can't step onto

  • The color that you're on. Brady: Cool. What's the problem? Exactly, What's the problem?

  • So we definitely have a solution, and it can be done for seven

  • So the question is can it be done for six colors, or can we do it with five colors?

  • Four, three, two, right?

  • How many colors, what's the fewest colors we can do this with?

  • So we can eliminate some of the answers really quickly. You can't do it with two, I'll show you that

  • So imagine we try to do it with two, so all I'm going to draw out is the walk

  • I'm just going to draw a walk. So I'm walking in a triangle an equilateral triangle. now, let's try and color this walk

  • So say I start in the green region, and then take a step and I want it to change color

  • So now I've stepped onto a blue region then I want to take another step, and I want to change color now

  • I've only got two colors available

  • So I'm gonna have to step onto a green

  • Region here. But that means if I want to step back to where I started, and there's no reason why I can't do that

  • I'm not changing the color

  • I'm stepping from green to green, that's not allowed. this is an example of a walk that can't be done with two colors

  • It can be done with three colors, but it can't be done with two. What about three?

  • Well again, there's an example it shows you can't do it with three

  • So same sort of idea. Here's a specific example, every step there in that shape is one unit. So you're walking around that path

  • Great, but can I do this with three colors? Let's start with green and then I move on to the next step

  • Well, it might be blue. Now, I want to step here. This has to be a different color. So let's have a different color

  • let's have red, now if I want to step on to the next one

  • Where it can't be red

  • So let's make it... oh it can't be green as well because I don't want to step back to the green

  • So it has to be blue. So that one's pretty okay. Now what if I take another step?

  • I think I've got a choice here.

  • I now think I can choose my color

  • I'm gonna choose green here for the middle, now for this if I take one step up, oh it can't be green

  • It can't be blue. So it's red. And if I step down to here, it can't be blue, green or red

  • So I need a fourth color. I can't do it with three.

  • It can be done with four and then, that's where we got to. 60 years ago

  • That's as far as we got, we showed that it can be done with seven

  • It can't be done with two, it can't be done with three

  • So maybe it could be done with four, five, six, and seven we know is definitely true. And that's where we were

  • 60 years, until recently.

  • So in 2018 an amateur mathematician found a walk, an example of a walk that can't be done with four

  • Which means it can only be done with five, which means four is not a solution. So we've eliminated four colors from this problem

  • So I call him an amateur mathematician. I think that's a bit of a disservice

  • This is a person called Aubrey de Grey who is a biologist who's famous in his own right in his own field

  • He works in anti-aging, he's a very interesting guy

  • Himself, but he does maths for fun. And this was a problem he was trying to do, for fun

  • And so he came up with a walk that can't be done with four colours and what he did is, he took

  • This example, it's got a name

  • It's called the Moser spindles, strange name, and he made copies of that which he fused together

  • So he fused together lots of copies of this, and he created this monster, this monster Network

  • 20,000 points

  • Huge thing, and then he got a computer to show

  • that

  • Four colours are not enough. It can't be coloured in with four, and it can be coloured in with five

  • Fantastic, we eliminate four

  • For the first time in sixty years. He then improved that, he wanted to find a smaller example

  • Smaller than this monster and he got an example that's I think

  • 1581 points so that's much better right so a much smaller example, but it's the same thing

  • It's an example that can't be colored with four colours

  • Can be done with five

  • so then he published this and

  • Mathematicians got stuck in they said well, can we do better? Can we find a smaller one the smallest we found so far is

  • This one here. So this is a walk found by Martin hooli

  • Who we have mentioned before, we talked about this guy and he colored in the Pythagorean triples

  • We did a video about

  • Pythagorean triples and coloring them red and blue, it's a similar sort of problem and he found this example

  • It's a walk with 533 points that needs five colors

  • So we've got red, green, blue and yellow

  • And then the fifth color is white, which is used only once, right there in the center

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There's been an advance in a sixty-year-old


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A2 初級

カラフルな未解決問題 - Numberphile (A Colorful Unsolved Problem - Numberphile)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日